Zero Vs. Sazuki

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Zero smiles and dashes toward Sazuki. He attacks in a blur of motion and hits her armor repeatedly but quickly jumps back when he notices that he hasn't even scratched her armor. I can tell he's thinking as Sazuki lifts up her sword and grins. "You seem like you don't quite know what to do." Sazuki says as she appears between us and Zero. She swings her large sword as a wall of energy comes from her sword like a tsunami and rolls over several miles of the sand. As the energy disappears I see zero nearly a hundred feet in the air above Sazuki and falling toward her quickly. He swings his sword downward as Sazuki's sword compresses and becomes 3 feet long. She swings upward against his sword and the shockwave from their swords meeting knocks everyone except me, Velon, and Orion off their feet. "Damnit!" Zero screams as he jumps back over to me. "Her offensive and defensive capabilities are through the roof. I can't even get close to her without her hurting me." Zero says as I notice both his arms are bleeding. "The force of our swords meeting nearly broke my arms." Zero says as he tosses his sword away from him. "Ok, no more holding back." Zero says as grey energy forms around his feet. He takes a deep breath and his energy shoots upward encasing him in a pillar of immense energy. "I will show you the true power of my family. The power of a Necrozz!!" Zero screams as the energy grows thicker. After several seconds, the energy disapates. The only thing that looks different about Zero is his eyes a black where they were white and are silver with slitted pupils. He smirks and appears in front of Sazuki. He punches her armor and launches her back several miles. The force of the punch shakes the ground all around us. Zero vanishes as we see explosions several miles out. The explosions go in a circles all the way around us and after several minutes Sazuki appears in front of us with a small scratch on her armor. "Huh, that's the first scratch my armor has ever gotten." She says as Zero appears behinds her and grabs her armor and throws her straight up. She gets out of sight in less than a second and Zero grows 2 large pairs of black wings. He quickly flies upward and we see several large explosions. Soon everything goes quiet then a large beam of grey energy pierces several planets and they start to crumble. "That's Zeros fourth release, he's going all out." Velon as as we see planets start getting destroyed left and right. "God damn, he's really going all out." I mumble as Sazuki lands on her feet in front of us. Her left arm is broken and her armor is chipping. Zero quickly appears beside her and smiles. "Come on, is that it?" Zero says as Sazuki smirks. "You think that puny shit could hurt me badly?" Sazuki says as energy swirls all around her. Her arm quickly heals and her armor reforms. "My armor regenerates at an extreme rate if I put any energy into it." Sazuki's says as Zero growls. "Damnit! What is that armor made of!?" Zero screams as Sazuki's smiles. "This armor is made from the bones of the past 9 Gods and 4 Satans. Everytime a god or Satan dies I get there as fast as I can and take another bone. The original creator of this armor is unknown but this armor is practically indestructible." Sazuki says as Zero sighs. "Then I have to use my Ace." Zero mumbles and he pulls a small tag out of his pocket. "I CALL UPON THE POWER OF NEMIX. DEMON GOD MANIFESTATION!" Zero screams as armor made of black bones forms on his skin. He grows 2 large black horns like his dark side but has red halos on the top of each horn. He appears in front of her and punches her in the stomach then throws her upward. We see several planets explode. "Damn, he threw her through several planets." Velon mumbles as Zero waves his hand toward the planets. Every planet above us explodes. Debris of large rocks rain down toward us but Zero waves his hand again and they all turn to ash. Zero vanishes and reappears with Sazuki in his arms. She's unconscious and her armor is nearly completely shattered. "I have to admit it, that armor is extremely resilient." Zero mumbles as all the planets above start reforming. He sets Sazuki down then takes and step back. "I win." He mumbles as her armor starts cracking. As her armor crumbles he falls back onto the ground. We all run to him and see he's bleeding from his mouth. Velon speaks up. "He called upon the forbidden power of Nemix, one of the strongest demons to ever exist. So dangerous that even the 3 divine angels got jumpy around him. But to summon it's first release puts a giant strain on your body. Zero summoned Nemix's first release just now. All together, there are 4 releases. I'm not sure I could even fight Nemix in his second release." Velon says as I stare at Zero. "You did it, you beat her." I say as I smile. "Rest, I'll finish this." I mumble as I stand up and look toward Orion. He smiles and pops his neck. "So is it our turn to play?" Orion asks jokingly as Velon lays his hand on my shoulder. "Be careful, Orion has an unknown ability set and an unknown energy limit. He's at least on my level. Be wary." Velon says as I raise my fist towards Orion. "Understood." I say as Orion pops his knuckles. "Ok Kai, let's have some fun." Orion says as I smirk. "Orion, you don't know me very well, but you're about to learn why I'm confident in my abilities, I'm ready. Let's go."

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