Rose: Downfall

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"How do we fight him!?" Zero yells as Jexin stares at us. "Hit him with everything you have!" Velon yells as Velon vanishes. We see Velon appear by Jexin's eye and cut through Jexin's eye. Jexin let's out a roar from pain. The roar cracks nearby mountains. "Let's go!" Anix says as we all rush toward Jexin. We all jump up onto Jexin and start cutting through his rocky armor. I stab through his armor and freeze armor all around where I stabbed him. As I pull my blade out his armor crumbles. I look over and see Zero slicing through his armor with everything his has. Suddenly we hear satan yelling behind us. I look behind me and see Satan jumping toward us without a weapon. He grabs onto Jexin's armor and starts ripping it off with his bare hands. "I'm only helping this time, I hate my father more than all of you!" Satan yells as he uses his claws to rip through Jexin's armor. Jexin's roars in pain as we cut his skin. Jexin flaps his giant wings, trying to blow us off. The gust from his wings knock us all down several feet, but we jam our swords into his skin to stop ourselves. Jexin roars out more as we cut him further. Velon suddenly appears by me and sticks his sword into Jexin's skin. "It's gonna be a while to bleed Jexin out. Especially since he's healing as fast as we cut him." Velon says as he smiles. "So do you have a plan to finish his quicker?" I ask. "Yea, but you're not gonna like it." Velon says as he cuts Jexin. "We need to be eaten." Velon mumbles. I sigh and cut Jexin a little. "Ok, if we can kill Jexin, I'll do what I need to. Let's go." I reply as Velon grabs me and teleports to Jexin's mouth. Jexin roars out in pain as Velon throws me into Jexin's mouth. Velon quickly teleports into Jexin's mouth next to me as we get swallowed. I cut through Jexin's throat as he swallows us and Velon does the same. "He can only heal his exterior, his interior is very vulnerable." Velon says as we roll down his throat. We both jam our swords into his throat as we get to the end of his throat. We look farther into him and see a heart the size of a mountain. "Wait, where's his other organs? Like his lungs, liver, kidney, intestines, where are they?" I ask as Velon laughs. "He's the king of demons. He doesn't need food to survive so those internal organs aren't required." Velon says as Velon grabs me and teleports onto Jexin's heart. We both start slashing away at Jexin's heart. Blood gushes all over us as we cut all over his heart. Velon jumps up and yells out. "Discharge!" As green lightning blasts out from Velon's sword and rips all through Jexin's heart. We hear Jexin's body start falling as Velon looks around quickly. "Kai! Grab on!" Velon yells as he jumps up and grabs the backbone of Jexin. I quickly jump up and reach out for Velon's hand. As our fingertips touch he grab my hand and pulls me up. I grab onto Jexin's spine as Velon and I both cut through his spine and cut our way out of Jexin. As we get out we quickly run and jump off Jexin's back. We fall straight down at extreme speeds. We both quickly look around as Zero quickly flies to us and grabs both of us by the back of our shirts. As Zero lands and puts us down we see Jexin's body fall into the deep pit he arose from. The ground shakes as his body hits the ground. The mountain under us starts crumbling from Jexin's body hitting the ground. Suddenly we all appear several miles away on solid ground. "Whatha heck." Zero says as we all look around. Raven suddenly appears in front of us and sets down Raycar. "Ok I think I got everyone." Raven says as he sighs. "We did it!" Zero yells as he smiles. "Don't get so cocky." We hear behind us. We all turn around and see Satan smiling. "Now you have to fight me." Satan says as he summons a large red blade that's the length of his body. We all smile as he runs toward us. As we all start running we hear. "Can I borrow someone's sword?" We turn around all see Raven and Velon standing side by side. "Come on, I need a sword." Raven says with a smile. Zero tosses his sword to Raven. "Ok Velon, let's end this quickly." Raven says as Raven and Velon vanish. We look to satan and see two sword go through satan from behind. As he falls to his hands and knees we see Raven and Velon. They quickly jump opposite directions and rip satan in half. "That was so easy." Raven says while laughing. Out of nowhere we hear clapping all around us. We all start looking around trying to find who's clapping. After several minutes the clapping stops. Suddenly a man appears several feet away from us. He has long silver hair with 2 black horns growing out of his forehead then angling back. He's wearing heavy gold armor. "I'm impressed. Mere kids killing the king of demons and satan. Very impressive." The man says with a smile. "This definitely won't be the last time I see you." The man says as he vanishes. "Who was that?" Zero asks. "He looked like one of the demon lords. Their a little weaker than Jexin." Velon replies to Zero. Rose sighs. "Well, at least we killed Jexin." Rose mumbles to herself. "Yes we did, now I'm hungry." Raycar says with a smile. "So is it time to go back to the mortal realm?" Zero asks. "Yea, it's time to go back home." Raven replies to Zero as Velon holds up his sword. Green energy forms all around his sword. He quickly discharges the energy. Bright white light blinds me as we teleport to the realm of mortals.

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