A Friend Turned Dark

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Zen slowly looks at his armor and grins. "I knew one day I would become as strong as satan." Zen says as Anix steps forward and taps Zen's armor with the back of his hand. "It's solid armor, probably made from the condensed energy of Jea." Anix says as Anix starts walking towards the portal home. Zen slowly looks around. "If we leave, who will rule over all these demons?" Zen asks as Anix looks over his shoulder. "They can pick a new ruler on their own. Let's go, we don't need to keep Rose and Raven waiting." Anix says as we all start walking. "I still think someone should stay and rule over these demons." Zen mumbles under his breath. After a while of walking we get back to the portal. "That was quicker than I expected." I hear Raven say from the other side. We all quickly jump through the portal and land on the soft grass of our world. "So how did everything g-, Zen, where did you get that armor?" Rose asks quietly. "Oh, I killed satan and this armor appeared on me." Zen says as Rose inspects the armor slowly. "There's not doubt about it, that's the armor of pure hate manafested." Raven says as Rose sighs. "It's strong armor, and it usually makes the wearer of the armor cocky. Gives the wearer an ego just as big as the armor itself." Rose says. "Well I feel normal, not any different than how I normally feel." Zen says as Anix rubs his wrist blades over Zen's armor. "Well looks like your ego was already as big as the armor. It didn't change you cause you were already like that." Anix says as Zen pushes him back. Zen's push knocks Anix back multiple feet. "I'm alot stronger with this armor! Don't even try to fight me!" Zen yells. "Yep, he's the same." Raven says woth a slight chuckle. "Hey! Shut up, you're just jealous cause I can fight anyone in this armor!" Zen yells to Raven as Raven smirks. "Anyone, eh? Ok, how about Me, Rose, Kai, and Anix fight you right now?" Raven asks as Zen grins evilly. "Sure your pathetic insects, let's fight." Zen says as Raven appears behind Zen and kicks him in the back of the knee. Zen falls to one knee as Rose runs up and kicks Zen in the stomach. Zen laughs and stands up. "His energy is being corrupted by the armor." Raven says as Zen turns around and smiles. "My energy isn't being corrupted, it's growing stronger. You just think it's evil because it's so much stronger that your energy." Zen says as Rose laughs. Zen looks at Rose. "What's funny you impudent bitch?" Zen says as Rose glares at Zen. "Well first off, I'm pretty sure we can all wipe the floor woth your weak ass. Second, just because you might be growing stronger, doesn't mean your growing smarter. So please stick to your limited vocabulary you microcephalic adopate." Rose growls as Zen grits his teeth. "Rose, stop using big words, I don't think Zen is smart enough to know what they mean." Anix says as Zen runs toward Anix and swings his two swords. Anix blocks both swords with his wrist blades and smiles. "What's the matter Zen, are you getting mad?" Anix asks as Raven appears beside Zen and kicks him in the ribs, knocking him away from Raven 10 feet. Zen coughs up blood and looks at us. "You are not better than me! You will never be better than me!" Zen yells as Rose sighs and grabs her sword. "You're too full of yourself, you're just a pretentious brat." Raven says as Zen growls. "What's going on here, I thought you were all friends?" We hear behind us. We turn around and see Velon standing on a branch 30 feet off the ground. "We were, but they can't accept the fact in stronger than everyone now." Zen says as Velon laughs. "You think you're stronger than everyone else?! Are you kidding!? You're still weak." Velon says as he vanishes. Zen growls again as Velon appears behind him appears and kicks him in the back of the knee. As Zen falls to one knee Velon jumps over Zen's head then knees him in the face. Zen falls to the ground but quickly gets up. "Velon, what are you doing here?" I ask. Velon looks at me and smiles. "I was gonna go for a stroll and take a break from fighting, but this is nice too." Velon says as Zen swings both of his sword towards Velon. Velon quickly drops down onto the ground into how you would do a push up. Velon quickly pushes his body through Zen's legs and rolls to his feet. Zen quickly turns around and swings both his swords again. Velon stops the swords with his forearm. Both blade cut his forearm and Velon smiles as blood rolls down his arm. Velon quickly grabs his sword with his free hand and stabs Zen in the foot. Zen yells out in pain as Velon kicks Zen's arms away. Zen gets knocked off balance as Velon removes his sword from Zen's foot. "Zen, you can't beat me. No matter how much stronger you become, I will always be ahead of you." Velon says as Zen stumbles around. "I dont have to put up with this." Zen says as he opens a portal. "He can open a portal now!?" Raven yells out. "Yes, I can, now I'm going to go rule over hell." Zen says as he walks through the portal and closes it behind him. "He was still weak." Velon says with a smile. "Oh, Velon. Since you're here, is it true?" I ask. "Is what true?" Velon replies as I tighten my fist. "Is it true that we are related?" I ask as Velon smiles. "Well, we're pretty much cousins." Velon says as he looks around. "We'll have to continue this conversation some other time. I have just been given a mission." Velon says as he vanishes. "Well, today is going alot worse than I predicted." Raven says. I feel water drops start hitting my face as it starts raining. Soon it's pouring. Our clothes become wet and cold. "Come on Kai, let's go home." Anix says as Raven and Rose teleport away. I look up at the sky as the rain hits hard aginst my face. Zen, what's wrong with you. How could armor change you so much as to fight your own friends. I think as I look at Anix. He starts walking away and I follow.

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