Stopping Saras and Zero

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As Velon teleports everyone to safety, I channel all the energy I got into my release mark. All I see is a large cylinder of Red and Black energy swirling around me. Looks like I mostly got demonic energy from everyone. I think as my hair grows down my back. I pull it in front of me and see its perfectly black. "This is new." I think as I hold out my right arm and summon Evony. Energy wraps around my forearm and connects to Evony. I feel a slight tingling sensation as my forearm turns into pure energy while I'm holding Evony. I feel Saras and Zero fighting far beyond any regular senses could track. I instantly teleport to them. I block Zero's sword with mine and catch Saras's fist in my free hand. I quickly pull them together and jump up then kick both of them. The shockwave from my foot hitting them rips apart nearby planets. I'm just assuming this is a 5th release. I think as I swing my sword toward them. In the blink of an eye, planets as far as my eyes could see are turned to dust and blown away. Saras fires an arrow toward me. I feel a massive amount of energy coming towards me and I hold up my free arm to block it. As I sense it get close I swing to the left and knock the arrow off course. A few seconds later the arrow explodes with an energy ball the size of a moon. That much energy and it felt that easy to stop it. I think as Zero appears in front of me and swings his sword. As I start to block him Saras appears above me and fires and arrow down toward me. Without thinking I jump up and kick Zero in the face then grab the side of the arrow and spin around and throw it back toward Saras. He quickly vanishes as again an arrow explodes for the size of a moon. I look around and notice my kick knocked Zero far out of sight. "COBALT OBLIVION!" Saras yells as I see a large blue and black arrow coming towards me. My eyes widen as I ready my sword. Suddenly I hear a familiar womans voice. "Kai, don't think you could survive an attack like that. You're still too weak." The voice says as the arrow turns red and vanishes. Saras coughs up a little blood and falls unconscious. "He put everything into that attack. It would've vaporized The Desert of Death and Earth. He used almost all of his energy in that attack. But I can't let you die yet, we still have to fight soon." The woman's voice says. S-silvia?! I think as I here her laughing. She protected me, just so she can kill me later?! I think as I grit my teeth. Zero appears above Saras and starts to jam his sword through Saras. I quickly teleport to them and block Zero's sword. "Snap out of it! It's over Zero!" I yell as he swings toward me but I easily block it. "Dammit Zero, snap out of it!" I yell again as he growls. "Fine, I'll just have to kick your ass and force you to wake up." I say as I knock his sword aside and kick Zero in the stomach. He gets launched back and a few seconds later I see a few planets far off in the distance explode. I hear a loud demonic scream as I sense him rapidly approaching me. "Damnit, Zero!" I yell as I teleport to him and grab him by the face. I teleport far away into a cluster of planets and throw Zero through several planets then teleport to him and do it again. Over and over I knock and throw him through planets and large moons. It doesn't seem to have any affect on him. Over and over again I hit him AR beyond that if what a normal god could take. Zero keeps standing right back up and coming at me again and again. I grit my teeth and kick him down through several planets again. "Zero I'm starting to get mad, just snap out of it!" I yell as he teleports to me. I quickly cut off both his arms with my sword and the waves of energy that come from my blade rip several planets in half with every swing. he quickly regenerates his arms and grabs his sword again. His 2nd release is able to keep up with my 5th release?! How can he do this?! Who the hell was Nemix, to be this powerful!? I think as Zero yells out and starts channeling all his energy to his sword. His sword becomes nothing but energy as he screams. I glare at him and channel all my remaining energy into Evony. "Zero, snap out of it." I mumble as Zero teleports to me. "Now!" I yell as our swords collide. A bright white light blinds me, followed by complete darkness. I float through the darkness in complete agony, unable to move. "Damnit, I think I pushed myself too far." I mumble as I stare into the darkness. Suddenly I see a man and woman appear before me. The woman has a white hair and white robes and the man has black and red armor and large black horns with long black and red hair. The speak in unison. "Kai, a great battle is coming. Don't speak of us to anyone. All will be made clear eventually." They say as I sit up in bed. I see I'm surrounded by nearly 20 demons with their hands on me. Their channeling energy into me. I stand up and the demons quickly teleport away. "What the hell?" I mumble as I walk out of the door in front of me. After wandering around I find a large room with a lot of chairs. The chairs are in 3 circles. There are lots of people in the room. God's, demons, titans, all forms of greater being. I see Cobalt and Velon sitting next to each other with a few empty chairs in the inner circle. Velon looks to me then pats the chair next to him.

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