False Divine

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Silvia summons another large red sword and crosses them. "This is the end Kai. It was fun, but it's o-" I don't let her finish, I teleport behind her and threw a kick in mid teleport and kick her in her legs. She stumble but quickly kicks back and sends me through several planets. I barely receive a scratch upon inspection. "This power, it's far beyond anything I could imagine." I mumble as I channel energy into Evony. It turns into multiple colors. The colors of everyone's energy. I'm the last hope. I think as I quickly teleport back to Silvia. As I appear she's already throwing a punch. I quickly duck as a kick hits me and launches me straight up far beyond where I was. I fly through the void with great difficulty in stopping. Eventually I halt and shake me head. "This still seems too overwhelming." I say to myself as I feel a sudden burst of energy. "No! I have the hope of everyone. Every last soul! I'm the last chance, I have to win!" I yell out as Silvia appears in front of me. As she throws a punch I hear a girl laughing. Silvia stops and teleport away briefly. "Was someone here? Is there someone still alive?" I mumble as I feel several energy signatures appear near me. I look back and see a man and woman with long white hair. They smile lightly and hold out their hands. "My name is Yaguya Ashen." The man says as the girl smirks. "I'm Glaire Zexen." She says as I stare at them. I feel an intense energy that's almost the same as Silvias. "We can't tell you everything about us or much about us. But we can say that we feel bad watching you get toyed with in such a way. Silvia thinks she's unbeatable, but she's not. There's more to this- this plane than you realize. Don't worry, Silvia can't touch us. You'll understand later." Yaguya says as I feel a insane amount of energy flow into me. "Win this fight. We're watching." They both say as Glaire winks and Yaguya grins. Suddenly they vanish. Evony turns bright white and so does Nirioki. I put more energy into Nirioki and it turns into its scythe form. Suddenly I hear my inner demon and angel laughing. "Fine." The demon says as I take a deep breath. "Here kid, I'll lend you all my power." He says as the angel scoffs at the idea. "You aren't worthy of my power." She says as I sigh. Suddenly I feel my energy increase yet again. "Kid, don't you dare die. I won't forgive you." He says as I pop my neck. Suddenly I grow 2 large wings. The left one is black and the right on is white. I smile as I feel my body tingling from the power. "Die." I whisper as I teleport to Silvia as grab her by her throat. Suddenly I notice my hair is white and shiny silver. I smirk as she throws a punch and I block it. It hurts my hand slightly but I stopped it. In that exact moment I felt my spirit explode into a flurry of hope and optimism. Suddenly the tides have leveled out. As I punch her in the gut a large white flash blinds me. "That was my energy." I mumble with a smile. As I look around I notice all the planets are gone. "Silvia, you're a false god. A true God wouldn't be defeated by a mortal. You should be ashamed." I say as she appears at me. "Don't get cocky!" She yells as she throws a punch. I barely block it. She smiles and laughs. "You do know I'm not in my released form yet, right?" She says as my eyes widen. "Crimson Lance." She mumbles as something pierces my chest. I look down and notice a large red Lance stuck through my chest. I feel numb as she laughs. "You don't seem to understand that I'm far beyond anything you can compare with. I'm holding back so this doesn't end too quickly. But this fight is ov-" suddenly a gold Lance pierces my stomach and Silvias. Her eyes widen as I look behind me slowly with blood running down my lip. I see a man with heavy gold armor and long silver hair. He looks so familiar but I can't remember his name. Before I have much of a chance to think about it, Silvia speaks up. "Telas, what- what are you doing here." Silvia says as Telas smiles. "I told you I would kill you. You banished me to hell. After thousands of years of planning and coordinating, I have you. I manipulated the Humans, Demons, and Angels just to get what I want. This is my reality now. I was just waiting for you to lower your guard." Telas says as Silvia struggles to move. "Don't bother. This is the manifestation of all my hate and rage. I hate you Silvia, I always have. I always wanted you dead. And this Lance absorbs then seals any power it touches." Telas says as he lifts both of us off the ground with his Lance." I cough up blood and revert to my normal form. Damnit, I can't move. I think as he laughs. "This is judgement day Silvia, and I'm judging you guilty!" He yells as he pulls the Lance out of us. We both fall to the his feet. "Damnit, why did this happen." I mumble as I see Telas stomp on Silvia's limp body. "Kai, t-the future. Remember t-that." Silvia says as Telas lines up his Lance over her head. "This happened, Kai, because you were my pawn. When we fought in hell, I knew you would be my main piece. I used you and your friends to accomplish my goal. You're nothing but puppets to me." He says as he jams his Lance through Silvia's head. I grit my teeth as I feel anger boiling up inside me. "Well now." Telas says as red energy surrounds him. His hair turns silver and red as he laughs crazily. "It's true, if you kill a ultimate divine you get their power." Telas says as he laughs. As he stops laughing he looks at me. "Kai, I'll be generous to my lead pawn. I'll grant any request. Well, almost any." He says as he stares down at me grinning. "Telas." I say thinking carefully. "Telas, bring back everyone that died fighting Silvia and let us all go back to our worlds!" I yell as he snaps his fingers. "Granted." He says as I suddenly jolt awake in my bed. I look around and I'm in my house. As I walk downstairs I see my mom making breakfast. I search the house quietly. "Goodmorning Kai, sleep well?" She asks. I'm dazed. "Was it all a dream?" I whisper as I walk to school. As I walk into school everyone looks to me as a widespread silence rushes through the school. "Kai!" I hear several people yell as Velon, Raven, and Aziria run toward me. I smile and hug them all. "Where's Zero, already in class?" I ask with a smile. They all lose their cheerful expressions and look away. "He, well." Velon says as he rubs his neck.  "When he used the final release of Nemix, he was banished from our universe. He can't return. I don't even know if he's alive." Velon says as my smile vanishes. "He wouldn't want us sad." Aziria says as she pats my shoulder. "This is going to be a whole new adventure. Just think about it, he loved us all so much he gave his life for us to live." Aziria says as Raven smiles. "Yea Kai, look toward the future. This is gonna be a whole new chapter in our lives." Raven says as I smile lightly. Yea, my life is just beginning.

((Thanks to everyone for reading my story! I hope you all enjoyed the first book of five! I hope you all stick around for the next adventure! Of Angels and Demons: Ragnarok!))

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