Calling On Old Friends

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As I walk through the portal to hell I look around and see hundreds of dead demons. "What happened here?" Avil says as I sigh. "Looks like someone came through here. The demons tried to stop the person but were struck down with ease from the looks of it." I say as I hear clapping behind me. "Very deductive. I killed these demons as a training exercise." I hear Zen say behind me. I slowly look over my shoulder and see Zen wearing his bulky black armor. He's weilding a large red sword that's emitting flames. "Nice sword, who'd you kill to get it?" Avil asks as Zen smiles. "A hunter came to kill me, so I killed him and took his sword." Zen says as he looks at me. "Kai, your energy feels much stronger than it did before." Zen says as I feel his energy rush past me. Zen's energy knocks Avil off his feet but I don't move. "I've grown stronger than you can imagine." Zen says as he points his sword at me. I stare at him intently as he rushes toward me. I quickly grab Nirioki and block his sword. "Nice reflexes, but I'm still stronger!" Zen yells as I sigh. I teleport behind him and kick him in the back. He gets sent 50 feet away and quickly rolls to his feet. "I'm here to talk, nothing more." I announce as Zen stares at me, shocked from my speed. "Ok Kai, you got my attention." Zen says as he puts his sword into a sheath on his back. "Rukia has waged war on all angels and demons. We need your help fighting her." I say as Zen rubs the back of his neck. "Why would I help you?" He asks as I close my eyes. "Together, we can beat her. If we fight her one on one we will all surely parish." I say as Zen laughs. "She couldn't beat me! You can even beat me! I'm unbeatable right now!" Zen yells as I think for a moment. "How about we fight? If I win, you join us. You win, you can do what you want." I say as Zen laughs louder. "Ok, let's fight." Zen says as he unsheathes his sword. I quickly flow some of my energy into Nirioki and open my eyes. Zen's armor starts releasing large amounts of black energy. "I HAVE UNLOCKED MY 3RD RELEASE! YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE!" Zen yells as he teleports to me. I quickly teleport behind him and kick him in the back. My kick knocks him a few feet away and he laughs. "Is that all you got?!" Zen shouts as his sword starts emitting extremely hot fire. Sorry Zen, I have to end this quickly. I think as I rush all my energy into my release mark. I quickly enter my 3rd release as Zen runs toward me. He swings his sword and yells "DIE!" I quickly block his sword with mine, but the force of his swing knocks me back several miles. I get knocked back against the base of a mountain several miles away. The force of my body hitting the mountain cracked several hundred feet of the mountains surface. As I get off the wall Zen appears at me and swings his sword. "Not this time!" I yell as I teleport behind him and kick him in the back once more. The force of my kick sends him through the mile thick mountain. Dust gets kicked up almost a miles high as the mountain collapses and floods the area with a thick screen of dust and smoke. "Zen, I'm not as weak as I used to be! Just give up now!" I shout as I see Zen walking toward me. He has blood steaming down his face and dripping down onto his armor. I notice his right arm is broken and mangled. His armor is also chipped and cracked. "Heh, you've gotten stronger." Zen says as he pops his neck. "I won't join you though. I don't need help taking down Rukia." Zen says as I sigh and point my sword toward him. "I can't beat Rukia on my own, and you can't even beat me. You won't stand a chance." I say as Zen laughs. "I'm not as weak as you think." Zen says as he appears at me and swings his sword toward my throat. I quickly duck under his sword. He's not fast enough. I think as I kick him under his chin. The force of my kick rips the ground under us apart. I quickly flip backward onto my feet then teleport above Zen several hundred feet in the air. I quickly kick downward into his stomach as he coughs up alot of blood and gets launched down to the ground. His body hitting the ground sends a shockwave through hell. As I land next to him I see a 30 foot wide crater with him laying in the center of the crater. He has blood streaming from the side of his mouth. His armor on his stomach is completely broken and shattered inward into his stomach. "I avoided hitting any vital spots. Take this as a warning. Either join us and fight to survive, or Rukia will kill you. I'll give you a week to decide." I say as I turn around and start to walk away. "K-kai." I hear Zen say behind me as he coughs up more blood. I look over my shoulder and see him looking at me. "What happened to you? You're so much more confident, more serious." Zen says as I look away from him. "I fought Rukia in the desert of death. Then I watched her kill Raycar right in front of me. I will avenge him, even if it costs me my life." I say as I start walking away. After several minutes if walking Avil runs up to me through the thick dust cloud around us. "So what did he say?" Avil asks as I close my eyes and walk past him. "He said he'd think about joining." I say as Avil opens a portal behind me. "This way Kai. We're goin to your world now."

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