Crashing Planets

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As Velon and I look around we hear Rukia laugh. "She's not holding back." Velon says as we feel the planet start shaking. Velon quickly grabs me and teleports to another planet. As I look up I see the planet we were just on start crumbling. I look around and see trees around me. Woods? I think as I suddenly feel energy rushing into me. As I look over my shoulder I see Velon pressing his hand against my back. "We won't win with your current level of energy, so I'm giving you some of my energy. It should boost you to at least half a release higher." Velon says as I feel my body become light. As I look around I see Rukia 60 feet away behind some trees. She smiles then vanishes. I feel her energy move to another planet and I grit my teeth. "I will avenge Vic and Raycar!" I shout as I teleport toward her energy. As I blink I teleport directly in front of her and punch her in the face with my left hand. The force of my punch cracks several hundred feet of the ground around me and launches Rukia through several miles of trees. Damn, and I was holding back too. I think as I smile and grip the handle of my sword in my right hand. Suddenly Rukia appears behind me and kicks toward the back of my neck. Out of reflexes, I back flip over her leg and swing my sword into her ankle. Before my sword cuts all the way through her, she teleports away. This power, it's incredible. I think as I feel Rukia teleport to another planet. As I start to teleport I feel Velon's energy appear near hers. I quickly teleport to Velon and appear beside him. "Nice to see you again." Velon says as Rukia growls at us. "You can't beat me!" She yells as Velon appears behind her and jams his sword through her chest. She suddenly teleports behind me and punches toward the back of my head. I easily duck under her punch and kick her in the stomach. The force of my kick sends a shockwave several miles away from me in every direction. As I look around I see miles upon miles of trees are flattened in every direction. "Stop holding back Kai, you gotta let loose to win this fight." Velon says as I feel Rukia's energy on another planet. "So how powerful are we right now? How strong would my attacks be if I stopped holding back?" I ask as Velon smiles. "If you weren't holding back you might be close to planet size. But I don't know for sure." Velon says as I smile then teleport to Rukia. She looks at me. I notice she's holding one hand over her chest. "I, r-refuse t-t-to, lose." Rukia mumbles as she coughs up blood. "Looks like we're just about done here." I say as I point my sword at her. I quickly teleport beside her and swing my sword through her neck. "I'm sorry, Rukia." I say under my breath as her head fall off and lands at her feet. Her body falls over as Velon appears in front of me. "I did it Velon, I finished the fig-" I get cut off by Rukia kicking me in the ribs. I get sent through multiple miles of trees but land on my feet. As I look forward I see Rukia's head is back on and she's smiling. "This is my world! I decide when I'm done fighting!" Rukia yells as she appears at me and punches me under my jaw. I grip my sword tightly as I black out. As I open my eyes I see Velon standing next to me. "ai! KAI! GET UP KAI!" Velon yells as I see a planet crumbling above us. As I slowly stand up I feel pain shooting through my body. "W.....what happened?" I ask slowly as Velon grabs my wrist and teleports back to the sand we first arrived on. "She punched you through a planet. You died for a minute but I channeled enough of my energy into you to bring you back to life." Velon says as my eyes widen. "I.....died?" I say as Rukia appears 12 feet in front of us. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. As I look behind me I see everyone is awake again. "We aren't done, Kai." Zero says as he removes his hand from my shoulder. In the blink of an eye everyone charges toward Rukia. As Velon and I sit back and watch we see Raven appear behind Rukia and kick her in the back of the knee as Zero and Zen swing their swords towards Rukia's neck. Rukia blocks both of their swords with her bare hands and Anix and Rose jump over Zero and Zen and double kick Rukia to the face. As she hits the ground I see Aziria and Marick fall onto Rukia and crush her chest and stomach. Rukia coughs up blood the laughs and heals. "It's sad how you think you can beat me." Rukia says as Velon and I join everyone. I step forward and walk close to Rukia. "Rukia, stop this. You don't have to do this." I say as Rukia smiles. "So naive. Everything must die, but by challenging death, you must die now." Rukia says with a slight giggle. As she starts laughing I close my eyes and feel my hair blow in the slight breeze. "If that's how you want it, then.....THAT'S HOW IT WILL BE!" I yell as I teleport behind Rukia and jam my sword through the back of her head. She quickly kicks back toward my knee but I easily jump above her leg. I quickly dropkick her back as I rip my sword out of her head. I do a quick back flip and land on my feet. "I won't lose. I won't die. I will avenge mt friends!" I yell as everyone readies their weapons. As we all start to charge we see a portal open up 30 feet away with someone standing in the doorway. "Rukia, stop." We hear a female voice say from the doorway.

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