Sinclair's Persistence

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As I open my eyes I stare up at a grey ceiling. For a moment I feel dizzy then I sit up and shake my head. "What happened?" I mumble to myself as I try to remember everything that happened. Suddenly all my memories come flowing back. I grit my teeth thinking about Sinclair. "We barely escaped her." I whisper as I look around the room. There is a few chairs and a book shelf beside a window. I walk to the only door in the room and on it. As I do, I see Gale and Zen talking. They look to me and Gale smiles. "Are you feeling any better? You were pretty banged up when we found you." Gale asks as Zen stares at me. "Years I'm fine, where's Velon?" I ask as Zen shrugs. "I don't know, when we found you he was sitting next to you. He didn't look injured too badly, but he had a few scratches. I'm more interested in what did you fight to hurt you 2 at all?" Zen asks as I sigh. "When we teleported back to the human world I found my mother dead." I say as I pause for a moment. "She was killed by a woman named Sinclair. Sinclair Mercer. She was talking about how all demons needed to be destroyed." I say as Zen stares at me. "So let me get this straight, you were beaten up, by a mortal girl?" Zen asks as he laughs slightly. "I expected more from you." Zen says as I stare at him. "I didn't want to have to unleash a lot of power and risk destroying a city." I reply as he shakes his head. "Whatever, but you should rest, you're still weaker than normal." Zen says as Gale nods. "Yea, it took nearly 20 demons and myself to overpower that energy that was running around inside you. It was neutralizing any energy beside it's own. It was a lot harder than it should've been." Gale says as she looks to Zen. "That Sinclair person, she is definitly not human." Gale says as Zen smirks. "Well anycase, you should get some rest. Recover your str-" Zen suddenly stops talking as we all feel a massive energy signature. Gale summons a black ring and we look into it. We see Sinclair walking through a portal several miles away. "Who is that?" Zen mumbles as Gale shrugs. My eyes widen as I see her pulling a demon behind her on a leash and 10 soldiers behind it. "That's Sinclair." I whisper. Zen looks to me. "So that's Sinclair, she doesn't look to tough. Her energy level definitely says otherwise though." Zen says as Gale shushes us. "If she speaks, we can hear her through this. We are in my sector of hell after all, I can control this area a little." Gale says as Sinclair laughs. "So this is the infamous hell. I'm quite disappointed. I expected thousands upon thousands of demons to be here. This place seems pretty vacant." Sinclair says as the demon on the leash looks to her. "Oh right." Sinclair mumbles. "I will release you from your imprisonment now." Sinclair says as the demon smiles. She quickly summons a weapon to her hand and shoots the demon in the head. "She can summon guns? That's an interesting skill." Zen whispers as I nod. "Her energy attack is what hurt me the most. It was her energy that was overwhelming all other types." I say as Gale growls. "Her presence makes me feel sick. I can feel just how much she loves killing demons. She's a sicko." Gale says as Sinclair suddenly summons a sniper rifle. "What is she planning?" Zen asks as she suddenly turns sideways and closes her eyes. She smiles and points the sniper rifle right toward us. "There's no way she could hit us." Zen says as a bullet rips through the wall and hits Zen in the shoulder. The bullet knocks him to the wall. "What the hell!?" Zen yells as he stands up. In the ring we hear Sinclair laughing. "Come on guys, this shouldn't take long." Sinclair says as she pops her neck. This is bad, can we hold our own? I feel like we could but I don't want to kill her. It would probably make me the main target by all of the DHC, and some of them might have skills that I couldn't beat. Damnit, what should I do?! I think as Zen taps my shoulder. "Come on Kai, let's teach this bitch a lesson." Zen says as he summons a sword. Gale stands in front of us as Sinclair appears 5 feet away smiling. "Hello demon scum, it wasn't as hard as you'd believe to find you. It turns out I have the ability to teleport between dimensions too. I don't think I should reveal how I found out though." Sinclair says as Gale looks back at us. "I'll hold her off, you two get out of here! If you stay here we'll all be injured. Trust me, run!" Gale yells as Zen sighs. "Damnit, fine Gale, but you better not lose. Come on Kai, let's get out of here." Zen says as he makes a portal. He grabs my collar and jumps through. I see Gale lunge toward Sinclair as we teleport away. As we appear in the human world I look around. I'm at a loss of breath when I notice we teleported into the middle of a military base. Hundreds of soldiers surround us and aim toward us. Suddenly Sinclair appears in front of us and smiles. "Oh, what's wrong? You look to surprised? You should know that humans are a lot smarter than demons. You're kind have been pushing us around for too long. It's time the human race start wiping you demonic scum off the face of the planet!" Sinclair yells as all the soldiers around start cheering and readying to fire at us.

Of Angels and DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora