Helping The Helpless

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As we all go into my house Velon and Chelsea rush into the kitchen. "Wow, they are actually gonna have a brownie cooking contest." Zero says as everyone laughs. We all sit around on the couch and floor and turn on the television. "Several hundred acres of trees have been cut done in the recent months. Local individuals seem to think it's aliens." A news woman says on the TV. "They are not close to the right answer." Raycar says jokingly as Raven quickly stands up. "Did you sense that!?" Raven shouts as he looks around. "Sense what?" Zero asks. Raven sniffs the air and quickly runs into the kitchen "The brownies are done!" We hear Raven yell from the kitchen. "I thought it might be an emergency." Zero mumbles as everyone laughs and walks into the kitchen. We see 2 pans of brownies and Chelsea and Velon leaning against the counter. Everyone grabs a brownie from the first pan and takes a bite. Simultaneously everyone freezes. "Are they ok?" I ask. Raven turns to me with tears in his eyes. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted." Raven says as everyone nods. Everyone quickly grabs a brownie from the second tray. They shrug. "The first pan had the better brownies." Zero says as everyone nods in agreement. "Let me guess, you made the better brownies, didn't you Chelsea?" Zero asks with a smile. "Actually, Velon made the better batch of brownies." Chelsea says as Velon nods. "Wait, seriously? Velon! Stop breaking stereotypes!" Raven yells as Aziria glares at him. "Stereotypes are stupid." Aziria says as she walks away. Suddenly we all feel a spike in the air pressure. The sudden spike sends a wave of energy through my body. "What was that!?" Chelsea yells as Velon looks at his right palm. "Seems like a Castle class demon just entered this world." Velon says as a look of shock washes over Ravens face. "Is castle class bad?" Zero asks as Raycar sighs. "You were beaten by a king class demon. The order of demons are: Knight, King, Ripper, Castle, Death, and finally, Havoc. Satan is usually ripper class. The only real reason they are called castle class is because of their size." Raycar says to Zero as Zero pops his neck. "Let's go kill it!" He proclaims ad Velon laughs. "We don't have much of a choice, there's a mortal in the area near the demon." Velon says as Raven scratches the back of his neck. "Sounds like the demon is hunting." Raven says as Velon quickly runs out the front door. "Follow Velon, I guess." Raven says as we all run out the door behind Velon. Velon quickly runs down the road and into the nearby woods. After several minutes of running we see A demon standing 30 feet tall with 4 arms holding a kid by the ankle. As we look Raven speaks up. "That's the Marick kid from our school." Raven says as Raven teleports up and punches the demon in the face. The demon quickly raises it's arm up and swats Raven away like a insect. The force of the demon hitting Raven sends Raven through multiple trees. The trees fall to the ground with a heavy thud. Velon quickly teleports up by Marick and cuts the demons hand off. As the demons hand fall to the found several gallons of blood pour from the demons wound. The demon yells out in pain and pushes us all back. Velon quickly pulls Marick behind us. "So what do we do?" Chelsea asks as Aziria starts running toward the demon. "You hit it!" Aziria says as she jumps up by its face and swings toward it's neck. The demon starts to hit her but Raven appears between Aziria and the demons arm and stops it. We see blood running down half of Raven's face and down his left arm. Ravens skin is almost grey. Raven quickly smiles and appears at the demons face. We see Raven thump the demon. The ground around the demon shatters as we all get knocked back. As we look up we see the demon slowly standing up several hundred feet away. "He did that from thumping it!?" Raycar yells as we see a giant crater where the demon was standing. "That's Ravens second release." Velon says as he turns around and looks at Marick. I turn around and see most of the skin on Marick's right arm is ripped off. There's blood all over Marick's white clothes and all over Marick. "He won't survive." Raycar says as Zero stares at Marick. "Why didn't he run?" Zero asks as Velon looks at Zero. "Humans can't see demon and angels, remember?" Velon says as he lays his hand on Marick's chest. We see blue energy traveling down Velon's arm into Marick. "What are you doing?" Zero asks as Velon smiles. "He wouldn't survive as a human. So, I'm gonna make him one of us, he'll survive that way." Velon says as we hear a loud explosion behind us. As we turn around we see Chelsea, Raven, and Aziria attacking the demon several hundred feet away. So you can turn a human into a demon by channeling your energy into them, interesting. I think to myself as Velon stands up. "He should be fine." Velon says as he looks over his shoulder. "RAVEN! AZIRIA! CHELSEA! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Velon yells as Raven grabs Chelsea and Aziria and teleports behind Velon. "I want to teach this demon a lesson for making me have to use alot of my energy to save a pathetic mortal." Velon says as blue energy starts swirling around Velon. Velon holds out his sword and all of his energy absorbs into it. "Back up." Raven says, pulling us all back. We see the demon start running this way on its 2 legs and 4 arms. Velon quickly swings his sword towards the demon that is several hundred feet away. A huge wave of energy launches out of the sword. The wave of energy levels several miles of trees. "Holy shit!" Raycar exclaims as Raven laughs. "Not even in your first release. Stop holding back, Velon." Raven chuckles as Zero takes a step back. "Hey, we need to get Marick somewhere he can heal." I say as everyone nods.

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