Rose: King of Demons

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"Well, let's get going." Rose says as Velon walks up to me and smiles. "Looks like we're working together this time." Velon says as he walks past me. I quickly turn around as Lance and Zero walk past me. Zero smile and looks back at me. "I had a similar reaction when Lance told me he wanted to train me." Zero says as he starts walking again. I quickly walk and catch up to the group. "Be calm, we're about to fight the king of demons." Rose says as we slowly walk up the volcano. After a few minutes that volcano become extremely steep. We slowly climb up, grabbing rocks that are sticking out of the rock. After several minutes of climbing we all pull ourselves up onto the top of the volcano. We walk a few feet and look down into the volcano. "So where is Jexin? The king of demon?" Velon asks. "This volcano is a portal to the underworld, that is where we will fight him." Rose replies as she jumps off the ledge toward lave hundreds of feet below us. Velon laughs. "Well, I'm not gonna be shown up by a girl." He says as he jumps off. Lance and Zero sigh and jump off. "This seems like a bad idea." I mumble to myself as I jump off. As I fall I close my eyes. Why did I do this!? I think to myself as I hit the lava below. As I sink in the lava I open my eyes. The lava is cold and clear as air underneath the red layer on top. After a few moments of sinking I feel like I'm laying down. I sit up and see grey skies. "Where am I?" I mumble to myself. "This is the underworld." Rose says behind me. As I look around I see mountains all around. "Jexin probably knows we're here." Zero says as the ground starts shaking. "Yep, he definitely knows we're here." Lance says as a mountain crumbles off in the distance. A cloud of dust covers the area around where the mountain was. Suddenly we see a arm come from the dust. The arm is as big as the mountain was. We all back up as another arm comes out and crushes another mountain. "You didn't tell us that Jexin's true form was a dragon!" Lance yells. A dragon? I think as I notice scales all over the arms. "So those aren't arms, they're legs!" Zero yells as a huge head slowly comes out of the dust. The dragons head has 4 horns sticking out of the back of its head. Suddenly it lifts it's front legs up and rears up onto it's back legs. As it rears up it stands high above the dust cloud, showing 2 large wings. It flaps it's wings once and destroys several mountains around it. "What are we about to fight?" Velon asks as we all grab our swords. Suddenly the dragon turns to dust. "What the heck." Zero says under his breath. Suddenly a man appears 20 feet away from us. He has solid black armor with spikes coming from his shoulder and 6 spikes lining his spine. "Sorry if I scared you, I haven't seen mortals in centuries." The man says. "Who are you?" Lance asks. "Me? I am Jexin." Jexin says as a sword forms in his hand. "Usually I fight gods and hunters, that's why I showed myself in my dragon form, it usually scares people away." Jexin says as he looks at his sword. "We came here to kill you." Lance says as he draws his 2 swords. "Really now?" Jexin says as he points his sword toward Lance. "Please, entertain me." Jexin says as Lance runs toward him. Lance swings his swords toward Jexin's throat and ribs. Jexin laughs and vanishes. He appears behind Lance and kicks Lance in the back. The force of the kick levels half the mountain. We all quickly run toward another mountain and jump towards it. We all stuck our blades in the rock and pull ourselves up onto the other mountain. As we turn around we see several miles of mountain destroyed from Jexin's kick. "Lance!" Zero yells as Jexin turns around and looks at us. "Anyone else want to entertain me?" Jexin asks. "I don't think we can fight him." Zero says as Velon smiles. "I haven't met anyone this strong before, but Jexin probably hasn't met anyone on my level yet either." Velon says as I rush energy to my mark and enter my first release. "Kai, what's with the X on your neck?" Zero asks. "X?" I reply. "Kai, when you enter your release you have a mark on your neck that looks like an X. And when we fought you get jagged lines all over your body that look like lightning." Rose says. "I see." I reply as blue and green energy surround Velon. "Your energy is stronger than it was last time we met, Kai." Velon says as 2 black streaks come down from his eyes to his chin. His eyes turn white as his blade starts discharging green lightning. "I also have gotten stronger. Now let's kill Jexin." Velon says as he vanishes. Rose quickly enters her 2nd release and Zero enters his first. I quickly run and jump toward Jexin. As land next to him and he smiles. "Ready to entertain me?" Jexin asks as Zero flies down behind him. He looks over his shoulder. "Hmm, this is getting interesting." Jexin says as Rose appears next to him and punches toward him. He quickly blocks her punch with one hand as I swing my sword. He block me sword with his other hand. Zero swings his blade toward Jexin's head but Jexin easily ducks under it. Velon suddenly appears between me and Rose and punches Jexin in the face. The force of the punch cracks the rock we're standing on. Jexin gets knocked back through a mountain behind him from Velon's punch. "We can beat him if we work together." Zero says with a smile. A large dust cloud formed from the mountain crumbling. Suddenly we see Jexin walk out of the dust cloud with a few scratches. "Not bad, but you're gonna have to do better than that to kill me." Jexin says with a smile as 3 blades go through his back. A look of shock goes over Jexin's face as he grits his teeth and smiles. He quickly vanishes and we see who punctured Jexin's back. A man wearing a red jacket, black pants, wrist blades, and black boots. "Anix!" I yell out with a smile as Anix quickly runs over to us and smiles. "Hey little bro." Anix says. "How did you know we were here?" Zero asks. "I can track my brothers energy, and it came here and suddenly spiked, so I got worried." Anix says as Jexin appears 10 feet behind us. "Looks like you need help." Anix says as he holds his wrists blades up by his face. "Little brat, how dare you attack me from behind!? Coward!" Jexin yells as Anix laughs. "Come on guys, let's end this quickly." Anix says with a smile.

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