「Chapter 63」

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A/N: Decided to make this one a bit more lengthy for you guys. This thing is near 3000 words. I haven't written 3000 words in a long time. I was going to make it longer, but then that would have been too long. Like 4000+ (guilty of doing so in the past though)

Once Minji got inside, she got herself a little snack from the kitchen and went upstairs into her room. As soon as she thought about getting the textbook to read, Minji rolled her eyes. "I forgot to take the damn book back." No matter though, Minji still had some things that she could read. Anything to keep her mind from the bad.

Before taking a seat at her desk, she pulled a book from her bookshelf and cracked it open. For at least 20 minutes, Minji was in a good place; enjoying the quietness of her space and feeling well, but for some reason, all of sudden, she wasn't feeling the greatest. Her stomach was beginning to feel upset and her head feeling dizzy the same time. "Maybe I should get some rest." She walked to her bed and laid herself down in a fetal position.

But no longer than 20 seconds passed by before Minji heard her phone ringing. She reached over to the nightstand and picked up the smartphone to answer Jimin's facetime call. "Sunbae did you actually bring my textbook home?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to give it back. But now that I think about it, it's best that I keep it with me. I guess this is working out for you as well, huh? You're finally resting."

"It's not because I don't have the textbook with me though. I was reading a book up until a minute ago before I started feeling nauseous and a tad bit dizzy."

"Well, your body's finally taking demands for you to rest from you now. I hope you don't go against it."

"Are you kidding? I'm staying in this bed until tomorrow morning."

"Should I bring you some medicine?"

"There's no need for you to do that. You're already home, right?"

"Yeah, but if it's for you," a tint of blush rose up on his cheeks, "I don't mind going back out again."

"Like I said, you don't need to--" Just then, Minji started feeling a harsh rumbling going on in her stomach.

"Minji?" Jimin called, as he watched her space out for a couple of seconds. "You okay?" The answer to his question was given as soon as she dropped her phone and disappeared.

"Not good!" Minji was on her feet and off towards the bathroom as if her life was on the line. As soon as she opened up the toilet seat, she spewed up everything that she ate today, yesterday, and maybe even from the day before.

"What the--" She was interrupted by her gag reflexes once more. "What's going on?" She wiped the sweat from her brow with confusion circling around. "Maybe--maybe my period is just starting up," she nodded to herself, thinking that, that had to be the reason. "But, throwing and feeling sick right before it?" Minji pulled the toilet seat back down and rest her arm on it. All the young girl could do was sigh.

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