Challenge Thrown Out

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I slowly open my eyes and shake my head. "Damn, I must've passed out." I mumble as I rub the back of my neck and look around. The sun is just starting to come up. I see Anix laying against a tree and Aziria is laying next to him with her head on his chest. Zen, Vexx, Raven, Harol, Jase, Magnus, Saber, Luna, and Kiba are all missing. "Guess they went home." I mumble as I see Zero and Snow asleep beside me. Velon, Ayden, Rose, and Marick are sitting on a branch watching the sun come up. As I stand up and stretch I hear a twig snap and disrupt the silence for less than a second. I notice Velon, Rose, Ayden, and Marick are all looking toward me. I shrug and look behind me. "Kai, be careful. Something just snapped but I don't sense any other animals near us." Ayden says as I stretch my arms and walk toward where I heard the sound come from. After a few minutes of walking around I hear a bush rustle behind me. Before I can react I feel a sword pressed against the back of my neck. "Who are you?" I ask as I slightly look over my shoulder. It's a guy that looks about 16 years old. He has short silver hair. He's wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black boots. He doesn't feel that strong. I think as he spins around his sword and lays it on his shoulder. "My name is Orion Himigaya. I've been looking for you, Kai Narukami." He says as he teleports behind me and pokes my spine. "You're really slow, you know that?" Orion asks as I sigh. "So what do you want with me?" I ask as he smiles. "We were at one time 10 members, but because of you, we now have 6 members." Orion says as I turn around and look at him. "Members for what?" I ask as he sighs. "Hunters, I'm the leader of the Hunter organization. We've lost several members due to you. You killed Galos in hell, Velon left us, Snow left us, and Lance was killed while assisting you in a fight against the king of demons." Orion says as I shake my head. "It's not my fault that they left you. And Galos was in our way, so we killed him." I say as Orion takes his sword off of his shoulder. "Well we need to replace our missing members, and you seem like a nice addition." Orion says as I smile. "Well how about a small competition?" I ask as he tilts his head. "What kind of competition?" He asks as I yawn. "You're remaining 6 against any 5 warriors, plus myself, I can find to help." I say as Orion smiles. "Sounds fair to me, whoever has the most wins on either team wins." Orion says as I nod. "Ok, then I'll go find my 5 others, meet us in the desert of death in one hour." I say as Orion holds out his fist. I quickly fist bump him and start walking away. "This should be easy." I hear Orion say as he teleports away. I quickly arrive back where everyone else is. "Hey guys! Who wants to help me win a fight!?" I shout as everyone looks over to me. Anix quickly jumps to his feet and runs over to me. "I do! Let's do this!" Anix yells as I look around. "Ok, I need 4 more." I say as Aziria and Zero walk up to me. I nod and look around. "Come on, 2 more." I say as Velon and Rose jump down from the tree and walk over to me. "Ok, when does it start?" Rose asks as I smile. "In one hour, but let's make sure we get there before them. We're going to the desert of death." I say as Velon opens up a portal and looks at me. "Then let's go." Velon says as we all walk through the portal as we arrive at the desert of death we see 6 people standing about 30 feet away. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WE WERE GOING TO FIGHT ORION!" Velon yells as he draws his sword. "Oh, hey Velon." Orion says as him and his 5 others walk toward us. On the far left is a girl with long red hair and 4 sword on her back. She has black armor on. Next to her is a man with spikey black hair. He has a eyepatch over his right eye and regular white clothes. Next over is Orion. Beside him is a short girl with bright white hair. She has loose white and blue clothing. Next to her is a man with long blonde hair. He has a long sleeve black shirt and baggy black pants. He also has 2 lip piercings and an eyebrow piercing. And finally, on the far right is a girl with very long black hair. She has bulky armor on that just doesn't seem to fit her look. "Let me introduce my team." Orion says as he steps forward and turns around. He points down to the girl on the far left with red hair. "That's Rei Tsakumi, next to her is Saturn. No one knows his real name, he just likes being called Saturn. Next up we have the short and unrefined Mikasa Salaz. Next to her is Inyo Hizuki, he's pretty quiet but hasn't even been severely injured yet. And finally we has Sazuki Ishio." Orion says as he turns around and smiles. "Ok here's the order well fight, whoever you're lined up with, that's who you fight. In front of me is Orion. I look around and notice who is in front of who. Anix will fight Rei, she has 4 swords so she might be a threat. Rose is fighting that Saturn guy, he doesn't seem too tough, but she should still be careful. I've got Orion, I don't know how powerful he is. Velon will be fighting that shorty, Mikasa. Aziria will be fighting Inyo. He gives me chills, he seems too bored. And finally Zero will he fighting Sazuki. It seems like a fair lineup. I think to myself and nod. "Ok, so Anix will fight Rei first?" I ask as Orion nods. Everyone jumps back except Anix and Rei. "Anix will need to be careful." Velon mumbles as I look at him. "Yea I was thinking the same thing, she can wield 4 swords. That seems dangerous." I say as Velon sighs. "Just watch, her abilities go far beyond those swords." Velon says as Rei reaches back and grabs 2 swords. "This fight will be close, no matter what." Velon mumbles as Anix readies his wrist blades.

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