Poking Death

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Chelsea and Zero kiss quickly then go to their classes. Raven pops his neck and jogs to his class. As I start walking to my first class, Algebra 2, I sense Velon's energy following me. I turn around and see Velon a few feet behind me. "Why are you following me?" I ask. Velon's laughs and smiles. "Have you forgotten already? I told you I have all my classes with you. I just don't know where the classes are." Velon says with a grin. As he grins I hear girls whispering behind me. "The new kid is cute." A girl says as she and her friends giggle and walk by us. They all watch Velon as the walk by. Velon doesn't pay attention to them and rubs the back of his neck. "Come on Kai, let's get to class. I don't want to be late on my first day." Velon says as I sigh and start walking to class. As I walk into class I see another new teacher. "I swear, it's like they have a new teacher every week here." I mumble as I walk to my seat. Vic is already in her seat. She smiles as I sit down. "You just don't like school, do you?" She asks as I sigh. "No, I really don't like the breeding ground for ignorance and bullshit." I reply as Velon walks in. Vic glares at Velon as he sits next to me. "It's ok Vic, he's cool. He's not gonna hurt anyone." I say as a kid approaches Velon. "Hey, that's my seat, dumbass." The kid says as he pushes Velon's shoulder back. "I might've spoken to soon on the 'not hurting anyone' part." I say as Velon stares at the kid. "Is this the seat the teacher told you that you absolutely had to sit in?" Velon asks. The kids shakes his head. "No you dumbass! I just always sit there." The kid says in a menacing tone. "I wouldn't act tough, kid. And don't call the person that's smarter than you a dumbass, it makes you look like an adopate." Velon says with a smile. "What the hell is an adopate?" The kid asks, almost begging Velon to insult him. "It means moron, or in your tongue, 'bigger dumbass'." Velon says as the kid slams his hand down on the desk. "Get out of that desk before I kick your ass all over this room! I'll make you beg for mercy!" The kid yells as Velon stands up and smiles. "You couldn't hurt me if you wanted to." Velon says as some of the kids friends start getting around Velon. Velon smiles and pops his neck. "If you want an early funeral, just say so." Velon says as the kids get closer to him. "Should we intervene?" Vic asks. "No, I think he has this handled." I reply. As the kids start to jump on Velon the teacher yells. "Back off! Ganging up on a kid, shame on you." The teacher yells. The kids disregard the teacher and jump on Velon. I hear a loud sigh and the 5 kids that jumped on Velon get knocked back in all directions. Velon's rubs the back of his neck and sighs even louder. "All 5 of you are pathetic, I told you that you couldn't hurt me. Even if you wanted to." Velon says as he starts to sit back down. Suddenly a kid runs up behind Velon and stabs his pencil into Velon's shoulder. Velon looks over at the pencil jammed into his shoulder then looks at the student who stabbed him. I notice all the girls in the class are shocked. Velon slowly stands up and turns to the kid that stabbed him. Velon slowly pulls the pencil out and looks at it. As blood drips from the end of the pencil, Velon stares at the kid that stabbed him. As the first drop of blood hits the floor, Velon grabs the kid by the throat and pins him to the floor. "Stab me one more time, I don't mind ripping you apart." Velon says as he lets the kid go. The kid stands up then runs out the front door crying. "Coward." Velon mumbles as the teacher stares at Velon. "Well, I can't say I didn't give them a slight warning." The teacher says as he picks up a phone by his desk. "There was a fight in my class, send the school guard to come check it out. Some kids jumped on the new kid." The teacher says as he puts the phone down. After a few minutes the classroom door opens and Raven walks in. He's the school guard? Oddly enough, that makes alot of sense. I think as Raven look at Vic, Velon, and me and sighs. The kids Velon knocked back are sitting against the wall staring at Velon. "Would the kids that jumped on Velon please come with me?" Raven says as he opens the classroom door. The 5 kids Velon knocked back quickly run out the door and wait in the hallway. "Let me guess, it wasn't much of a fight." Raven says as Vic and I nod. "Thought so, since they look bruised and beat up and Velon doesn't have a single injury on him." Raven says as he walks into the hall and closes the door behind him. The teacher stands up and walks in front of the class. "Ok class, you don't know me so let me introduce myself. My name is Kevin Northwood." He says as he writes his name on the board. I see he has short brown hair, a black suit on, and black dress pants. He sure dresses fancy. I think as he grabs a practice sheet from his desk. He hands it out. "I want this done and turned in by the end of class." He says as I let my head fall onto the desk. My head hitting the desk causes a large bang. After a few minutes I see Velon get up and turn it in. "Are you sure these answers are right?" The teacher asks Velon and Velon sits down. "Nope, I just put down answers that looked wrong." Velon says sarcastically. I look at the sheet and notice it's over congruent shapes. No wonder he got done so quick, this is easy. I think as I quickly do the sheet and turn it in. Vic turns hers in a few seconds after I turn mine in. I lay my head down and dose off. I jump up as the bell rings to go to our next class. "Come on Kai, we gotta go to biology 2." Velon says as he starts walking toward the door.

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