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As I wake up I see Aziria sitting in between Raycar and me on the couch watching tv. "Hey, what time is it." I ask her. She looks over at me then back to the tv. "It's 12:30 pm, nice to see your awake." She says. "How long have you been awake?" I ask. "Since I woke her up." I hear Raycar say from the kitchen. "Oh, well what time was that?" I ask. "Hm, around 11 AM." Raycar says as he walks into the living room with a plate of bacon. "Zero stopped by ealier." Raycar says. "Huh? Zero? What did he say?" I ask. "I'm not quite sure, I was mostly still asleep. He said something about hell though." Raycar says as he eats all the bacon quickly. Aziria sighs. "Let's just go talk to Zero." She says as she stands up. I stand up and stretch my legs. Raycar stand up and takes his plate to the kitchen then walks back to us. "Well let's go." Raycar says as he pops his neck. Aziria nods and walks out the door. I follow and Raycar follows behind me and closes the door. We all walk behind Aziria, following her to Zero's house. After a few minutes of walking we arrive at a small one story house. The house has 3 steps leading up to the front door with a small porch area. Aziria knocks on the door then opens it up. As we walk in we see a small room with a couch and a chair. Aziria walks around a corner then walks back to us. "He's taking a shower." She says. "Did you see that?" Raycar asks with a smile. "No, I can hear the water running, stop being immature." Aziria says. After several minutes Zero walks out with a towel around his waist. I notice multiple scars on his chest and stomach. Aziria looks away and covers her eyes. "GO GET SOME CLOTHES ON!" She yells at him. He smiles and walks past us and stands in front of a wall. He pushes against the wall and it opens up. What the heck. I think as I see him close the wall behind him. After a few minutes he walks out in a white shirt, grey pants, a black jacket, and red and white shoes. "New look, Zero?" Raycar asks. "Yea, got these earlier cause my other clothes were ripped from fights." He says. Aziria quickly speaks up. "Raycar said you came over earlier and said something about hell, what was it?" She asks. Raycar frowns and looks at Zero. Zero smiles. "Vexx went to hell to talk to his old girlfriend. They broke up a year ago and she went missing. We saw her when we were in hell, but Vexx went to find her earlier." Zero says. We suddenly hear a knock at the door. "Speak of the devil." Zero says as Raycar opens the door and Vexx falls forward onto the floor. We all rush over and see him bleeding alot from cuts all over his body. As we pick him up he points out the door. We see a girl sitting on the top step and staring at the sky. "Damn, you did bring her back." Zero says as he walks outside. "Yuki, long time no see." Zero says. Yuki stands up and turns around. "I'm only hear cause I would've died if I hadn't come." She says. "Died? How?" Zero asks. "Well, Vexx came and started talking to me, and satan got mad. So satan and Vexx started fighting. But before the fight could really get started a man showed up and started killing everyone. Vexx said his name was Anix and that we needed to leave. And here we are." Yuki says. "Apparently Vexx fought hard, he's beat up badly." Aziria says. Anix? My brother? But why? I think to myself. Zero quickly looks at me. "Kai, get ready, we gotta find your brother." He says. "O-ok" I say shocked. "Raycar, Aziria, Yuki, you all stay here and make sure Vexx is ok." Zero says as he jumps off the porch and runs across the street into the woods. I follow behind him and catch up quickly. "Kai you ready?" Zero asks quickly. "Yea, why?" I ask as Zero grabs his sword and cuts the air. A portal forms and we run right through it. I look around and see we are in hell running straight for a pile of rubble. The closer we get the more screaming we hear. As we get to a gigantic pile of rubble that was once a castle, we see dead bodies everywhere. We see Satan on one knee breathing hard. We quickly run up to him. "Where is Anix!" Zero asks as Zero holds his blade to Satan's throat. Satan looks at us and closes his eyes. "He's on the other side of what used to be my castle." Satan says as he collapses. Zero runs around the rubble and I follow. As we get around the rubble we see Anix fighting 3 guards. In a flurry of swings we see Anix kill the 3 guards. Anix looks over at me and smiles. I notice his hair is red rather than blonde. He looks normal beside that. He quickly lunges toward me I quickly draw my sword and blocks his right hands wrist blades. He starts to swing with his left hand but Zero grabs his left forearm and jabs his sword through Anix's neck. Anix gasps and vomits blood. "Anix!" I yell as I quickly look at Zero. "Why did you do tha-" I say as I get cut off by Anix laughing like a madman. Anix kicks Zero in the stomach and knocks Zero onto the pile of rubble. Anix quickly does a back flip and kicks me in the chest. I wake up several miles away. I try to move but a shock of pain goes through my body. What just happened? I think as I stand up with the help of my sword. Zero suddenly appears and helps me up. "It's as I feared, that's not Anix, that's his darkside, Vanya. He is one of the few with a darkside that has a name." Zero says. As I look forward I see Vanya walking toward us. "But, this is gonna make the fight easy for us." Zero says as a man drops down in front of us. "If your gonna fight, at least stop using the easy way to win." The man says. The man vanishes and appears in front of us. He has a white shirt with a long black jacket going down to his knees with black pants. He has 2 swords on his hips. "Gotta make this quick, I'm the reaper in charge of this sector. My name is Harve. Ok gotta go, bye." Harve says as he vanishes. He quickly appears behind Anix and kicks him in the back. "Come on, I'm more of a fight than those two kids." Harve says. Vanya turns around and swings at Harve. 3 waves of energy come from Vanya's wrist blades and rip through several miles of hell. Zero throws me over his shoulder and teleports a mile away. Zero sets me down. "This should be far enough." Zero says as Vanya goes flying past us and keeps going for several miles. Harve suddenly appears in front of us and points his index finger at Vanya. Teal and black energy forms at the end of his finger. Harve smiles and whispers. "Havos." The energy turns into a laser and blasts toward Vanya. In the blink of an eye, multiples miles of hell in a straight line are destroyed. A trench 30 feet deep is formed from where Harve is standing and goes multiple miles to Vanya. I see Vanya running toward us. "Time to stop holding back." Harve says as I look at him and he draws both his swords. Vanya gets close to us and lunges toward Harve.

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