The 8th Member

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As Snow smiles and stares at me, I ready my sword. "So he's the last person I have to beat?" Snow asks as Kiba nods. She quickly appears at me and punches toward my face. Out of reflex I teleport behind her then jump away. Again she appears right at me. Damn she's fast. I think as I teleport into the trees 40 feet away. I watch her from behind a tree as she looks around. "Are we playing hide and seek now?" She asks as she vanishes. "If so, I win." She says as I feel a tap on my shoulder. As I look behind me I see her foot coming toward my face. I quickly yank my sword up in front of her kick. The force of her kick knocks me down through several trees. "Gah." I mumble under my breath as I look at my left hand. My left hand is broken and the bones are protruding from the flesh as blood drips. I quickly push the bones back in as the skin heals quickly. I make a fist with my left hand then look around for Snow. "Where did she go?" I mumble to myself as she appears in front of me and punches me in the stomach. The force of her punch knocks the wind out of me and makes me cough up blood. She runs forward with her fist against my stomach as my feet and arms go numb. She quickly pulls her fist away and lunches me again with more force. I cough up alot of blood as I black out. As I sit up I see a line of broken trees going for several hundred feet. At the end of the broken trees I see Snow sitting on a fallen tree. "So did I make the cut?" She asks as I black out again. I jolt awake in a cold sweat in the darkness of my room back at our teams house. "Nice to see you're awake." I hear Snow say from somewhere in my room. As my eyes slowly adjust I see her sitting in the floor next to my bed. "How did I get back into my bed?" I ask as I rub my ribs." My ribs are still throbbing but have mostly healed. "I carried you back to the house and Kiba showed me where your room was, so I laid you down on your bed." Snow says as I sigh. "And did you just sit there till I woke up?" I ask as she laughs. "Kinda, I fell asleep in the floor. I actually just woke up about 10 minutes ago." She says as I get out of bed and stretch. "Well, you beat me up pretty good. Since you beat me, that means you must be the new member of our little team." I say as Snow stands up and stretches. "Yep, I'm the 8th member of your little group. I think this will be more fun than being a hunter." She says as I walk of my room. She follows as I walk outside and into the woods. "You're the only female hunter I've ever seen, is there a reason for that?" I ask as we walk through the woods. "Well, hunters don't really think that girls are good enough to be hunters. I just proved to be stronger than a few of the hunters." Snow says as I nod. "I see." I say as I stop and stare at the sky. "Are you ok?" Snow asks as I nod. "Yea." I reply as I look ahead. Suddenly I feel Snow's energy shoot up. I quickly turn around and see her holding her sword tightly. "Woah, what's wrong?!" I yell as Snow runs past me. She quickly vanishes and I teleport, trying to keep up with her energy signature. After a few minutes I finally reach her. She's standing at a clearing in the woods. As I look ahead I see several guys kicking a animal. As I look closer I see it's a cat. It's screeching in pain as they kick it. "HEY!" Snow yells as the guys look toward us. Some of them smile and start walking towards us. I feel a sick anger bubbling in my stomach from witnessing them abuse the animal. As they get to us one guy pushes me back and smirks. "What's a loser like you doing with a beautiful girl like this?" He says as he states at Snow. Another guy walks up to her. "That's a nice sword. I think your face looks better though." He says as I roll my eyes. Snow quickly grabs one of the guys by their throat and growls. "You make me sick!" Snow yells as one guys pushes her back. "What's your problem, bitch?!" Says the guy that she was choking. "Come on guys, let's get her." One guy says as I laugh. "That's a bad idea." I say as a guy walks up to me and punches me in the face. I quickly reach forward and grab his throat as the other run over and try to pry my hand from his throat. I quickly let him go then take a step back. "We'll kill you for that!" One guy says as he pulls a small knife out of his pocket. I sigh and quickly knock several of them out. "Take your friends, and go home." I say as they nod and quickly pick up their friends and run away. "Ok Luna, do your thing." I hear Snow say as I look over and see Luna amd Snow standing next to the cat. I quickly walk to them as Luna heals the cat. "Wait, how did Luna get here, and how did you know she could heal things?" I ask Snow as she smiles. "Well while you were distracting those idiots I ran back to the house and asked if anyone could heal anything. Luna said she could so I picked her up and carried her here." Snow says as I hear a meow. As I look down I see a black cat rubbing against Luna. "I hate people that abuse others. I hate people that abuse animals even more." Snow says as I smile. She's a good person.

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