The Side Woman ~Yongbin~

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"This is Y/N. She will be your personal assistant, Yongbin. She is a skilled worker. She maybe a bit younger than you, but nonetheless a hard worker."

"Thanks manger hyung."

"Your welcome. I'll leave you to it."

I stood there, just facing him. He got up.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked me.

"SF9's Yongbin. You are the leader. You mostly dance and you are a sub-vocal. I read your file the company provided-"

"Hey, you're smart. I like that."

Did he just interrupt me? Rude?

"You're pretty too. Wonder if the other members have cute P.As. Though, I doubt it. Other than Taeyang's little sister, I think that you'll be the next cutest."

He walked to the door, but turned back to me and smiled.

"Just call me Yongbin by the way. Follow me," He motioned.

I nodded and walked behind him.

This is going to be an interesting job.

That night I went over to my friend's house. She got me the job. She's a personal assistant for her brother, Taeyang. They are literal sibling goals though. Anyways, we went to her room.

"So, how was the first day?!" She pulled me to the bed.

We sat, facing one another. We usually do this almost everyday.

"It wasn't too bad, Byul. I got Yongbin-"

"Thats the guy I told them not to give you! Ugh~" she groaned standing up.


She sat down.

"He has a girlfriend, and let me just say she's a hot mess. She's all fake, like she is naturally pretty, but her attitude is so fake. One time she slapped me for being "too close" to Yongbin, and turned around when the guys came. She cried claiming I hit her. It wasn't till Taeyang saw my face bruised that they believed me."

"What? You have never hit anyone before. Your brother didn't believe you? Last time I checked, you didn't want to build a fire because you were worried for all the parents of the dead trees," I teased.

She pushed me.

"Yah! I was 5 years old!"

"Okay okay. I was just saying. Plus, you hate cussing," I laughed.

"Anyways, if the guys don't take good care of you when I'm not there, and if that girl comes around, tell me. Okay?"

I just nodded.

"I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea," I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"She will because she's a jealous little butt munch. She's a witch!" Byul stated.

-Next day-

"How come they gave you a girl?! WHY DID THEY GIVE YOU A GIRL AS YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT! THEY COULD'VE GIVEN YOU A GUY!" The girl squealed at her boyfriend.

"Calm down. She's Byul's friend. You know that one you slapped because you thought that she was "flirting" with me. By the way, I'm still not happy you slapped her for no reason. She's Taeyang's little sister. "

I just sat there with his schedule and program scripts. I listened while organizing.

"That bitch WAS pulling a move on you! Just because she's Taeyang's little sister doesn't mean that she can't flirt," she argued back.

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