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"We can lure the hunter away from the town, maybe pull him into the mountains in the west." Aziria says. "Yea, nothing really to be destroyed in the mountains." Raven says. I nod. "I'll alert everyone to the plan. You guys meet us out near the old mountain trail." Aziria says as she runs outside. I look at Raven and nod. Raven and I run over to Zero. "Let's go, we're gonna lure a hunter into the mountains so we don't destroy the town in the fight." Raven says. Zero sighs. "Why don't we ever try to avoid getting into trouble." Zero says. "No trouble equals no fun." Raven says with a smile. "Now let's go Zero, we're gonna meet everyone on the old mountain trail outside town. Zero smiles. "Well let's not keep anyone waiting." He says as we all run outside and toward the trail. After several minutes of running through the woods we arrive at a dirt path. "Aziria isn't here yet. Let's wait for her." Raven says. We all sit down and take it easy. After 30 minutes we see Aziria running toward us. Behind her we can see Vic, Yokun, and Zen. They all get to us and smile. I quickly look at everyone. "7 people to fight one hunter? This will be fun." I hear Vic say. "Let's get going." Zen says. I nod and we all start running up the trail. After a hour of running we feel the air start getting colder. "We must be getting high into the mountains, the air is getting cold fast." Zero says. I turn around and see the town very far below and away from us. I turn back around and keep running up the path. Raven stops running and turns around. "He's following us up the trail. But he's walking." Raven says. "Walking? Well he's definitely not in a rush." Zen says. "Don't get confident that he's slow. He's probably analyzing our energies and figuring out our weaknesses." Zero says. "At any rate, we need to keep going." Aziria says. We all turn around and keep walking up the trail. After several minutes of walking we see snow falling around us. It's getting harder and harder to breath the higher we go. Raven laughs. "He's still walking. At his current pace, it'll take him 5 hours to reach us." Raven says. Aziria pulls her watch from her pocket. "It's 5 pm right now. That means we'll be fighting him at 10 pm. Great, fighting in the dark. I always love fighting things when I can't see them." Aziria says. "I really wish someone had brought a tent, we could set up camp and wait for him. Raven could alert us when he's here." Zen says as Raven laughs and vanishes. "Did Raven really just leave us?" Vic asks. "I guess so." Zen replies. Raven suddenly appears in front of us with several bags on him. He lays them down. "You ordered the tents, right?" Raven says with a smile. I laughs as everyone stares at him. I quickly grab a bag and set up my tent. As the tents get set up Zero frowns. "There's only 4 tents." Zero says. "That's all I could carry, and that's also all I could find in my brothers house." Raven says. "Wait, you have a brother?" Zen asks. Raven sighs. "Yes, but that isn't important." Raven replies. "Well it looks like we all have to share tents." Vic says. Aziria and Vic laugh and get into one tent. Raven walks into a tent on his own. Yokun and Zen get in one tent and Zero and I get in the last tent. We lay on the cold ground. "We probably should've asked for mats or blankets or something like that." Zero says while laughing. "Yea." I reply with asked yawn. I quickly black out. I wake up to the sound of people laughing outside. Zero is still asleep. I stand up and open the tent and see Yokun, Raven, Zen, Vic, and Aziria sitting around a fire. "How long was I out?" I ask. Aziria looks at me. "Well." She says as she pulls out her watch. "It's 8 am." She says. "8 AM!?" I yell. "Did the hunter come here? Did I miss the fight?!" I yell. Raven laughs. "No, about 8 pm the hunter stopped moving. I think he set up camp too. He hasn't started moving yet. I was gonna wake you and Zero up when he started moving." Raven says. "Ok, and how did you make a fire up here? It's freezing out here." I say. Vic snaps her fingers and fire forms at her finger tips. I sigh as I walk forward and sit in front of the fire. "Tell us when the hunter starts moving." I say. Raven laughs. "I will." Raven vanishes as Aziria summons her sword and starts slashing the snow. I hear the tent open behind me. I turn around and see Zero rubbing his eyes. "Man, I slept like a rock." Zero says with a yawn. Zero quickly pops his neck and smiles. "So are we gonna fight the hunter today?!" Zero says. "Maybe." Vic replies. "How did you know he didn't come through last night and fight us?" I ask Zero. "Well, I never heard anyone fighting. And I sleep lightly in the cold." Zero says with a smile. Raven suddenly appears next to the fire. He has a sword on his hip and a gun on the other side of his hip. "Bullets usually travel faster than people." Raven says with a slight smile. Raven suddenly jumps back. "What's wrong?" Yokun asks. "No way." Raven says. "What's wrong?" I ask. Raven quickly draws his sword and his handgun and readies them. "The hunter went from being 2 hours away to being a few minutes away." Raven says. "Everyone! Quickly! Hide your energy signatures!" Yokun says as he jumps behind a rock. We all cut our energy flow and hide. We all hide behind rocks except for Zen who buries himself in snow at the entrance to our camp. After several minutes of waiting we see a man walking toward us. We can't make out any features or anything. We just see a silhouette walking through the mist caused by our camp fire meeting the cold air. This is gonna be a fight that no one will walk away from unscathed. I think to myself.

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