「Chapter 30」

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After you finished washing, you attempted to wake up Jungkook. Yeah, it took you a minute or two, but you eventually got him up. While he was getting himself together, you decided to make breakfast for everyone. Some good ol' eggs and bacon, with a pancake each, could've filled everyone's bellies. As soon as you had gotten started with the eggs, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Jungkook? You took your shower so quickly?" You asked, assuming it was him.

"It's me," Taehyung said.

When you heard that, you began to grumble. "I've seen more of you than needed." With a roll of your eyes, you scraped the eggs onto 3 plates that laid beside you.

Taehyung walked through the living room, scratching the belly that was scratching right back at him. "Something smells good. You cooking breakfast?"


"When will it be finished?" he came wandering into the kitchen and ended up leaning over your shoulder.

"Just sit down and wait," you said with a stern tone.

Taehyung could tell that you were obviously still upset about everything, but he smirked with the idea that suddenly popped into his head. "Like what you saw?" he teased, walking away from you.

You whipped your head around towards him, "excuse me?!"

"You heard me," he took a seat at the counter. "You were standing there for so long, that I thought you were mesmerized by it."

You were in such shock that you were brought to speechless. "You--I--It's not like that!" You declared with heated cheeks.

"Is that eggs and bacon?" Jungkook was finally making his way down, fully dressed and ready to head out. You were so caught up in Taehyung's teasing, that you barely noticed him walk in.

"I'll be sure to tell Jungkookie all about the little show you had." It was then confirmed that the cute rectangular smile was being worn by a true little shit.

Your teeth became clenched. "You're the scum of the Earth," you spat, before snapping your head back to the pan.

Taehyung just grinned like a devious little bastard, while Jungkook pulled up a seat across from him. The 2 young men continued to wait for the breakfast their empty bellies were craving for. Once everything was finished, you set the table and pulled up a seat beside Jungkook.

"It looks good," Jungkook said, picking up his fork.

"Thanks," you kept your eyes towards your plate.

"Jiyeong, are you okay? Did you get a good sleep?" he asked.

"Yup..." you continued with your short responses.

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