Just Another Day

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I lay down on the ground and close my eyes. I falls asleep as soon as my eyes are shut. "Damnit Vexx!" I hear Aziria scream. I jump up and see it's morning. "Damn, what the. Did I fall asleep and sleep outside all night?" I mumble as Zero runs by me. "Yea, now come on! Aziria is gonna kill Vexx!" Zero yells as he laughs and runs away. I quickly stand up and follow him. "Why's she gonna kill him?" I ask as I run beside Zero. "Hah, this morning he snuck into her room and stole some of her clothes." Zero says as I sigh. "Idiot." I mumble under my breath as we stop and see Aziria looking up into a tree. "Either you come down or I'm coming up!" She yells as Zero falls to the ground laughing. Slowly, a pair of panties floats down to the ground. "Come get me!" I hear Vexx yell. "You're dead!" Aziria shouts as she climbs into the tree. A few moments later the entire tree starts shaking. "What's going on?" I hear Snow say behind us. "Aziria is going to kill Vexx cause he took some of her clothes." I say, fighting back the urge to laugh. Suddenly Vexx falls to the ground and quickly transforms into a wolf. "Seriously, why does he transform into a wolf? Did his dad have sex with a wolf? Just, why?" Zero says. "Actually it was a curse put on me by a demon lord." Vexx says as I look at Zero and chuckle. "I think he heard you." I say as Zero growls. "Shut up." Zero grumbles as Vexx runs away. "Get back here!" Aziria yells as she falls out of the tree and starts chasing Vexx again. "This is why I think the house needs lockable doors." Snow says as Zero laughs. "Ooh, a door. Can't come in unless I'm invited? What are we, polite?" Zero asks as I shrug. "I just wanna see Vexx get beat by a girl." I mumble as I follow Aziria and Vexx. "Might I remind you that you were beat by several girls?" Zero says as I sigh. "You were too, so shut up." I say as he sighs. "Good point." He mumbles as Snow runs past us. We keep up with Snow and soon we arrive at a large, prickly tree. Thorn bushes have grown around the limbs and trunk of the tree. Aziria is standing as the base of the tree, looking up at Vexx, who is sitting on some thorns. "Hah! Can't get me now!" Vexx yells as Aziria growls. "Want to bet on that?" She growls as she summons Evanesa. Aziria starts shooting black flames up into the tree and Vexx easily jumps around and dodges to fire. "That's too slow." Vexx laughs as Snow appears beside him and grabs the back of his neck. "Here you go, Aziria." Snow says as she tosses Vexx down to Aziria. Aziria smiles and grabs Vexx by the throat. Vexx turns back into his human form and smiles. "Heh, heheh. Sorry about taking your clothes." Vexx says as Aziria glares at him. "Where are they?" Aziria asks as Vexx smiles slightly. "I kinda dropped them when I jumped out of the window." Vexx says as he shrugs. Aziria sighs and sets Vexx down. Vexx stretches and yawns. "Man, I'm tired." Vexx mumbles as he lays on the ground. "Yea, chasing you is exhausting." Aziria says as she pops her neck. I yawn and look around. Suddenly a strong energy signature hits me. I quickly shake my head and notice that everyone is looking toward a tangled mess of thorns. "It came from that way." Aziria says as she starts walking toward the energy. "Wait, maybe it's nothing." Zero says as he grabs Aziria's arm. "Why are you so timid all of a sudden? Don't you like fighting? I would think you'd be exited to beat up someone." Aziria says as I put my hand on Zero's shoulder. "You ok man? You're not scared are you?" I ask as he takes my hand off of his shoulder. "No I'm not scared. I just don't think we should see what that energy was. It wasn't that powerful, it's not a big deal." Zero says as Snow jumps down from the tree and walks past us. "Well I'm checking it out." Snow says as Zero runs in front of her. "No, you can't." Zero says as she stares at him. "What do you mean, I can't?" Snow asks as she puts her right hand on her sword. "No, I mean- it's just a waste of time." Zero says as Snow tilts her head. "We're not really doing anything. We've got time to waste." Snow says as she pushes Zero aside and walks past him. We all follow Snow as she walks toward the energy. I look behind me and see Zero walking behind me. He looks worried. Does he know something that we dont'? I think to myself for a moment. The thought quickly is dispatched from my mind by the sound of humming. I look forward and see a girl in front of us. She has a straw hat on and is picking flowers. "Oh Zero, didn't think I'd meet you out here." She says as she sighs. "Are these the friends we were talking about?" The girl asks Zero as Zero steps forward. "Yes, but they don't want to fight." Zero says as the girl stands up. She slowly looks over her shoulder. "Jericho!" Snow yells as she unsheathes her sword and runs toward Jericho. Snow quickly swings her sword but Jericho ducks. Snow cuts through Jericho's straw hat then swings down toward Jericho's head. "Back off." Zero mumbles as he stops Snow's sword with his bare hand. "What are you doing! She's the enemy!" Snow yells as Zero growls as pushes Snow back. "I will not let you hurt my girlfriend." Zero growls as I stare in disbelief.

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