The Battle Escalates

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Zero screams as his right arm heals and his left arm completely regenerates. "How can he heal this quickly?!" Aziria yells as Raven laughs. "Zero has one of the strongest dark sides. His darkside is a destructive one. Nearly unmatchable power, he's dangerous like this." Raven says as I grit my teeth. "Can we beat him on our own?" I ask as Anix pops his neck. "I can stand against him, but I don't know if I can overpower him." Anix says as I stare at Zero. Zero screams as he starts growing claws instead of regular fingernails. "The longer this goes on the stronger he'll get." Velon mumbles as he summons a sword made of blue energy. "Then we have to finish this quickly." Snow says as she walks in front of all of us. "Raven, Saber, go find Jericho and bring her here." Snow says as I look over my shoulder and see Raven nod. "Got it." He groans as he vanishes. I quickly look back to Zero and see him glaring at us. "Why is he just standing there?" Aziria asks as Anix sighs. "He's slowly absorbing energy from the area. The longer we stand here the stronger he gets." Anix says as he runs toward Zero. Zero screams and swings his sword toward Anix. Anix blocks Zero's sword with his wrist blades then kicks Zero under his chin. The force of Anix's kick craters the ground beneath him. "Anix, stop holding back and just hit him with all your power." Velon says as Anix looks back at us. Anix nods as we all run up too him. Zero lands on the ground a few seconds later. He lands on his feet and looks at us. He screams again, but this scream sounds more like an animal than a person. Suddenly grey energy surrounds Zero. For several seconds the energy swirls around him, obstructing our view of him. As the energy dissapates we see Zero glaring at us. His horns are thicker, his eyes are completely black, and a shell of energy has formed on the outside of his skin. "That's his 3rd release." Velon says as blue and green energy form all around him. "Looks like I'll have too stop playing nice." Velon says as the energy starts sticking to his skin. As the energy dissapates, I see Velon's blue hair has grown down to his waist. Parts of his skin are peeling off, but are healing back just as quick. Velon's eyes are completely silver as black streaks fall from his eyes to his chin. "This is my 4th release." Velon says as he teleports to Zero. Velon quickly punches Zero in the stomach. Velon's fist rips through Zero as Zero grabs Velon's throat and lifts him off the ground. Zero growls as slams Velon too the ground. The force of the slam cracks the ground for several hundred feet around us. I quickly run forward and jump above Zero. I bring my sword down onto his back with all my might. My sword slightly scratches Zero's back as Zero looks over his shoulder at me. "Shit." I mumble as Zero swings toward me. In a blur of motion I feel myself go flying. I feel my body skid off the ground several times before I hit a wall. I shake my head and look around and notice I'm a hundred feet off of the ground. I'm holding Nirioki with my right hand and my left arm is ripped apart. I slowly fall off the wall and plummet towards the rock below. I land with a thud as I slowly close my eyes. This is pointless. I can't win. I think to myself as I hear a sigh. "You need power?" I hear a mans voice say as I open my eyes and look around. "You haven't needed my energy in a while. Here, take my power." I hear the voice say as it laughs slightly. As I stand up I hear cracking. I look at my left arm and see it healing quickly. I look forward and see Snow running toward me. She stops a few feet from me and stares at me. "K-kai, what happened to you?" Snow says as I look at myself closely. A strand of black hair fall in front of my face as I widen my eyes. I quickly grab my hair and notice it's pitch black. Suddenly Nirioki gets much heavier. I look at it and watch as it slowly grows longer and changes form. The sword slowly changes into a long black scythe. Suddenly Velon appears beside Snow and stares at me. "Great, you have your 4th release too. Now are you going stay over here or help us fight?!" Velon yells as he quickly turns around and vanishes. I smiles and teleport to Snow. "Come on, Let's get back to work." I say as I teleport to Velon's and Anix's energy signatures. As I arrive Zero swings at me. I easily block his attack with my scythe then kick him in the stomach lightly. The force of the kick launches Zero back to a mountain wall several miles away. "Huh, so you went with that side of the powers." Anix says as he touches my hair. "What do you mean?" I ask as he sighs. "I'll explain it later, right now we have to deal with Zero." Anix says as energy flows into his wrist blades. His wrist blades quickly extend a few feet. Suddenly Zero appears in front of me and Anix and punches both of us in the face. In the blink of an eye we stop moving. I quickly open my eyes to complete darkness. I can feel ruble on top of me. I raise my arm and push against what's on top of me. Slowly, several tons of mountain crumble off of me. I sigh and swing my scythe as all the ruble gets ripped apart and thrown all around me. I slowly stand up as a few large chunks of rock land around me. Suddenly I see what looks like an entire mountain crumble as Anix stands up and dusts himself off. "Hey, this much power is insane, isn't it?" Anix says as he smiles and looks at me. "Yea, it's even more insane that Zero is matching our power." I holler to Anix as he stretches. "We aren't done yet." Anix groans as he teleports back to the battlefield. I quickly climb on top of a rock and see what looks like a canyon several miles high above me climbing upward. "He punches us into the ground. I quickly spin my scythe then run up the incline. As I reach the top I sigh. Zero punched us about 10 miles into the ground. I think as I look up and see Zero blocking Anix's wrist blades and Aziria's evanesa. "This fight looks to never end." I mumble to myself as I jump toward Zero and swing my scythe.

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