The Demon Pillars

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Zen laughs lightly. "Well damn, didn't expect to ever see a Veldrax. My memory must fail me, didn't the rest of your house die?" Zen says with a sinister grin. "Yes you bastard! I am the last of the mighty house of Veldrax! You should know since the Haraku's are the ones who killed my family!" The man yells as he jumps toward us. As he lands next to me and points his pistols toward Zen and grits his teeth. "I, Dante Veldrax, will exterminate the mighty house of Haraku!" Dante yells as Gale steps between them. "Stop this senseless bickering. You're just adopting your parents sense of pride and just stealing their war." Gale says as Zen shrugs. "I couldn't care less either way." Zen mumbles as Dante growls. "You're a pathetic excuse for a satan." Dante says as Zen jumps over Gale and punches toward Dante. Dante easily side steps then shoots off Zen left arm. Zen growls and regrows his arm quickly. "That stung a bit you little bastard." Zen says with a smile as Dante readies his pistols. I step forward. "Um, excuse me, but what exactly is going on. I'm sure I follow what's happening." I say as Zen looks over to me. "There used to be several houses of demons that could earn the right to be Satan. Among them were: Haraku, Lucifer, and Veldrax. Hm, but somewhere along the line the rules changed. Originally you could only challenge satan if you were from one of the 3 demon houses. Somehow this became the rule we have today; whoever kills satan, becomes satan." Zen says as Dante laughs. "But the Haraku's knew that Veldrax's were better, that's why they assassinated my family. It took 20 Haraku's to kill 4 Veldrax's. What a bunch of losers." Dante says as Zen smiles. "I know I could kick your ass anytime, you little brat!" Zen yells as Dante chuckles. "I'm older than you, if we were going by old tradition, I should be satan. I'm obviously stronger than you Haraku scum." Dante says as I notice most of my friends leaving. I'm not really interested either but, this might get messy if I'm not here. I think as I see Velon step in between them. "Ok, ok, we get it. You're both strong and think you're better than the other person. Well no one really cares, so Zen, how about we just leave?" Velon asks, trying to be peaceful. Zen shakes his head and summons his sword. "He disrespected my honor and my family's honor." Zen says as Dante twirls his pistols around his fingers. "Well Zen? What are you going to do about it?" Dante asks as I sigh and look toward Zen. Zen pops his neck and readies his sword. "I'm going to kick your ass and put you in your place." Zen says as I shake my head. Idiots. I think as Zen starts running toward Dante. Gale walks over to me as Dante and Zen attack back and forth. "Hey Kai, what are you gonna go when you leave hell?" She asks as I close my eyes and think for a second. While I'm trying to think I keep getting distracted by Zen and Dante fighting. "Oh, I'll probably visit my mom when I leave Hell." I mumble as Gale smiles. "Sounds nice and peaceful." Gale says as I see Zen cut off Dantes left leg but Dante regrows it quickly. Velon teleports next to me and smiles. "This looks like it'll take a while to end." Velon says, almost chucking. I smile and look around at the red and black walls. "Yea, I think Zen will always be like this." I mumble as Velon laughs. "What? You think he'll always be brash and arrogant? If so, I agree. Trying to imagine Zen being shy is nearly impossible." Velon says as Gale laughs. "I don't really know him other than he's Satan. I was actually considering challenging for the title of Satan." Gale says as she giggles. Suddenly I hear Zen laughing. I look toward him and see him holding Dante's guns. "I stole your guns! What can you do now!? You're pathetic without your weapons." Zen says as he twirls Dante's guns around. Dante grits his teeth and sighs. "You've won this one, sort of. " Dante mumbles as he snaps his fingers and his guns explode. I pull up my forearm to block the wall of fire rapidly approaching. The fire scorches past me and burns the suit I'm wearing a little. "Damnit Zen, how did you fall for that?!" Velon yells as Zen brushes himself off. "Stop acting like you wouldn't have done that either." Zen says as Velon laughs. "But I wouldn't, I'd just kill him and leave, but hey, I guess that's just me." Velon says as I smile. "Well that didn't take long. Oh, and I'm going home, could someone teleport me there?" I ask as Velon nods. "Yea, I can take you home. I've seen where you live before." Velon says as I nod. Velon quickly opens up a portal and Dante walks next to me. "Your energy feels weird. Let me fight you sometime, alright? Oh, and what's your name?" Dante asks as I look toward him. "My names Kai, and Yea we can fight sometime." I say as Dante nods. I slowly walk through the portal and appear in my backyard. "Man, I haven't been home in forever. I have so much to tell my mom." I say with a smile on my face as Velon pats my back. "Well let's get going, I want to talk to your mother about the Scarlet angel situation. And before you ask, yes, Ayden told me." Velon says as we walk toward my backdoor. So Ayden told Velon about Scarlet. Well I guess that shouldn't be a secret. I think as I open the door. As the door swings open my eyes widen to the sight of my mother on the ground in a puddle of her own blood with a woman standing next to her. The woman has long silvery white hair, high rise black boots, and a black and blue uniform. She smiles. "Hello Kai, I've been expecting you."

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