Velon Vs Raven: Final Round

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As Aziria slowly walks to the edge of the barricade, Velon and Raven look up at us. Aziria smiles and holds up her left hand above her hand. "The final match will be between Velon and Raven. This match will end when one of the opponents can no longer continue, or whenever someone admits defeat." Aziria says as Velon and Raven smile. "Let this battle, BEGIN!" Aziria yells as Velon quickly unsheathes his sword and block Raven as Raven teleports to him. All we see is a blur of motions, and Velon and Raven both jump back. Velon quickly teleports 100 feet off the ground but Raven teleports to him. As Ravem kicks toward Velon's head, Velon grabs Ravens ankle. Raven quickly summons his energy sword and swing it at Velon's ankles. Velon blocks Ravens sword with his. "He's trying to keep Velon preoccupied. He's aiming for an opening." Zero says as Raven takes one off of his sword and grabs Velon's ankle. Raven quickly bends his other leg and kicks toward Velon's face. Velon dodges the kick easily as Raven smiles and pulls his sword away. Velon quickly widens his eyes and throws Raven down to the ground. Ravens body hits with a large thud as cracks go through the entire floor. "They're not messing around." Raycar says as Velon teleports to Raven and starts punching Raven in the face. Suddenly we see those black markings form over Ravens right half of his body. He quickly punches Velon in the face and Velon goes 90 feet away to the top of the wall. We see Velon go completely through the wall and into the audience area on the opposite side of the arena. Raven quickly stands up as whiter energy starts swirling around him. We see a large swirling mass of blue and black energy whipping and swirling around Velon as he stands up in the audience seats. Velon and Raven teleport to each other and punch each others fist. The power behind both their fists shakes the entire arena. "I think they're trying to bring the house down." Raycar says as Velon kicks Raven in the stomach. We see Raven cough up alot of blood and go flying into wall in front of us. We feel the entire arena shaking massively from Ravens impact on the wall. Raven quickly pulls himself up to the top of the wall. We see he's breathing hard and has several cuts on his body. With one streak of blood running from his lips he turns around and stares down at Velon. Suddenly the arena starts shaking as huge amounts of whiter energy form on Raven's skin. Suddenly the arena shakes more as lightning starts forming on Velon's skin. Raven appears at Velon. Raven is wearing a huge white set of armor made of pure energy and Velon has lightning discharging from his body. Raven quickly punches toward Velon but Velon catches his fist. The force of Raven's fist hitting Velon destroys all walls and the audience area starts crumbling. We all jump back as we see Velon and Raven start attacking each other relentlessly. The entire building is starting to collapse as we hear through the destruction. "I won't hold back!" Raven yells as a bright white flash of energy appears In the arena. The blast wave from the energy hits us and I black out. As I slowly sit up, I'm in the audience section again. As I look down into the arena, I see Velon standing next to Raven. "Looks like we missed most of the fight." Aziria says as Raven sits up and looks around. We see Velon pat Raven on the shoulder, then help him up. As Raven stands up we all jump over the barricade and start walking up to them. "Well, Velon won." Aziria says as Raven lightly chuckles. "What's funny?" Zero asks as Velon starts laughing. "It was counted as a draw. Even though Velon got up first, it was counted as a draw the second our attacks started destroying the arena." Velon says as Raven smiles. "That means we'll have to have a rematch sometime." Raven says as Velon nods. I rub the back of my neck and yawn. "So, are we going home or do you have something else to do?" I ask Velon as he looks around. "I don't figure anyone wants to play chess." Raven says as Velon laughs. "Not really, no. I'd much rather have a larger arena and fight Raven. But that won't happen." Velon says as Chelsea steps forward. "What, why?" Chelsea asks as Velon shrugs. "No one ever built an arena as amazing as this one." Velon says as Aziria smiles. "So this is the only arena that regenerates after a battle, huh?" Aziria says as we all look around. "We'll let's go home. I'm hungry and this ancient relic is gonna feed me." Zero says as Velon gets him in a headlock. We all laughs as Velon let's go of Zero and opens a portal to our world. As everyone walks through I look around. This place brought us together more. heh, it's comforting to know my best friends are some of the most dangerous people I've ever met. I think as I run through the portal. As I emerge on the other side I see there's still a good bit of snow left. I look behind me and the portal is gone. "So what are we gonna do now?" I hear Aziria mumble behind me. I turn around and she's writing her name in the snow. I quickly pull out Nirioki from my pocket and look at it. "Hey. I don't remember putting Nirioki back into my pocket. Who put it there?" I ask as everyone looks at Velon, who's laying down in the snow staring at the sky. "Ok." I say as Velon stands up. "I'm bored, anyone have any ideas on what we can do?" Velon asks as everyone starts thinking. "You want something to do, how about trying to out cook me in a brownie making competition." Chelsea says as Velon laughs. "Normally I wouldn't do that, but just for the way you said that, I'll out cook you!" Velon announces. "Man you're just so manly. Let me guess, you're gonna wear a pink apron while making them? Whew, too manly for my imagination." Raven says jokingly as Velon teleports in front of Raven and kicks him. "Woah!" Raven yells as he falls back into the snow. "Shut up." Velon says with a smile as we all walk inside my house. Well, looks like I'm gonna get to relax after all.

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