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As Aziria, Zero, Raven, and Vic start walking back to town, I sigh. Man, this is all so tiring. I quickly catch up to everyone. After several minutes of walking in silence we get back to town. Aziria pulls a watch out of her pocket. "It's 6 pm, let's all get some rest. I think we should all go back to school tomorrow." Aziria says. "Yea." Zero replies. Raven laughs. "Me too, huh?" Raven says. Vic shrugs and starts walking home. Everyone starts going home and Raven ruffles my hair. "Ya know, I might just drop by your school." Raven says. "Ok." I reply as I straighten my hair. "See ya later." Raven says as he vanishes. I really need him to teach me that trick. I think to myself and start walking home. As I walk in the front door and close it behind me my mom walks out from the kitchen and smiles at the sight of me. "Haven't seen you in a while. You're just gone so much these days." She says. "Yea, sorry, I'm just....around." I reply. She laughs and sighs. "You look tired, maybe you should get some rest." She says as I walk by her. "That was my plan." I reply as I walk into my room and kick off my shoes. I fall face first onto my bed and sigh. My body feels heavy, probably all this running around. I'm not used to it. I think to myself as I fall asleep. It feels like I blink before it's morning. I stand up groggily and look at my clock. It's 7 am already? Dang, I didn't even dream. I think as I quickly change out of my dirty clothes into a white shirt, white pants, and white shoes. "Today feels like white would be a good color." I mumble to myself. I quickly run out the door and start running toward school. After several minutes of running I arrive at the front doors to school. I open the door and walk in. As I walk in I see Zen and Zero yelling at each other. Their alot different outside school. I think to myself as I shrug and walk by them. As I walk down the hall I hear someone say behind me. "Nice white hair, loser." I quickly turn around and see a football player looking at me. Everyone starts laughing at his comment on my hair. I smirk. "Are you mad cause you're weaker than me?" I say. He pops his knuckles. "You got guts talking to me like that you little idiot." He says. He starts running toward me and I pull my hands up in a defensive position. He throws a punch and I easily knock his hand away. I quickly throw a punch next to his head and miss on purpose. "Ha! You missed!" He says as he spits in my face. I smile as I bring my elbow back and thrusts my knee forward. My elbow hits the back of his neck and my knee connects with his ribs. The force of my knee and elbow makes him do a forward flip and land on his back. As I look down at him I notice he's out cold. "Pathetic." I say as I walk away. I quickly walk into my Algebra 2 class. As I wall in and sit down I see Vic walk in. She smiles and sits behind me. As the teacher walks in he smiles. "Well nice to see two of our students are finally back." The teacher says. He's not my original teacher. I think to myself. The class laughs as the teacher smiles. "So, Vic, what's your excuse for not being here?" The teacher asks. Vic sighs. "I've been sick." She says. "Ahh, well Kai, what's your excuse?" The teacher asks. "I slept the entire time. What can I say, I'm lazy." I reply with a smile. The teacher laughs. The teacher gives us notes. We all study the entire class period. When class ends we walk out into the hallway. I hear yelling down the hall and see alot of kids gathered around. I run down there and push my way into the circle. As I get through I see Raven standing in front of a girl and 8 guys yelling at Raven. "What's going on here?" I ask. Raven speaks up. "They were making fun of how this girls hair looks, little bastards." Raven says as he grits his teeth. I look at the girl and see she has long black hair. She has a dress on and has glasses. She stands about 5 foot even. I stand next to Raven. "Get out of here, this girl looks fine." I say to the guys. Zero and Zen walk up behind the 8 guys and look at each other. I run toward the guys and tackle one of them. I quickly punch him in the face. I hold back as much as I can, but my first punch breaks his nose and knocks him out. 2 guys start to hit me from behind but Zero and Zen kick them in the face and knock them out. A hush goes over the the ring of people. I hear people mumbling all around. "T-thats Zero, he beat the entire football team." One of the bullies says. Zero smiles and tackles that bully. As Zero is beating him down another bully kicks him in the face. Zero falls back and the remaining 4 guys jump onto Zero and start hitting him. I grab one and punch him in the face as Zen kick one off of Zero. Raven picks the last 2 off the ground while grabbing the back of their necks. Raven slams the 2 kids together and drops them. As they hit the ground the one that Zen kicked starts crawling away. As he gets to the edge of the crowd of people Raven grabs his ankle. "Someone help me!" The guy screams as Raven picks him up off the ground by his ankle. "You guys are pathetic, ya know?" Raven says with a smile. "Apologize to this girl or I'll break your ankle." Raven says. "I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry. I was just following my friends. Please forgive me!" The guy yells. Raven drops him and laughs. "Man, just get out of my sight." Raven says. The guy quickly gets up and runs away. Several girls walk from the crowd of people and stand around Raven. Their all hugging on him and he's laughing. I sigh and rub the back of my neck. I walk over to the girl that was being picked on. "Sorry about those bullies. Hey, what's your name?" I ask her. She giggles. "You can call me Isabell." She says. "I already know you, Kai Narukami." She says while giggling. "Ok, well I'll see you around, I'm goin to my next class." I say as I run down the hall. The rest of my day is normal. after school I see Dillan with Zero. They are yelling at each other and Dillan storms off. Well this is a weird day of school. First a fight and now Zero and Dillan getting mad at each other. I think to myself as a hand lands on my shoulder. I quickly spin around and see Raven. "Oh, thought you might've been someone trying to pick a fight with me." I say while laughing. Raven laughs lightly. "Kai, you got a hunter coming for you. I felt his presence when he started walking toward this town." Raven says. "Is it Velon?" I ask. "No, it's around the same power level though." Raven replies. "I just thought you should know so you can get ready. I can feel his power from here and he's several miles away." Raven says. "If he has that much power, a fight with him could level this town." I hear Aziria say behind me. I turn around and see Aziria smiling. "Don't worry, we can all take him on. How powerful could one hunter really be?" Aziria says sarcastically.

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