Rose Vs. Saturn

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Rose quickly rushes toward Saturn and he just throws a few simple punches. Rose quickly teleports behind Saturn and summons a black sword. "Let this thorn show you your place!" Rose yells as the sword turns into a large spike and pierces Saturn's chest. The spike is about a foot wide, a foot thick, and 20 feet long. Saturn smiles and turns around. He quickly rips the large spike out and smiles. He heals instantly. "This may not be boring after all." Saturn says as he stretches and teleports behind Rose. He throws a punch but Rose easily dodges. She gets close to him and summons another black sword and cuts his body several times. Once again his body heals almost in 1 second. "I have a unmatched healing speed." Saturn says as he throws punches all toward Rose. She easily dodges all his attacks and and hits him with her sword several times but he heals instantly. He laughs and summons a larger hammer to his hands and swings it toward Rose. She easily ducks under it again and again. After several minutes of Saturn swinging Rose teleports beside him and cuts through his leg. As her sword cuts through, it heals before she can attack again. "Damnit." Rose says as she jumps back. She stares at him for a minute then runs toward him. She attacks in a flurry of swings and cuts him all over. She then teleports behind him and cuts down through his spine. After a few seconds he pops his back and turns around. He smiles as Rose smiles back. "I see." Rose mumbles as she teleports behind him and cuts all through his spine. She then cuts the back of his knees and jumps back. After about 6 seconds he stands up and looks at Rose. "You see, you can't beat me." Saturn says as Rose laughs. "I'm just testing some things out, I'm not even going full strength." Rose says as Saturn yawns. "Well you're boring me." Saturn says as Rose teleports all around him and cuts through him in nearly a hundred different ways. After nearly a minute Saturn looks toward Rose and smiles. "Check." Rose says as she vanishes and reappears above Saturn. Suddenly her mark of power releases and her black thorns crawl up her skin. As she brings her sword down her mark jumps from her skin to her sword. A cut several hundred feet long hits the ground and cuts Saturn in half. After several minutes he comes back together and smiles. "See, no matter how severe the injury, I will heal." Saturn says as Rose smiles. "Stop acting so tough. I already figured out the secret to that healing." Rose says as she teleports behind Saturn and attacks with a flurry of attacks. Saturn jumps away from Rose and smirks. "I'm done getting hit." Saturn says as Rose teleports to him and cuts off his right hand. He grits his teeth as she smiles and teleports behind him. "Come on, this is too easy." Rose says as she slices all through Saturn's back. Saturn grits his teeth and jumps forward. "This is embarrassing, no one's ever pushed me to this, especially not a weak little girl." Saturn says as Rose looks at the ground and laughs. "Little....girl?" Rose says as Saturn holds up his hammer. "Any last words, little girl?" Saturn asks as black and blue energy form all around his hammer. "I'm not a little girl!" Rose yells as she runs toward Saturn. Saturn brings his hammer down as Rose swings her sword against his hammer. In the blink of an eye we all see a large scar on the desert of death going as far back as our eyes can see. The cut in the ground left by Rose's attack is nearly a mile deep. Saturn is standing wide eyed as he falls in 2 ways from being sliced in half. "No one calls me a little girl." Rose says as she grits her teeth. "Yea, don't piss off Rose." Velon says as Anix laughs. Saturn slowly pulls himself back together and laughs. "Even your strongest attack could not beat me." Saturn laughs and summons his hammer back to his hands. "Now, I'll show you the power of pure willpower to kill!" Saturn yells as he starts to bring his hammer down toward Rose. In the blink of an eye the ground starts getting ripped apart we all jump back several times. As we stop we see a giant crater almost a mile wide. "I am Saturn, no one can match my power!" Saturn yells as I sigh. "He's so sure of himself." I mumble as I hear Rose laughing. I look around but don't see her. "Divine Thorn, pierce your foe." Rose says as a large black spear comes flying out of nowhere and hits Saturn in the stomach. The spear cuts through several miles of the ground before is erupts into a detonation of pure energy. Black and white energy shoots up to the sky and pushes clouds apart, revealing hundreds of planets above us. "I win." Rose says as she appears in front of us. Suddenly the crater starts smoking. As the smoke dissapates the ground is back to normal. Orion looks around then vanishes. As he reappears he has Saturn on his shoulders. Saturn is ripped apart but is healing slowly. "So how did you beat Saturn exactly?" Orion asks Rose. "Well I noticed the more damage he took the slower he healed, so the only attack I had that could possibly beat the healing factor was my Divine Thorn, it drains all the energy of the target it hits then it pierces every cell individually. It's my ace." Rose says as I laugh. "Damn, that sounds badass." I say as Rose nods. Orion sighs and sets Saturn down. "Well next I would like to see Velon fight Mikasa." Orion says as Mikasa steps forward and so does Velon. Velon quickly draws his sword and smiles. "Rank 6 against rank 4, let's see who's actually stronger." Velon says as Mikasa smiles.

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