The Return To Killine

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Velon pops his neck and smiles. "So, you guys want to come with us?" Velon asks as I stare at him. "Us? Someone else is coming?" I ask as Velon nods. "They are already there though." Velon says as Zero pops his knuckles. "Let's do this!" Zero yells as Velon smiles and puts his hands on our shoulders. As I blink I see hundreds of skyscrapers in front of me. "Well Kai, we're back in Killine." Zero says as I nod. "Oh good, you're finally here." I hear someone say above me. I look up and see Raven sitting on a street light. "Raven, where did Marick go?" Velon asks as Raven shrugs. "He went chasing after a techian." Raven says as he points behind us. As I look over my shoulder I see several fallen trees at the edge of a forest. Soon I see Marick walking from the forest. His shirt is ripped a little. "He got away but I ripped both his arms off." Marick says as he pops his neck. Velon laughs. "Well, techians are tough, so be ready for a real fight when we meet Cobalt." Velon says as I look at him. "Who's Cobalt?" I ask as Velon rubs the back of his neck. "You could call her the queen of the techians." Velon says as Zero pops his neck. "Well, where do you think she is?" Zero asks as Velon shrugs. "I don't know." Velon says as Raven drops down next to me. "She's in the far tower on the opposite side of Killine. It's heavily fortified." Raven says as Velon sighs. "Looks like base releases aren't gonna be enough." Velon mumbles as Zero smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll beat this Cobalt chick easily." Zero says as Marick yawns. "Well let's get on with it, I'm bored." Marick says as I chuckle. We all quickly start running toward Killine. After several minutes of running, we're in the city. We quickly run past buildings. A techian runs around the corner of a building and charges toward us. "He's mine." Zero says as Zero quickly teleports to the techian. In the blink of an eye Zero summons his sword and cuts through the techian. We keep running as Zero kills all the techians in our way. "I think Zero likes his Midnight Blade too much." Velon says as I look back at him. "Midnight Blade?" I ask as Velon smirks. "It's a special kind of dangerous. It can be summoned from anywhere. The best part about the sword is that it absorbs energy. Techians run on energy, which makes that blade extremely useful to us." Velon says as I smile. "Sounds badass." I mumble as Zero stops. We all stop behind him as we see a large building in front of us. We see several hundred techians around the building. "Zero, wanna take care of this?" Velon asks as we see grey energy swirl around Zero. "Don't mind if I do." Zero mumbles as all of the energy around him absorbs into his sword. "Get out of our way!" Zero yells as he swings his sword sideways toward the building. We hear a loud explosion as parts of techians fall around us. "Damn, that was overkill." Marick says as Velon and Raven ready their swords. As the heavy cloud of dust settles, we see someone standing where the building was. Soon we see it's a girl. She has black armor woth blue lines on her. "Well, we found Cobalt." Velon says as the girls steps forward. She has two swords on her back and she has long silver hair. "I can candle this!" Zero yells as he runs toward Cobalt. He swings his sword toward Cobalt but she catches it with one hand. She quickly kicks upward into Zero stomach and ribs. The force launches Zero back far past us. I look over my shoulder and see him fly through several skyscrapers. "We can't beat her on our own." Marick says as he puts his hands together. "Let's see how she likes this!" Marick yells as a green energy ball forms in his palms. He quickly points his palms toward Cobalt and discharges a large blast of energy. In the blink of an eye we see several miles of buildings crumble from Marick energy ripping through them. As his energy dissapates he smiles. His smile is quickly replaced by a look of fear as we see Cobalt unphased from Marick's attack. "What the hell is she." Marick says as Cobalt appears at me. She quickly puts 2 fingers on my neck then closes her eyes. "You know Rukia. How is she?" Cobalt asks as I stare at her. "She died." I reply as Cobalt opens her eyes. "Oh, that's a shame. I really wanted to kill her." Cobalt says as she starts walking away from us. "I'll get Zero." Raven says as he vanishes. "So, why are you here?" Cobalt asks as she looks at Velon. "We came here for your head." Velon says as Cobalt smiles. "That's not very smart." Cobalt says as she unsheathes one of her swords. "I don't think you're strong enough to make me use two swords." Cobalt says as I grit my teeth. "Come on, let's do this!" I yell as I teleport behind Cobalt. I quickly attack her with a flurry of attacks, but she blocks them all. "You don't hit hard." Cobalt mumbles as I enter my first release. Let's see how she likes my barrage. I think as I quickly teleport all around her and attack as fast as I can. Suddenly she blocks my sword and grabs my throat at the same time. "Like I said, you're not very strong." Cobalt says as I grit my teeth. Suddenly Velon runs up and swings his sword toward her arm. "Fine, I'll stops holding back." Cobalt mumbles as she quickly jams her sword through my stomach. I cough up blood as she yanks the blade out then unsheathes her other sword. As my vision goes blurry I feel a sharp pain through my chest. Why can't I move?! I think as I see Cobalt kick Velon's knee in the kick him in the face. I see Marick run toward Cobalt as my vision starts going black. I see Cobalt swing her sword toward Marick as I black out.

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