Occupying Time

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As we get back to town the snow starts falling hard and fast. It's piling up faster than anyone thought it would. And since the blizzard was formed minutes before, the city didn't have time to put salt on the roads. We all quickly run home through the blizzard. After several minutes of walking and fighting against the blizzard strong winds and heavy snowfall, I make my way home. I quickly throw open the door and close it behind me as I get inside. The lights in the house flicker as I walk up to my room and fall onto my bed. I quickly dose off. As I sit up in my bed I feel cold. I look around my room but it's too dark to see. I stand up out of my bed and slowly feel my way to my door. I open the door and walk out into the hall. As I slowly stumble down the stairs in my house I find my way to the living room. I feel the couch and sit down. "It's too dark to do anything." I mumble to myself as I lay down on the couch. Just need to wait out this power outage. I think as I start dosing off again. As I wake up I look around and see a little light coming through the window and Raven sitting in a chair asleep. "What's Raven doing here?" I think to myself as I hear footsteps in the kitchen. I sit up and see Aziria walk into the living room with a plate of cookies. "Hey, you're awake." Aziria says as she takes a bite of a cookie. "Yea, what are you two doing here?" I ask as Aziria swallows the bite of cookie the ate. "Two? It's not just me and Raven here." Aziria says as she points out the window. I stand up and look out the window and see Zero, Chelsea, Raycar, and Velon jumping around in the snow. "Are they really playing in the snow?" I ask as Raven wakes up. "Mm, I slept good." Raven says as he stands up and stretches his arms. "Yea, they're playing in the snow." Aziria says as I sigh. "Ok, I'll be right back." I say as I walk up to my room and put on a jacket. I quickly run downstairs and run outside. Velon throws a snowball the size of his head towards me but I quickly fall down and dodge it. "Stop dodging weak attacks!" Velon yells while Zero and Chelsea laughs. Raycar summons a staff made of energy and starts wacking snow away from him. Zero starts cutting the snow with his sword as Chelsea makes a snow angel. I slowly stand up and carefully walk over to Zero. The snow comes up to my knees as I walk through it. As I get to Zero he swings his sword at me. I quickly pull Nirioki out of my pocket and block his attack. "Stop it, Zero." I growl as Zero laughs and sticks his sword in the snow. "So when did you and Chelsea get together?" I ask as Zero looks at me. "Oh it was about 2 months ago, shortly after you vanished and went to train." Zero says as Raven runs outside and falls into the snow. I look over my shoulder then look back to Zero. "So, how did you two meet?" I ask as Zero laughs. "Well, there was a demon fighting her and she could see it. She wasn't strong enough to beat the demon so I stepped in and killed the demon for her. Then we just sorta started dating after that." Zero says as Aziria steps outside and sits on the porch. Raycar quickly jumps toward me and Zero and swings his energy staff toward us. Zero and I both block his attack then push him back. Raycar falls into the snow and gets covered. "Hey guys!" Velon yells behind us. We turn around to see Velon grinning. "What is it?" I ask. "Why don't we have a fight tournament to hone our skills." Velon says as Raven laughs. "We all know who would win." Raven says as we all smiles. "Yea, me." We all say at the same time. There's a moment of silence then everyone starts yelling at each other. "No! I would beat all of you, I'm smarter!" Zero yells as Raven smirks. "Are you kidding? Your as smart as a cotton ball." Raven says as Velon sighs. "You're all stupid." Velon says as Raycar turns his staff into a sword. "Obviously I would win, I have the most energy control." Raycar says as Chelsea laughs lightly. "None of you could beat me." Chelsea says as Velon holds up his sword. "How about we settle this by fighting." Velon says as he sheathes his sword. "Ok, we are listening." Zero says as Velon smirks. "We will fight in the arena of doom." Velon says with a smile. "Arena of doom?" Aziria asks as Velon sighs. "it was a arena made by satan so demons could fight for his amusement. It hasn't been used in forever. Let's put it to use." Velon says as we all smile. "Ok let's do this." I say as Velon snaps his fingers. We all appear in the arena and start looking around. The walls leading from the battle floor to the audience seats is 70 feet high. "Wow, this place is massive." Zero says and Chelsea wraps her arms around Zero. "Now, we need to decide the rounds of who fights who." Velon says as we all look at each other. "So me, Aziria, Kai, Zero, Raycar, Raven, and Chelsea will be fighting. That's seven people. Which means someone will fight twice in a row. "I'll do it." Aziria says as she smiles. "Ok and your first opponent will be." Velon says as we listen anxiously. "Raycar." Velon says as we walk to the wall and look up to the top of the wall. "So how do we get in the audienc-" I start to say but I teleport to the audience. "This arena is smart. When it realizes who's fighting it makes everyone else go into the audience!" Velon yells as Aziria as renamed Raycar ready their weapons. "This should be good." Zero says as Velon smiles and holds up his hand. "Let this fight, BEGIN!" Velon yells.

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