The Fighting Tournament

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Aziria and Raycar stare at each other for several minutes. "Are they gonna do anything?" Chelsea whispers as she leans on Zero. I watch anxiously as Aziria moves her sword slightly. She quickly dashes toward Raycar and swings at him. He narrowly jumps back away from the attack. Raycar changes his energy from a sword to a bow. "Woah, I didn't know he could do that." I say as Raycar summons an arrow into the bow and fires. Aziria easily dodges the arrow as Raycar summons 2 more and fires. Aziria jumps up above the arrows as Raycar summons one big arrow and fires it. It splits into hundreds of arrows in midair. Aziria lashes out at the arrows with a blast of her energy. Her red and black energy destroys all the arrows and gets to Raycar. Raycar jumps back as the energy hits the ground inches from his feet. The collison of Raycar's and Aziria's energy created a thick layer of smoke in between them. Aziria lunges into the smoke and quickly pops out the other side, inches from Raycar. Raycar quickly changes his bow into a sword and blocks Aziria's attack. Raycar pushes her sword away and tries to sweep Aziria's legs out from under her. As he swings his leg toward hers, Aziria jumps up and kicks Raycar in the face. As Raycar gets knocked back 20 feet Aziria does a forward flip and lands on her feet. "Come on Raycar, stop holding back!" Aziria yells as Raycar spits blood out of his mouth. Velon suddenly appears beside me and sits down. "So, how do you win inside this arena?" Zero asks as Raycar shakes his head and readies his sword. "The only way to win is for your opponent to admit defeat." Velon says as Raycar and Aziria run toward each other. Raycar swings toward Aziria's throat, but Aziria falls to her knees and slides under Raycar's sword and past Raycar. She quickly sticks her sword in the ground and spins around, kicking Raycar in the back. Raycar gets knocked 10 feet away from Aziria and he lands on his front. He quickly rolls over then stands up as Aziria pulls her sword out of the ground. "They're really going at it." Raven says as Velon laughs. "This will be more fun than I thought." Velon says as Aziria runs toward Raycar and swings her sword. Raycar blocks Aziria's sword and grits his teeth. "I won't lose!" We hear Raycar yell at Aziria as his white energy wings emerge from his back. Raycar jumps up with his sword against Aziria's, and kicks her in the shoulder. His kick knocks Aziria off balance, but Aziria quickly regains her balance. Raycar flies toward Aziria as Aziria readies her sword. As Raycar gets to Aziria and swings his sword toward her neck, Aziria does a front flip over Raycar's attack and lands on his back. She quickly cuts off one of his wings and Raycar falls to the ground and slides several feet as Aziria jumps off. Raycar quickly stands up and breathes heavy as his wings solidify and shatter. Raycar grits his teeth and runs towards Aziria, swinging his sword like a madman. Aziria easily dodges all of Raycar's hasty attack and kicks Raycar in the side of the knee. As she kicks Raycar in the knee, he falls to one knee and looks up at Aziria. She puts her sword to Raycar's throat and smiles. "You can't beat me. Just give up." Aziria says as Raycar pushes her sword away. Raycar quickly stands up and jumps back away from Aziria. "I refuse to lose!" Raycar yells as he summons a large 2 handed energy sword. He quickly runs toward Aziria then jumps up high into the air. He falls down and brings his sword down on top of Aziria. All we see is Aziria bring her sword up before he hits her and dust and smoke go all over the place. We see a few chunks of concrete get knocked away from where Raycar hit Aziria. "What happened, I can't see anything." Chelsea says as we all watch anxiously. As the dust and smoke settle we see Aziria blocking Raycar's sword with one hand on her sword. She kicks Raycar in the stomach and he gets knocked back several feet. He coughs as he stops sliding from her kick. "How can you block my attack so easily?" Raycar asks as Aziria looks at her sword. "It's because I'm not a weak individual." Aziria says as she points her sword toward Raycar. He growls then screams as 4 giant wings made of energy form and rip his shirt off. We can see several scars on Raycar's body as he makes his sword even bigger. He flies up several hundred feet at blinding speeds then flies down towards Aziria. We see Aziria vanish as Raycar hits the ground. Some dust and smoke gets knocked up as the concrete floor shatters. Aziria appears 30 feet away from Raycar and smiles as she swings her sword around. "You're getting reckless." Aziria says as Raycar walks out of the smoke and dust with scratches on his body. "I'm not done yet, I'm just getting started." Raycar says as he flies toward Aziria at blinding speeds. All we see is a white blur as Raycar flies toward Aziria. Aziria quickly summons her energy and a wall of black and red energy forms around Aziria. Raycar quickly rams himself into the energy wall. The condensed energy from Aziria knocks Raycar back 50 feet to the center of the arena. Aziria quickly absorbs her energy and sighs. As Aziria slowly walks toward Raycar Chelsea laughs. "Well, that's not a suprise. Girls are very under estimated in today's society." Chelsea says as Aziria gets to Raycar. Raycar smiles and stands up quickly. He flies up several hundred feet and dive bombs toward Aziria at unfollowable speeds. Aziria doesn't have time to get away as Raycar hits the ground and cracks the entire arena. A thick layer of dust and smoke envelop the entire arena. "Did he get her, who won?" Chelsea asks as we all watch anxiously. After several anxious minutes of waiting the dust settles enough to see the shadowy figures. One is on the ground and one is standing up. The dusts settles a little more and we see the winner. Velon quickly stands up and smiles. "The winner, moving on to the next round. IS AZIRIA!" Velon yells as Aziria looks at us, smiling with a few scratches on her.

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