Chapter six: I need to sleep

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''It's a little freakier than I remember from the story.'' 

''Reminds me of death.'' Lilith replied, looking at the top of the bean stock. 

''Encouraging.'' Snow replied, looking back at Lillian who was standing next to Hook. Looking at the top.

''Well, your compass awaits.''He turned to Lily and gave her a soft smile. ''Shall we?'' 

''Wait. If these beans  ... create ... portals.'' She turned to Snow, who gave her a soft nod. ''Why not pick one and go home? Why the compass?''

'''Because there aren't any more beans. Whatever story you know, my dear, is most certainty wrong.''

''There was a guy named Jack and a cow and something about an evil giant with a treasure and a golden goose. Or harp.''

''Sounds like a lovely tale.'' He paused, looking at the five woman in front of him. ''But the truth's a little bit more gruesome. The giants grew the beans, but rather than use them for good, they used them to plunder all the lands.''

''Jack was a ma who fought a terrible war, defeating all but one of the evil giants. The beans were destroyed by the giants as they died. If they couldn't have their magic, then nobody could. It's really bad form.'' All of them frowned at Lillian as she told the tale. ''What? I was there.''

''Evil giants who made magic portal beans?'' She looked at Lily and Hook, both of them gave a nod as conformation. ''Why doesn't anyone just go up and grow some more?'' She smirked, tilting her head at Killian, thinking she had it all figured out.

''Because one giant survived -- the strongest ad most terrible of them all. And we'll have to get past him to --''

''The magic compass.''

''Indeed. The treasure remains, and amongst it is the compass. Now it will guide us to your land. Cora has the means to open a portal with the wardrobe ashes, but she can't find your land without the compass. Once we get it, steal the ashes from her and we're on our way.'' Lillian, Emma and Mary Margret turned to one another before Mulan spoke up. 

''How do we know you're not just using us to get the compass for Cora?'' 

''Because you five are far safer company.'' Lilith let out a small laugh.

''Are you sure about that?'' 

''All I need is a ride back. I'll swear allegiance to whomever gets me there first.'' 

''Then we'd better start climbing.'' Snow turned to her daughter shaking her head at her as Lillian took a step forward, untying Hook's hands, looking straight into his eyes as her own started to glow red. 

''If something happens to her, I'll come up and personally make sure you will die.'' She than waved her hands over the bean stock. ''You can go up now. Good luck Emma.'' 

------------Once upon a time------------

''Lilith, wake up dear.''  Lilith opened her eyes as she watched Charming standing next to her, smiling as he showed an empty box. She smiled brightly as she hugged him.

''I told you she would say yes.'' He gave a small nod as she hugged him again. He lifted her out of her bed and showed her a dress. 

''I know so I wanted to ask you ... will you be our bridesmaid?'' She stared at him, than at the dress, than back at him. She gave a slight nod and bowed.

''It would be my honor your majesty.'' 

------------Once upon a time------------

''What is that?'' Lily looked up when Mulan was drawing some kind of clock, she walked towards Snow, Aurora and Mulan.

''It keeps the time.''

''You have somewhere to be?'' Snow asked her, frowning as she looked at the bean stock.

''We can mark watches, take turns sleeping . We'll most likely have to walk through the night again so we should rest while we can.'' Lillian yawned at that very moment, she hadn't slept in a few days and she was exhausted. 

''I'll take first shift.'' Mary Margret told her, looking at Lillian.

''I'll stay with you.'' Lily gave a small nod, walking towards one of the trees and laid under it, trying to get a few hours of rest. 

She woke up to a loud sound.

''Ten hours, she may already be dead.''

''Stop!'' Lillian ran to the, pulling Snow and Mulan apart.

''Stop!'' Emma yelled at them, jumping down next to her mother. Lillian's head was spinning, she got dizzy as soon as she heard Emma's loud voice. 

''Lillian? Are you alright?'' She shook her head before her body gave up, and she fell unconscious.

So, I decided to upload this chapter because it is pretty short, and in honor of this being Peter Pan and Lilith's anniversary. I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter and i'll upload this Saturday. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow or leave a suggestion/theory for my story! 

-X Violets-library

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