Light Before Darkness

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Sinclair stares at me for a moment before she sighs. "What do you fight for? If you truly are a demon you should care less about what happens to the universe. So what do you fight for?" Sinclair asks as I rub the back of my neck. "Well, I fight for everything really. I live here so I believe this is my home and I'll defend it. I don't know how to describe it, but I would actually prefer to talk things out over fighting them out. I don't like resorting to violence but I have no problem with it. I'm not sure what's going on with my mind. I feel peaceful yet destructive. Probably because I'm half angel and half demon." I say as Sinclair's eyes widen. "What!? You're half angel!?" She yells as I jump back startled. She smiles and walks toward me. "I see now." She says as she tries to hug me. I quickly jump away. I don't trust her. I think as I stare at her. She looks surprised but nods. "Alright, I understand. But I'm glad to hear your not just a demon." Sinclair says as I stare at her. "And what do you mean by that?" I say with a slight slip of disdain. She looks shocked for a moment. "Well you know, demons are nothing but scum. They are nothing but a waste of space. They have no purpose." She says as she crosses her arms. I feel my heart beat speed up as my temper starts to grow. "Seriously, demons have done nothing but cause destruction and sadness. Nothing good can come from a demon." She says as walk toward her. I glare at her as she looks at me. As she starts to speak I grit my teeth then yell at her. "What the hell do you know!? You haven't been through anything! I've met angels that were much more destructive and evil than any demon! You don't know anything about how this universe works! I don't know much but I don't act like I know everything! You need to shut your mouth before I get really mad! In a real fight I think I could kill you! Currently I can destroy planets but I refuse to use that much power on earth out of fear of destroying everything I love!" I yell as her eyes widen. She takes a step back almost paralyzed. As I notice her fear I notice a different energy coming off of my body. Its white and purple and heavy. As I notice it, it goes away. She stares at me. "That energy, it was so cold. I could barely breathe. What was that?" Sinclair asks quietly. "I'm not sure. Every demon and angel has a dark side but I haven't really seen mine. I guess that stockpile of stress is slowly getting to me." I mumble as I shake my head. Sinclair takes a deep breath and smiles. "Either way, I'm happy for some reason now." She says as I look at her. "Why?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I'm not quite sure. But I think it's because I now know that you actually care for a lot of people. That you care for things beside yourself. Even if I hardly know you, I have this weird feeling that I can trust you. And in my eyes you aren't a demon at all. To be a true demon you have to not care about anything but destruction and hate. Even a angel could be a demon to me now." Sinclair says as she closes her eyes. I sigh and hold out my hand as she opens her eyes. "Well we're allies until we defeat Silvia." I say as she shakes my hand. "Or until we're killed by her." She says slightly. I nod as I feel several energy signatures appear behind me. I look back and see Velon. He smiles and pats my back as I notice a lot of my friends. Zero, Aziria, Rose, Zen, Anix, and Raven.  "Well, time to gear up. I've contacted the elder spirits and they'll be fighting alongside all of us at full power. They're even making weapons for us. All the gods are fighting with us. Hell, even the titans are joining the fight. I actually like our chances in this fight. Our overall chances of winning are like 30 percent." Velon says as Raven jumps on my back. "We might survive! If we do the first round is on me!" Raven yells as we all laugh a bit. "So what if we all die?" Sinclair asks as we all look to her. "Well, I think when you die, um, you die? That it. Or at least I think, never done it personally." Anix says jokingly. Sinclair chuckles. "I guess that'll be it." She says as she shakes her head. She gets down and bows to us. We all look at her as Raven lays his head on my shoulder. "This looks wrong." He mumbles as Sinclair sighs. "I would like to apologize for all the trouble I've caused. I owe you a lot I think. Before I came to this war council I hear that you have all been protecting earth from the shadows. I would like to show my gratitude and apologize for everything I've said and done." She says as Velon walks up and pats her back. "We've all done stuff we regret. All we can do is apologize and hope that we don't repeat our mistakes. Isn't that how it should work? Learn from your past and all that? I'm not good at talking to pep people up but that's how I see it. Don't let your paste dictate how your future will unroll." Velon says as she stands up and smiles. We all get in a circle as Velon puts his hand in. We all put our hand on top of his as he looks at us all. "Whether we live or die is not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about losing all the memories. I'm made a lot of memories. Some good, some bad. We will fight together and we will either win together or die together. We fight for each other! We will give Silvia a fight to remember, even if we all die! Everyone go get your weapons ready and do what you have to to be ready for the fight we're going into. She will be harder than anything you have ever fought. Now go! Get ready!" Velon yells as we all move away from each other. Suddenly a elder spirit appears in front of me and hands me a sword. "We made Nirioki more dense, hopefully it'll last. We've improved a lot of weapons but we poured a lot of energy into this blade. Use it well." He says as he teleports away. I look at the long black sword and myself in its reflection. I will protect everyone. I will protect what I love, even if it costs me my life.

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