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A jolt awake to Aziria shaking me. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She yells at me. "Wha-, stop shaking me." I say as I sit up and yawn. "Heko is coming for you!?" Aziria says as she tosses me my clothes and Nirioki. "Who's Heko?" I ask Aziria as I start changing clothes. She quickly turns around to not see me change. "Heko was one of the founding members of death core." Aziria says as I change clothes. "Done changing, and what does he want with me?" I ask Aziria. She sighs and turns around. "See that's the problem, there's several possible reasons. One being that he wants to meet the little brother of the leader of Death core. Another option is, since you've killed some high level demons he thinks your a worthy opponent. And the last being he just wants to fight one of the last half angel half demon hybrids." Aziria says as she looks out the window. I look outside then look at my clock. "It's 11 pm." I mumble to myself. "Yea and at the rate Heko is moving he'll be here by 11:15." Aziria says as she puts her hand on her sword. Aziria smiles. "I'm gonna fight him with you, and we're gonna head straight toward him." Aziria says as she runs and opens my window and jumps outside. I sigh and follow out my window, closing it behind me as I jump out. "Let's go." Aziria says and runs behind my house and past a few other houses into the woods. I follow closely behind her and shake my head to wake up. After a minute of running we arrive at a small pond. "He'll be here in a few minutes." Aziria says as she draws her sword and jumps into a tree. I summon Nirioki and jump into a tree beside the tree that Aziria jumped into. After a few minutes of waiting we see a man come running from the other side of the ponds tree line. He has a button up white shirt, grey shorts, and regular white gym shoes on. He has long green hair that's hanging freely down to the middle of his back. He looks around the reaches into his pockets. He pulls out 2 small knives and throws them toward us. In the blink of an eye the knives hit the tree. The knives are inches from both of our faces. Aziria and I look at each other then jump down from the trees. He smiles. "So, you came to me? Well thanks for saving me the trouble of finding you." He says with a grin. He quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small knife. In the blink of an eye he gets to me and swings quickly with his little knife. I block but he slaps my sword aside and cuts my stomach and laughs. "Too slow, try again." Heko says as he swings his knife at me again. I block it but he kicks my knee. He starts to stab my throat but Aziria runs up behind him and swings at him. He quickly ducks down and sweep kicks Aziria, knocking her off her feet. I quickly roll to my feet and swing Nirioki at him. He easily dodges then lunges close to me and stabs me in the left shoulder. I kick him in the shin and he quickly jumps back. "Ohh, you actually touched me. Very good." He says as he licks the blood off his knife and smiles. Aziria quickly jumps back to me and grits her teeth. "He's good." Aziria mumbles under her breath. I cringe as my shoulder stings from where I got stabbed. Heko quickly dashes toward me and swings his knife. Aziria blocks his attack and he smiles. He quickly tosses his knife to his other hand and jabs it toward Aziria's face. I quickly move my hand over and grab his wrist, stopping him from stabbing aziria. His blade is less than an inch away from her nose. He smiles. "Not bad." He says as he does a back flip and kicks both Aziria and me off of our feet. We quickly get back up as Heko thrusts his blade toward me. I hold up my hand and his knife goes straight through my left hand. "GAAH!" I yell out in pain. I quickly grip his fist with the hand his knife is in. He tries to pull away but he can't. I thrust my blade toward him but he dodges narrowly. Aziria runs up and swings toward his midsection but he jumps over her blade. I quickly yank him back down and slam him against the ground. He stands up and coughs a little. "So I'm trapped?" He says jokingly. I grit my teeth and swing my blade sideways toward him. He jumps up over it again. I quickly swing upward but he stops my blade with his left foot and his right foot lands on my head. "Heh, guess I got you now." He says as he moves his foot off my blade and kicks me in the face. As I hit the ground I see Aziria run toward Heko. She swings at his midsection but he jumps over her sword and punches her in the face. Aziria hits the ground and Heko turns to me. As he's walking toward me I roll to me feet and ready my sword. Heko spins his knife around on his finger tips and smiles. "Heko, also known as the founder of death core. Bounty of 65 million." I hear someone say behind me. I quickly jump up into a tree away from both people. I look down and see Velon walking toward Heko. Heko grits his teeth and backs up. Velon smiles and vanishes. He appears behind Heko and slashes the back of Heko's knees. Heko drops onto his hands and knees. I see Heko look at Velon as Velon sticks his sword through Heko's neck. Heko's body goes limp and falls to the ground. Velon looks up at me and smiles. I quickly jump down in front of Aziria and ready my sword. "Put your sword away, I'm not here for you." Velon says as he sticks a tag on Heko's back. Heko's body vanishes and Velon smiles. "Well, see you around." Velon says as he vanishes. I sigh and revert Nirioki to its knife form and stick it in my pocket. I puts Aziria's blade back in its sheath and pick Aziria up onto my shoulders. I slowly carry her back to town and back to my house. As I walk through the front door I use my foot to close the door behind me. I walk to my room and open my door then lay Aziria on my bed. I take off my shirt and look at the cut on my shoulder. It's not too bad. I think as I go to the bathroom and put a bandage over the cut. I get gauze and put it over both sides of the puncture wound on my hand then tape it down. I walk back into my room and stare at Aziria. I wasn't strong enough to take that guy down on my own, and Aziria got knocked out. I don't want my friends getting hurt. I think to myself as I clutch my right hand tightly. I look over and see the piece of paper the woman left in my room. This is a bad idea, but I want to get stronger. I think to myself as I grab the paper. I unfold it and see a map with a list of ingredients. The maps directions lead deep into the nearby mountains. As I read the ingredients I sigh. 3 drops human blood, 2 drops demon blood, 1 drop angel blood, and a rose. What am I cooking? I think to myself as I look at Aziria. I notice her nose is bleeding. I quickly dig around in my closet and find a few vials with corks on them. I take the cork off one and walk over to Aziria. I hold it by her nose and let her blood drip into it. As 2 drops of blood drip into it I seal the vial and stick it in my pocket. I stick the other 2 vials in my pocket and sigh. "In sorry Aziria, I'm gonna be gone a while." I mumble to myself as I walk over to my window and open it. I jump outside onto the roof. "K-kai.." I hear behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Aziria half unconcious looking at me. I quickly close my window and jump off the roof. As I walk across the street I sigh. "Sorry friends, I'm gonna be gone a while." I mumble to myself as I walk across the street.

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