A New Mission

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As Snow and I follow Luna, Snow sighs. "How long before we find the-" Snow gets cut off as Luna stops. "They're a little ways ahead of us, and there is someone else with them." Luna says as we all run forward. We see Saber, Magnus, and Jase looking around frantically. "He got away!" Magnus says as Saber puts her hands in her pockets. "I wouldn't say that!" I hear a familiar voice say. That voice, it couldn't be. I think as I see a man jump out of a tree several feet away from me. "Zero." I mumble to myself as Zero turns around and smiles at me. "What's up, haven't seen you in a few days." Zero says as I smile. "Yea, I'm with these guys." I say as Magnus rushes toward Zero. "Gimme one second." Zero says to me as white energy forms on Magnus's hand. Zero quickly pulls a black sword out of thin air and spins around. He swings his sword at hits Magnus's energy. A large explosion is pushed backwards, leveling several acres in front of Zero. "Kai, I learned a new skill. I can repel any energy attack. So looking at how his energy was explosive, I just made his explosive energy detonate on himself." Zero says as Saber runs toward him. She pulls a blade out of thin air and swings toward Zero's throat. I quickly teleport in front of Saber and block her sword. "Don't attack my friend." I say as I glare at Saber. Snow quickly appears beside me. "Kai, is this your new girlfriend?" Zero says behind us as I push Saber away then kick backward and hit Zero in the stomach. "I'm not Kai's girlfriend." Snow says as Zero scratches the back of his head. "So, you're single?" Zero asks as Snow smiles then kicks him across his stomach and ribs. Zero coughs up a little blood as he gets knocked back against a tree. "I-I'll take t-that as a yes." Zero says as he wipes blood from his mouth. "So this group you're with, are they strong?" Zero asks as I nod. Suddenly we hear a tree fall beside us. We look over and see Magnus emerging from a pile of fallen trees. "That kid hits hard." Magnus says as he pats dirt and dust off of his armor. "I was holding back." Zero says with a slight smile. "Well as much as I want to join your little group, I actually came looking for Kai." Zero says as I look at him. "What do you need me for?" I ask as he sighs. "A military group known as the DHC, or Demon Hunter Core, are hunting demons left and right. Aziria, Velon, Raven, and I were training in the woods when they showed up. A girl named Jericho and a guy named Axton injured Raven and took Aziria. We want as much help as we can get to get Aziria back." Zero says as a feel my body get hot. "They took Aziria!?" I yell as I grit my teeth. Bastards. I think as I pop my neck. "Snow, go get Kiba. Saber, Magnus, Jase, and Luna, just go home." I say as in the blink of an eye Snow vanishes then reappears with Kiba beside her. "So what's going on?" Kiba asks as I look at him. "The DHC took one of my friends, we're gonna get her out." I say as Kiba sighs. "Sounds dangerous, let's do it." Kiba says as he smirks. "Oh one other thing, we have two more people helping us get Aziria back." Zero says as I look at him. "Who?" I ask as I hear people walking towards us from behind us. I look over my shoulder and see Rose and Velon walking towards us. Rose quickly hugs me then slaps the back of my head. "You just left your friends!?" Rose asks as I smile and shake my head. "I'll explain later." I say with a smile. "Long time no see Kai, even though it's only been two days it feels like forever." Velon says as I nod. "Well, should we get moving?" Zero asks as we all nod. Velon quickly snaps his fingers and we appear in front of a military base. "Whatha hell?!" Kiba says as he looks around. "I can teleport people." Velon says as Kiba runs up to him and starts inspecting his body. "Uh, Kai. Is this guy always this weird?" Velon asks as I think for a moment. I smirk and pull my sword out of my pocket. "Not always, only to people he wants to date." I say as Velon growls and Kiba backs away. "So, let's get started." Snow says as we run up to the 20 foot high fence around the compound. Rose sighs and speaks up. "We shouldn't climb it, we'd definitely be shot. What should we d-" She gets cut off as Snow's swings her sword and destroys the fence. "That works." Rose says as we run into the compound. Suddenly we hear a loud, piercing siren go off all around us. "What's going on?" Velon asks as we see hundreds of guards run out and surround us. Suddenly they move apart in front of us and 2 people step forward. Jericho and a man. The man has short white hair. He's wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black boots. He has a large scythe on his back. "So, you came for your friend? That's nice." Jericho says as Axton yawns and sits on the ground. "What are you doing? Stand up you idiot!" Jericho yells as Axton glares at her. As Axton's eyes meet Jericho's she backs up and looks away. "So are we going to fight you or are you going to fight yourselves?" Velon asks as Axton yawns again. "I'm just tired and bored." Axton says as he lays down on the ground. Zero quickly summons his sword from thin air and readies it. Jericho sighs and unsheathes both of her swords. "Looks like I have to handle this." As she starts to rush forward we see her freeze then fall to her knees. Soon I feel a large energy hit me. "Please, entertain me." Axton says as he stands up and takes his scythe off of his back.

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