As The Chaos Settles

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As everyone walks away, Velon and Anix stay with me. "Well, we won." Anix says, trying to be positive. "We lost alot of people though." Velon says as I nod. "So, what happens now?" I ask as Velon and Anix look at each other then me. "We keep fighting whoever tries to mess with us!" Anix yells with a smile as Velon laughs. "Yea, we'll just keep fighting." Velon says as Anix stretches. "Man I'm tired, I think I'm gonna go home and sleep." Anix says as Velon nods. "Good idea, I think we all need rest." Velon says as I remember when I entered my third release on my own. "Hey, Velon. How come when I went into my third release on my own it hurt tremendously when I went back to my base release but when you gave me some of your power it doesn't hurt?" I ask as Velon and Anix look at me. "Well its my energy. Once it's inside you, you won't be hurt by it unless I completely give you my energy. And I didn't give you nearly as much energy as I have stored." Velon says as I nod. "That makes sense, I guess." I say as Anix starts walking away. As he's walking away he throws up his right hand and gives up a peace sign as he walks away. I'm glad all the chaos it over. I think to myself as Velon pats my shoulder with his hand. "Man, it was a good fight though. It wore me out, so I'm gonna go home too. I'll see you around." Velon says as he teleports away. As I slowly walk home I look up at the clear blue sky and listen to birds chirping for a minute. I'm just gonna take it easy. I think to myself as I sit down and lean against a tree. I watch birds flying and clouds pass over head through the holes in the trees. Finally, something peaceful. I think to myself as I stretch then put my hands behind my head and lean against the tree. So peaceful, I could probably fall asleep. I think with a smile as I yawn and close my eyes. I want a break from fighting. I think as I slowly dose off. What feels like a blink is actually a few hours. When I open my eyes the sky is red and the sun is about to set. "Damn, I really did dose off." I mumble to myself as I stand up and stretch. An uneasy feeling is all around me. The birds have stopped chirping and the wind is completely still. It's so quiet, my ears are ringing. I slowly look around and notice nothing in moving. Some things not right. I say as I slowly pull Nirioki out of my pocket and look around. Suddenly I hear something cracking and popping in the distance. Birds fly away from the loud noise as I quickly run toward the sound. After several minutes of running I arrive at multiple fallen large trees. What happened? I think to myself as I see someone wearing a black jacket woth the hood up, black pants, and black shoes walking away from me, deeper into the woods. I quickly jump over the fallen trees and follow the person. After several seconds I stop and look around. Damnit, where did they go? I think to myself. Suddenly I feel someone behind me. I quickly spin around and swing my sword toward their throat but they duck under my sword then jump back. I notice its a man. He has short white hair coming down to chin. His hair is parted in a way that only shows his left eye. "I'm not here to fight." He says as I stare at him. "Who are you?" I ask as he looks at me. "Really? You attack me then ask my name? I think you should say your name first." He replies as he stares at me. "Fine, my name is Kai Nar-" He cuts me off. "I already know your name, but at least you had some politeness." He says as I glare at him. "How do you known my name?" I ask with a slight growl. "I've been watching you for a while. I think you would make a good addition to my team." He says as I stare at him. "What team? Who are you?" I ask again as he smiles. "My name is Kiba Hazuto." He says as I stare at him. "And for the team I mentioned, it's just a group of powerful people I'm getting together. We want to fix this corrupt and broken world." Kiba says as I sigh. "So you're crazy." I mumble as he vanishes. I quickly open my eyes and look around. He's fast. I think as he appears behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "If you don't join my team, I won't have much use for you. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't really need you." Kiba says as he appears in front of me and punches me in the gut. All the air is knocked out of me as I get knocked back against the tree behind me. As I fall to the ground gasping for air I cough up blood and slowly stand up. "Oh, you have some fight in you, I like that." Kiba says as I quickly teleport to him and swing my blade toward his neck. I see him smiles as he ducks under my blade then kicks me in the knee. As I fall to one knee he does a back flip and kicks me in the face with his other foot. As I get knocked several feet away I quickly roll to me feet and look around. Damnit, he's gone again. I think to myself as he appears in front of me and grabs the collar of my shirt. As I stare at him he smiles and let's me go. "Ok Kai, you can join us, I just wanted to make sure you didn't die easily. Most demons would have died by now, sadly." Kiba says as he starts walking away. "Oh, if you don't join us, I will have to kill you though. You're choice." Kiba says as I sigh and walk behind him unwillingly. I might be able to fight him in my 3rd release, but that would probably draw too much attention. I think as I walk with him. "Kiba Hazuto huh? Well how many people are on this team you're making?" I ask as he smiles. "You'll see." He replies.

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