General Of The DHC

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I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I run over to my mom laying on the floor. I slide next to her and check her pulse. My eyes widen as I realize she's dead. I tear rolls down my cheek as the woman next to me squats beside me. "She was very weak, she didn't even fight back. It didn't take much to kill her." The woman says as I grit my teeth. I try to speak but get choked on my own words. "What's wrong? I've read several reports of a white haired boy running around the area causing chaos and whenever he gets in a fight disaster befalls that area for a moment. Like all those times you destroyed several acres of trees. Did you really think we wouldn't notice?" She asks as I wipe away a few of my tears. "You're just a threat to mankind. You are nothing but demonic scum. All demons deserve to die." She says as I feel energy surge off of her. I try to get up but my body is paralyzed. Damnit, this is bad. I can't control my body. "I- I haven't d-done anything wrong." I manage to mumble as the woman sighs. "So to you demon scum killing hundreds of humans and ripping their families apart by killing their parents isn't bad? Every person you've killed had a family, why did they deserve to die!?" She yells as I see her pull out a handgun. "Why do you argue that you haven't done anything wrong? You make me sick!" She yells as I see her start to pull the trigger. Suddenly I get picked up and teleported to the woods nearby. As I look up I see Velon holding me. He sets me down against a tree and sighs. "I felt a huge distortion in the energy. Sorry it took so long for me to show up, I had to alert a few others of this." Velon says as he stands up. "She's rapidly approaching us." Velon says as I stand up. "When will she get here?" I say as suddenly she lands on a branch 20 feet above us. She quickly jumps down and lands a few feet from us. "Damn, you're quicker than I thought." Velon says as he draws his sword. The woman smiles and pushes a wisp of silver hair out of her eyes. "Funny, you seem to be quite inept with teleporting." The woman says as Velon points his sword to her. "Who are you, and why are you after Kai?" Velon asks as I breathe slowly, trying to calm myself down. The woman frowns slightly. "I'm not specifically after him, he just was the easiest to find. And my name is Sinclair Mercer. I am the strongest general within the DHC." Sinclair says as she summons 2 handguns. Velon steps back and guards me. "Kai, be careful. I can sense several energy signatures. I can feel mine, Raven's, and Aziria's energy signatures inside of her." Velon says as Sinclair smiles. "So that's their names. Oh and what's yours? I've read several reports on the beings that attacked us. You're the blue haired devil that's got rank 9. I'm honored to get to kill you. In our statistics you're rated for top tier soldiers to take on and if they feel scared they should run." Sinclair says as Velon laughs. "My name is Velon Nashiki! I am one of the strongest beings you'll ever meet!" Velon says. He's trying to bluff her it seems. I think as he teleport to her and throws a kick. I see her crack a smile and teleport behind Velon. His eyes widen as she shoots his leg. He quickly jumps over to me and grits his teeth. "That was my warning shot, just to inform you that I mean business. Now, you can surrender and come with me to our base or I can kill you." Sinclair says as Velon looks to me. "We can't fight her here, we need to get to the desert of death or hell. I could make a portal but I'm pretty sure she could shoot me while I'm making the portal." Velon says as he lowers his head. "Alright, let's play." Velon says as he jolts his head up and smirks. I see the black streaks fall from his eyes to his chin. Velon teleports all around her attacking her but she reaches to her side and grabs his throat. I see Velon's eyes widen as she points a gun to his head at point blank. He stabs her through the stomach as she smirks. She begins to pull the trigger as I grit my teeth and teleport behind her. "You actually took the bait." Sinclair says as she appears behind me and shoots me in the back of my knees. As I fall to the ground I feel my body going numb. Damnit, why can't I move. What's happening? I think as my vision starts going blurry. Suddenly I hear a gunshot and I get lifted off the ground. I look to the corner of my eye and see Sinclair carrying me. "I can't kill you yet, we need a little test subject, and you'll do nicely." Sinclair says as I turn my head slightly. My eyes widen as I see Velon laying facedown on the ground. I grit my teeth and feel my energy welling up. My energy starts to release but an intense pain shoots through my body. "I shot my energy into you. It's circulating through your body and if you start to summon your energy, it'll eat your energy." Sinclair says as she carries me away. Velon, no. Damnit no, I can't leave him behind. I can't! I think as I summon all my energy to my mark of power. I push through the pain and forcefully teleport to Velon. I cough up blood as I pick him up. My eyes start going blurry as I feel my energy quickly diminishing. I need to get to hell. Zen could help us. I think as I summon my third release and channel my energy into Velon. He barely lifts his hand and opens a portal and I quickly jump through. As I look over my shoulder I see Sinclair inches from where I just was with a grin on her face. As I land in hell I set Velon down and smile. The portal closes behind us and I fall to my knees. "W-we did it. We got away." I mumble as I collapse to the ground unconscious.

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