Scarlet Dawn

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As I ready Nirioki Velon speaks up. "Alright everyone! Saras and Ayden will be summoning us soon. When we get there use these." Velon says as he hands us some DHC tags used to seal power. "These are our main plan. If these fail- everyone channel your energy into Kai. That will be our last gamble. It's just a hunch but I honestly believe that Kai can withstand that much power." Velon says as we all teleport. We all look around and see darkness. Soon billions of other beings appear everywhere around us, and I'm near the front. I'm in shock of how many beings will be fighting. Zen pats my shoulder. "Believe it or not, I think of you as a friend. Just thought I should tell you since this might be my last battle." Zen says as I start to reply. Suddenly a energy appears. The level of power is far greater than anyone thought as we all fall to our knees. "Damnit." Velon says as we all look forward. Suddenly we see Silvia. She has large red wings made of dark red and black energy. As she walks toward us, everyone trembles. She looks down at me and smiles. "Let's play." She mumbles as she waves her hand. In a loud explosion of energy I enter my fourth release and charge toward her. She grabs my wrist and tosses me aside. As I blink she throws me far beyond the limits of my vision. I dropped Nirioki while flying through the void. I look around but don't see anything. Suddenly a wave of energy rips past me. I look at it and see planets forming as far as I can see. Thousands upon thousands of planets were formed from her energy wave. "We need a more appropriate battle ground." I hear her say as I feel a hand on my back. I turn around as she thumps me back to where I was. As Velon, Aziria, Rukia, Sinclair, and Zero catch me I feel my body twitching. An intense pain shoots through my body. As I look around for Silvia I notice over half of our army is dead and the other half is scattered. My eyes widen as I see several planets falling toward us. "Damnit!" I yell as I hold up my hand and summon Nirioki back to my hand. I quickly swing my blade and send out an intense energy wave that destroys the falling planets. "This is just a slaughter fest. We can't win." Zen mumbles a few feet away. I look at him as Silvia appears in front of us. "Now!" I hear as hundreds of tags appear on the ground. Suddenly hundreds of chains come out of the tags and wrap all around Silvia. She smirks as thousands of demons jump toward her. With a slight sigh she breaks free easily and summons a red sword. She vanishes and all the demons are ripped apart. Suddenly several massive energy signatures. Aziria, Velon, Rukia, Zen, Raven, and Sinclair all summon a lot of energy. They all look around for Silvia. She suddenly appears in front of me and puts her hand on my cheek. "The future." She mumbles all she stares at me. She smiles lightly as Aziria swings Evanesa toward her. Silvia moves her hand and blocks the sword with one hand. Suddenly Orion appears behind Silvia but she kicks him back through a planet. Velon and Zen teleport all around her. As they start to attack, Silvia slams Aziria to the ground then jumps up and kicks both Velon and Zen. They get knock back as I see 2 plants crumble. We're all in our max release but we can't even touch her. I think as Sinclair shoots toward her. The bullet stops inches from Silvia then turns to dust. I feel a tear come to my eye as I realize it's hopeless. Without effort, Silvia rips through our army. Saras and Ayden attack her but she grabs Saras arrow out of midair and stabs Ayden with it then kicks him back through several planets. Silvia holds up her hand as trillions of swords and knives form. She pulls her hand down as all the weapons fly toward us. I swing Nirioki and summon Evony. It takes a lot of my energy to protect my self from the spawning weapons. Nearly and endless stream of blades falls upon us. "We can't win." Raven says as he teleport to Silvia and throws a punch. She grabs his fist and crushes it them teleport above him and kicks him in the head. She crushes his skull as his body falls to the ground. Suddenly I hear a woman yell behind me. "RAVEN!". A girl with blue hair runs past me and attacks Silvia with everything she has. I need to help, but why can't I move. I think as Silvia easily grabs the girl by her throat and slams her to the ground repeatedly. After a few slams her neck and head are bleeding profusely. Silvia throws her far up into the air as 2 planets come together and crush her. "What am I doing, why can't I move? What's wrong with me? I have to move. I have to do something." I think as I slowly move toward Silvia. As she looks toward me a sharp fear paralyzes my body. Saras and Velon attack her from behind but she blocks both their attacks and slam them to the ground. As Velon reverts back to his normal form he grabs her ankle. She drags him as she walks toward me. As she gets to me my ears start ringing and my vision goes blurry. I'm going to die, no, this can't be it. As Silvia pulls her fist back Luke she's going to hit me. I see her lips move but I don't hear anything. I see what looks like a tear fall from her eye as she throws a punch toward me. Suddenly a ball of pure black and grey energy forms around me. As I regain my senses I look around inside the dark bubble. As it disappears I see Silvia holding her arm as blood runs down her right arm. She's glaring toward me but I soon realize she's looking next to me. A few moments later I feel the massive energy next to me that's almost rivaling Silvia's. I look to my left and see someone with long grey hair and black and grey energy flowing off of him. A few seconds later I realize who it is. "Z-Zero."

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