The Wasp And The Scorpion [Chapter 15]

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As I wake up on Aziria couch I slowly sit up and look around. I stand up and walk over to the front door. As I open it I see Aziria sitting on the porch.

"Sleep well?"

She asks quietly.

"Yea, how about you?"

I ask while stretching.

"I slept fine."

She replies. I notice there's a cold breeze. She looks back at me.

"Does something feel off to you?"

She asks with a frown. I feel the cold air rushing against me.

"Yea, it's August. It should be 90 degrees out here, that breeze feels like it's more like 40 degrees."

I say. She nods and stands up.

"Something is wrong, but I don't know what."

She says as she starts walking away from her house. I close the door to her house and walk behind her. We walk against the breeze and the more we against it, the colder and stronger it gets. As we walk through a tree line into a big clearing we see a man in the middle of the clearing and dead demons all around him. I see he has medium length hair, one side is black, the other is blonde.

I run toward him and he looks at me. As my eyes meet his my body freezes. His eyes are so cold, so void of emotions. He turns and starts walking toward me. As he gets close to me I notice his left eye is red and his right eye is white. He reaches forward with his left hand for my throat. Aziria appears in between us and tries to kick him but he jumps back away from her. As his eyes leave me I can move again. I quickly pull Nirioki from my pocket.

I summon Nirioki into its true form and run toward the guy. I jump to the side of him and swing. He ducks under my sword and kicks me in the ribs. He knocks me back 20 feet then regains his balance just in time to avoid Aziria. She swings her sword at him and he jumps away.

"I'm faster than you are."

He says calmly while I run back over to Aziria.

"Who are you?"

She asks him.

"I'm Raycar. I would ask for your names, but I really don't care."

He says as he rubs the back of his neck and closes his eyes.

This is my chance!

I think as I run toward him and swing my sword toward his throat. He dodges under my sword with his eyes closed.

His eyes weren't even open.

I think as he kicks me in the left leg and brings me down to one knee. As my knee hits the ground, he spins around and kicks me in the head. I get knocked several feet back and quickly roll to my feet.

Gah, his attacks aren't extremely strong, but he's fast. He's also very agile.

I think as I stand up. Aziria goes running up to Raycar swinging her blade all around trying to hit him but he easily dodges everything. I see him jump back near a pile of dead demons and grabs a sheathed blade.

"Sting like a wasp."

He murmurs as he quickly pulls it from its sheath and points it at Aziria. He starts running towards Aziria incredibly fast. He gets close to her and jumps over her, starting to swing the blade down on her. She goes down to one knee and barely blocks it with her sword. Aziria kicks towards him, but he blocks it with his sword by twisting his blade closer to him.

Of Angels and Demonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن