Out Early

89 13 2

As Velon and I start walking to our next class the intercom system comes on. "Everyone please go to the bus stop and get on your bus. Go home. Due to a fast approaching thunderstorm school is being cancelled." The lady on the intercom says. "How strong is this storm that's coming?" I mumble to myself. "That's not a storm." Velon says as he runs down the hall and I follow. As we get to the front door of the school we see Chelsea, Zero, and Vic watching the storm come toward us. "What is that?" I ask. "By the feel of the energy, it's a lightning demon." Zero says as Raven walks up behind us. "Yea but we can't move 200 feet at one-one-thousandth of a second." Raven says. "Well, you can't at least." Raven says looking at Zero, Chelsea, Vic, and me. "So are we gonna go fight a lightning demon or not?" Zero asks anxiously. "Yea, but this won't be a push over like most demons." Velon says as he opens the door and walks outside. We all follow behind him as he runs toward the lightning storm that's fast approaching. We quickly run to the storm and after several minutes if running, we block it. A burst of lightning strikes in front of us and a demon stands up. It has long yellow horns sticking out of the top of its head. It looks at us as its skin starts conducting electricity. We all grab our weapons and ready ourselves. Raven teleports behind the demon and kicks it in the back. The demon stumbles forward then lunges toward me. In the blink of an eye it gets to me. It swings it's hand at me but Zero and Vic block the attack. Zero pushes the demon back and Vic's sword Evanesa creates black fire. Vic swings her sword toward the demon and it narrowly dodges to the side. while the demon is in midair from it jumping to the side, Raven appears beside the demon and kicks it upward. The demon goes about 30 feet in the air and in the blink of an eye slams down on Raven. The demons attack kicked up alot of dust and smoke from its superheated lightning body striking the rock under us. Raven does a back flip out of the smoke and lands on his feet beside me. "It's alot faster than I thought it would be." Raven says as Velon appears behind the demon. The demon swings at Velon, but Velon blocks easily. As Velon flips over the top of his sword and brings his heel down on the top of the demons head, Chelsea runs up and punches the demon the in the face. The force of both their attacks cracks the ground and knocks the demon back 20 feet. The demon rolls to its feet and stares at us. "Velon, keep attacking. Your lighting style energy can counter its!" Raven yells as Velon pops his neck. "Got it." Velon says as he vanishes and appears the demon again. The demon quickly block Velon's attack and Velon smiles. Zero quickly runs up and cuts off the demons leg from behind. I see an opening and run toward the demon. I jump up and start to bring my sword down on the demons head. As I get close to the demons head, it vanishes and appears 30 feet away on it's feet. "How do we beat this thing!?" Zero yells as he notices it's leg has grown back. "It's just lightning with more of a sense to kill. It can just regenerate it's body from the clouds above or static energy gathered in the air." Raven says as the right side of his body gets covered in the black marks again. One streak of black goes through his right eye and it turns orange. "We need to eliminate all electricity in the air and then attack. Vic, superheat the air." Raven says as Vic swings evanesa and the airs gets much hotter. The air becomes steamy and thick as her sword lashes put through the air. "This will make It harder for him to absorb static energy." Raven says as Velon appears the demon and kicks it in the back. The demon comes flying towards me and out of reflex I swing my sword and cut the demon in half. My swing chills the air around me to extreme temperatures and the falling rain instantly turns to ice. "Kai, didn't I tell you to stop turning thunderstorms into blizzards?" Zero says jokingly as the demon freezes solid. Velon walks up and smiles. "Well its over." Velon says as he sheathes his sword. As he sheathes his sword the ice on the demon breaks and it punches Velon in the gut. Velon get the wind knocked out of him then the demon jumps back. "How did it survive!?" Vic yells. "Velon has alot of static energy on him, when he got near the demon, that demon absorbed the energy through the ice." Raven says as Raven appears at the demon and punches it in the face. The force of Raven's punch breaks the ground we're standing on and launches the demon back several hundred feet. After the punch, all of Raven's marking retract and he goes back to his normal form. "I used all the power I have at the moment to destroy the energy all around the demon. It won't be back." Raven says as he takes a deep breath. "So do we go home now? And was it really necessary to bring us? You and Velon seemed to have everything covered." Chelsea says to Raven. Raven looks at Chelsea and smiles. "Remember, you weakened with your hit, Zero weakened it, Vic weakened, Hell, we all weakened it. Me and Velon probably could've handled this on our own, but it would take much longer." Raven says as he rubs the back of his neck. "Now let's head back to town and enjoy the next several days off of school." Raven says as he starts walking back to town. "What do you mean 'next several days off of school'?" Chelsea asks as we follow Raven. "Kai, just caused a snow storm by freezing as thunderstorm." Raven says with a smile as we walk toward town. This means snow days. I think to myself as I smile.

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