Kai Vs. Raven: Semi-final Match

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I quickly pop my back as Velon and Chelsea teleport up to us. "So, next match will be Kai and Raven." Velon says with a smile. The arena heals the few scratches it got from the previous match. "Ok Kai, let's do this." Raven says as he teleports into the arena. "This is gonna be amusing." Zero says as Aziria laughs. "Don't lose to quick, Kai. I want to have some recovery time." Velon says with a smile as I jump into the arena with Raven. Velon smiles and holds one hand above his head. "This is the semi-final match! The winner of this match will fight me in the final match! May the better man win." Velon announces as Raven smiles. "So, Kai. You ready to fight?" Raven asks as I pull out Nirioki and summon it to its true form. "I'm ready." I say as I rush all my energy into my release mark and enter my second release. "I still find it weird that in your second release your body becomes extremely pale. Almost like a darkside release." Raven says as I smile. I just need to focus on his energy and I can tell where he'll be teleporting too. I think to myself as I feel the energy shift behind me. I quickly spin around and swing my blade. Raven blocks it with his hands as a look of shock goes across his face. As he jumps back his hands drip with blood from the cut caused by my sword. He stares at me then I feel the energy shift slightly lower than me behind me. I quickly spin around and again he blocks my sword. I pushe him away as he bleeds more with 2 cuts on each hand. Why did he do it again? Is he testing me? I think to myself as I feel the emerge shift in 5 places around me. I quickly spin my blade all the way around me but Raven appears behind me and lays his hand on my shoulder. "So you're just tracking where my energy is going. It's not a bad strategy. Too bad it won't work anymore." Raven says as he kicks me in the back. His kick knocks me 30 feet away from him and I land on my side. I quickly roll to my feet as I feel 3 energy disturbances around me. I quickly jump away from the energy disturbance but 2 more disturbances form behind me. How can he change the direction of his energy in mid-attack? That's a very special form of energy control. I think as I do a forward flip and kick toward the 2 energy disturbances. My left leg kicks him in the face and he gets knocked back 10 feet as I quickly pull my legs back under me and land on my feet. How do I fight him. I'm barely doing anything. I think as Raven laughs. "Not bad, you're one of the first to actually counter my teleportation this many times." Raven says with a slight chuckle. "But sadly, play times over." Raven says as white energy forms in his palm. The energy condenses into a white sword. I feel 6 energy disturbances around me and I quickly choose one to block. I feel Ravens sword mine as he smiles. "Lucky choice." Raven says as I feel a sharp pain down my back. As I stumble forward I turn around and see a trail of blood. He, he hit me. I'm bleeding. I think to myself as I feel warm liquid running down my back. I feel my whole body feeling warm as my vision starts going blurry. "Let me have control." I hear a voice say inside me. No no no, I won't let you take control. I have to fight this battle fairly. I think to myself as I turn around and see Raven staring at me. "Come on Kai, I'm getting bored. Zero was alot stronger than you." Raven says as I grit my teeth. He wants someone stronger than Zero. I won't let you have control, whatever you are. But I do need to borrow your energy for a moment. I think to myself as I hear laughter in my head. Suddenly red and black energy starts whipping all over the place. "You want my energy, you can have some of it. But you might not like the pain that follows." The voice says inside me. I swing my sword as Raven and half the arena crumbles. The swing crack the rest of the entire arena. I'm too strong, I can't swing toward my friends. I think as I look up and see Raven 200 feet above me. I teleport above him and bring my heel down on the top of his head. The force of my kick launches him down and destroys the entire floor of the arena. More cracks go up the wall as Zero, Aziria, Raycar, Velon, and Chelsea jump back away from the edge of the wall. I quickly fall down on top of Raven and bring my sword down next to him. The blast wave from my attack knocks me away from my sword and knocks me all the way back to the wall that my friends were as. As my head hits the wall my vision starts going blurry. I look up as a large chunk of concrete falls toward me. I black out as it hits me. "Up." I hear a voice say. What, who is that. I think to myself as I hear a loud ringing. "Up, -et up. Get up!" I hear Zero scream as I jolt up woth a splitting headache. I put my hand on my forehead and feel liquid. As I pull my hand in front of my face I see blood on my hand. As I look around I see Zero, Chelsea, Raycar, Aziria, Velon, and Raven looking at me. I look past them and see the walls and floor of the arena regenerating. "What happened?" I ask as everyone laughs. "Damn, you were talking about me going overboard." Zero says jokingly as he helps me up. "Had me scared for a moment. If you had hit me with your last attack, I'd probably be dead." Raven says as he pats my back. As he pats my back a shot of pain goes through me. "Gah!" I yell as I cough up a little blood. "Oh, sorry. You shouldn't have pushed yourself that far." Raven says. "Yea, yea, I know. So I lost, huh?" I ask as Velon nods. "Well go sit back and relax, it's time for the final event." Velon says as he and Raven walk to the center of the arena. We all teleport up into the audience as Velon and Raven stare at each other.

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