A Fight Interrupted

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As Zero spins his blade around and smiles and ready my sword. He comes running toward me and swings his blade sideways at me. I easily block it and lunge toward him. I try to knee him in the stomach but he takes one hand off his sword and catches my knee. He smiles and pushes my knee away and throws a punch. I duck under his punch as he lifts his knee. I get kneed right in the face and roll back a few feet. As I get to my feet he's already right at me. I look up to see his fist coming toward my face. I quickly dodge by leaning to my left and he throws a kick with his right leg. He kicks me right in the ribs but I wrap my only free arm around his leg and hold him. I thrust my blade toward his face but he falls back and hits the ground to dodge it. I quickly change my grip on my sword into a stabbing style of attack. I jam my sword down to his head but he moves his head less than an inch to avoid a serious hit. I see a small cut on his face as he kicks me in the gut with his other leg and does a kick up onto his feet. He rubs the blood away with his thumb and readies his sword again. He smirks as his shirt is ripped off by the formation of his wings. I sigh and enter my first release as well. Black and red energy swirl around me as my sword gets larger. I feel my hair fall down in front of my face and I move it out of my eyes. Zero quickly flies upward and gets near the roof of the cave. I swing my sword as a ripping wave of air comes off of my swing. Zero easily dodges the air but the air goes into the rock. I feel the cave start shaking and Zero starts looking around. Zero quickly flies toward the exit. I quickly run behind him and Raven and Aziria follow me. As we all get outside we see the cave explode. Chunks of rock go in every direction. I stop a giant slap of rock with my sword. Zero summons energy to his hand and punches a piece of rock. The he punches gets ripped in half. As everything settles down and the dust starts clearing we see a large creature stand up from where the cave was. It looks like a man made of rock. Zero backs up as this creature stands 50 feet tall. Aziria falls back onto her butt and scoots away. Raven grits his teeth and smiles. "Well, looks like you woke up a Rock Golem." Raven says. "What's a rock golem?" Aziria asks. "It's a giant rock that can move and attack like a person. Don't worry there slow." Raven says. The rock golem stands about 10 feet above the surrounding trees. Raven quickly vanishes. We see Raven appear up by the head of the golem. Raven kicks it in the head, but the golem doesn't even move. The golem slowly looks at Raven and stares at him as he lands on the golems shoulder. The golem slowly reaches his hand up and reaches for Raven. Raven vanishes as the golems closes it's hand over its shoulder then looks down at us. I quickly swing my blade at the golems shin. My blade barely cuts into its leg. The golem lifts it's leg up that I cut. I quickly jump back as the golem stomps on the ground. As the golems foot lands on the ground a shockwave of air is pushed in all directions. It forces me to take a step back but I stay standing. I suddenly see Raven appear above the golems head. Raven lands on the golems head and starts stomping on its head. The golems reaches up and swats at Raven. Raven vanishes again. Zero flies up to the golems right shoulder and cuts halfway through its shoulder. The golem swats at Zero but Zero easily dodges the slow attack. Zero quickly flies up to the golems head and stabs it in the forehead. The golem swings slowly at Zero again. Zero quickly flies down and cuts the golems right knee. Aziria sighs and runs up and cuts into the golems knee. At Aziria's blade and Zero's blade meet in the center of the golems knee, the golem falls forward. I quickly jump back as the golem lands on his hands. I see it's only good leg is on its knee and the golem is on its hands. I quickly start attacking the golems head. Raven suddenly appears next to me and smiles. "I can take it from here." Raven says as he punches the golem in the forehead. Ravens fist goes into the golems forehead. Raven closes his eyes. As Raven opens his eyes the golem crumbles into millions of pieces. "Dang." Zero says as he returns to his base form. I quickly return to my base form as well. "What did you do?" I ask Raven. Raven smiles and closes his eyes. "I simply froze the inside of the golem then shattered it's physical structure." Raven says. "Physical structure?" Aziria asks. "Yea, like the skeletal system of a human." Raven replies. "I guess the golem was laying dormant underneath that cave for a long time. It probably woke up when it felt the energy discharged from Kai and Zero entering their first releases." Raven says. Aziria sheathes her sword and sighs. "Man, I'm tired now." Aziria says. Zero sheathes his sword and rubs his neck. "Yea me too, I want to just lay down and go to sleep." Zero says. I make Nirioki go back to its base form then I stick Nirioki in my pocket. "Let's go back and make sure Raycar and Jinna are ok." I say. As we turn around and start walking back to Raycar and Jinna, Zero sighs. "Man, looks like we'll have to fight some other time." Zero says. "Yea, some other time." I reply. After several minutes of walking we get back to Vic, Raycar, and Jinna. I see Jinna and Vic sitting next to Raycar, who is still unconcious. "Done fighting already?" Vic says with a smile. "Yea, we all fought a rock golem." Aziria says. "Hm, wouldn't doubt it. There's rock golems sleeping all over the place." Vic replies. Jinna picks up Raycar over her shoulder. "I'm just gonna take him home." Jinna says. "Ok, make make sure he's ok." Vic says. Jinna nods and starts running back toward town. Vic stands up and pops her back. "Man, I think I need to take a break from all this stuff. Just go back to regular school." Vic says. Zero, Aziria, and I laugh. Yea, I need to go to school. Haven't been in a while, I'm probably failing. I think to myself. Zero laughs. "Well a boring old school would be better for the body then getting knocked around by demons." Zero says. "Yea, well let's go back to town." Aziria says.

Of Angels and DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora