A Hunters Tool

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As we all look around we see we are in the woods near the town. As I look around I see only Aziria, Yokun, Zero, and Rose are with me. "What happened to everyone else?" I ask. "They ran away as soon as we got back into our world." Rose replies as Zero yawns. "Man I'm tired, that battle wore me out." Zero mumbles as he starts walking home. "It wore me out too." Aziria adds as she follows Zero. "Walking isn't my style." Yokun says while laughing. As Yokun says that he teleports away. Rose slowly walks up to me and pats my shoulder. "You did good, kid." Rose says with a smile. "So what are you gonna do now?" I ask Rose. She smiles. "I'm going back home, but feel free to visit." Rose says as she pulls a tag with strange symbols out of her pocket and hands it to me. "Well, see you around, Kai!" Rose says as she vanishes. I quickly put the tag in my pocket and start to follow the direction Zero and Aziria walked. I hear a twig snap behind me and quickly draw my knife. "Woah Woah Woah!" I hear a girl say from behind a bush. As the girl steps out I see it's Isabell from my school. She's wearing a red jacket and white pants. I notice she isn't wearing glasses like she was at school. Maybe she's got contacts, but what is she doing out here. I think to myself as Isabell laughs. "I was on a small hike and I heard a weird sound. I came over here and saw Zero and a girl walking away. Then a girl that was talking to you vanished into thin air. Are you guys like magicians or something?" Isabell asks nervously. "Uh, yea." I reply. Isabell smiles and starts backing away. As she backs away I notice a sword on her back. "You weren't hiking, were you?" I ask suspiciously. I see Isabell's eyes widen as her smile turns to an expression of shock. "What makes you think I wasn't hiking?" She asks. "Since when do you need a sword to hike?" I reply. She looks down at the ground then turns around and starts running away. I quickly chase after her. She's not an angel or demon, I can't sense angelic or demonic energy inside her. I think as I chase her. I quickly catch her and grab her arm. "What are you!? You randomly appeared after a flash of light!" She yells at me as she grabs her sword with her other hand. As she grabs the sword I feel the air get heavier. That sword has demonic energy flowing through it. I think as she swings the sword at me. I quickly duck under it and jump back. She readies her sword and breathes heavily. "Hey, where did you get that sword?" I ask. She looks at me for a moment then grits her teeth. "I don't know why it would matter, but I grabbed it off a dead guy in the woods. When I unsheathed the blade I felt so much stronger." She says as she looks at her sword. A dead guy in the woods. I think as I speak up. "So he was dead when you found him?" I ask. "Well, he wasn't really dead. But he died after saying I should fear him because he was a hunter. But he didn't have a gun so I didn't really understand. He died shortly after I picked up his sword." Isabell mumbles. It's a hunters sword, that's why it's so strong. I think as she runs toward me and swings the sword. I quickly summon Nirioki to it's true form and block her sword. "You really shouldn't be wielding that sword, it's too strong for you." I tell Isabell. "You just want to get the sword away from me so you can kill me and take the sword!" Isabell yells at me as she pushes me back. My feet drag against the ground from the force of the energy emitting from the sword Isabell is holding. She quickly jumps back a foot then runs to me and swings toward my neck. I easily bring up my sword and block her. "Stop this! I don't want to hurt you!" I yell as Isabell pushes her sword against mine harder. I quickly and lightly kick her knee. She goes down onto one knee as I quickly grab her wrist on the hand that's holding the sword. "Drop the sword!" I yell as she lowers her head and looks at the ground. She drops the sword and I put my foot on top of it and pick Isabell up. "Now, why did you think I was gonna hurt you?" I ask. "When you looked at me you drew your knife, and then the knife turned into a sword." She replies as I sigh and return Nirioki to its normal form and put it in my pocket. "I won't hurt you, I promise." I say as I pick up the sword and look at it. The sword looks alot like a katana but is glowing with black energy. "Give me your sheath for this sword." I tell Isabell as she hands over the sheath. I quickly sheathe the sword and hand it to her. "Don't attack me with it, but maybe it'll help with the bullies at school." I say with a smile. Isabell smiles and takes the sword. "By the way you swing that sword, it looks like you know how to use it." I say. "Yea, I found this sword about a month ago, and everyday since then I've came out into these woods and practiced." Isabell says as I rub the back of my neck. "You still have a way to go before you could really take me on, but you're pretty good." I say as stretch my arms. "I'm tired, so I'm goin home." I tell Isabell as I start walking toward my house. "Ok! Well I'll see you at school!" I hear Isabell yell behind me. I put one hand in my pocket and hold the other hand up and wave goodbye then put that hand in my other pocket. After around 20 minutes of walking I reach the town. As I start walking across the street, I hear familiar voices. "Hey look, it's the gay kid." Someone says behind me. I turn around and see 3 football players from my school. "You'd think you'd learn that you can't beat me after I kicked your asses 3 times. But I guess ignorance is abundant in this town." I say, not even removing my hands from my pockets. "Come on guys, let's show this little idiot we mean business." One guys says as the all come running to me. I sighs and kick the first guy in the face. As his body hits the ground the other 2 guys throw punches toward my face. I quickly duck under both their punches and kick one guy in the knee. As he falls to one knee, I quickly kick to the side and kick the other guy in the knee, breaking his knee. The guys scream in pain after I took them all down in seconds apart from each other. I quickly stand up and turn around, starting to walk off. "Now stay down, next time you challenge me I won't hold back." I say as I walk away. After a few minutes of walking I arrive at my house. As I open the door I see my mom sitting on the couch. "Hey mom." I say. She quickly looks and me and smiles. "Kai, I'm glad you're ok." She says. "I'm a little sore, but of course I'm ok." I reply as I walk upstairs to my room. As I walk in I see my backpack next to my bed and new sheets on my bed. I looks at my clock and sigh. 1 pm, as much as common sense is telling me not to sleep, I'm tired. I think as I lay down and put my hands behind my neck. I slowly start dosing off.

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