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Lilith sat in the tree house as her legs dangled from the edge, her arms resting on the lower bar of the wooden fence surrounding the tree house as she rested her head onto her tanned arms, her blue eyes went to the side as a frame of Peter Pan appeared next to her. She smiled as he sat down next to her, resting his head on her shoulder as he looked at the island he lived on.

''The boys are getting restless again.'' Lilith commented as she looked down to the ground below them. The Lost Boys were once again chasing Ruffio around the woods, even Baelfire had joined them in the hunt for Ruffio.

''I know.'' He lifted his head from her shoulder as he turned towards her, giving her a soft kiss. ''I don't think Ruffio will hold out much longer, will he?'' Lily chuckled as she shook her head. She stood up on the wooden planks as she lifted her hands to her mouth, her magic making her voice louder.

''BOYS!'' Everyone stopped in their tracks as they looked up to the tree house, some looking fearful while Ruffio looked relieved to finally be able to stop running. She smirked as she lowered her hands from her mouth, appearing in front of them as she turned to Felix. ''Don't you have better jobs for them?'' He nodded at her, looking up to Pan and lifting up his hand as an apology to his leader before waving the boys over to the center of camp as Peter smirked, waving his hand over himself as he appeared behind Lily, kissing the spot behind her ear as she pushed him away.

''Peter.'' She said in a knock it off tone as he sighed and put his arms around her waist, his green eyes looking at the boys leaving the premonitory around the tree house. he waved his hand through his light brown hair before playing with the end of her ponytail before kissing behind her ear again, making her shove it slightly as she held a small smirk on her lips.

''I knew you liked it.''

''Come on, we have stuff to do as well, before they think we're making out.''

''Are we not?'' She smirked before turning herself around in his arms, throwing her arms over his shoulders as she leaned it, only to stop a mere centimetre from his lips.

''No.'' Before he could grab onto her arm she had already ran after Baelfire. He couldn't help but let his lips form into a smile before rushing after the girl he began to fall in love with.

Lillian sat in her window seat looking out to the town of Storybrooke. A book of the original fairy tales on her lap, the page of Peter Pan's story on display, she smirked slightly as she looked at the boy in the pictures and thought of her version of Peter Pan, the boy she loved.

When she heard the front door open she tugged the book away, taking her hair out of the braid she made not too long ago. Rumple hated it when she looked like the so called ''Tiger Lily'', a nickname that Peter had given her. She untangled her hair as she got up from where she was sitting, opening up her bedroom door and walking downstairs, frowning when Rumple was nowhere in sight.

''Rumple?'' She called out to an silent voice, nobody answering her back. She turned back to the door that was opened slightly. She walked over as she pushed it close, locking the door behind her as she straightened herself. ''Whoever is in here, I suggest you reveal yourself now and I won't kill you!''

''Well geez Tiger, killing?'' She chuckled as the form of Peter came around the corner, opening his arms so she could rush into his arms, smiling as he kissed the top of her black, -now- straight hair before she pulled back. It had been a month or so since she had last seen him and she had almost forgotten those gorgeous green eyes and how amazing they were when he gazed into hers.

She pressed her lips into a smile before pulling him into a kiss, resting against him as her arms rested on his shoulders, her fingers playing with the small hairs in his neck as his hands were resting on her lower back, sending a shock through her spine as she pulled him in closer.

She had to pull herself away from the boy as she rested her head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart pumping blood and magic through his body he smiled at her as he pushed her off softly. ''Even though I love this moment, I don't have much time Tiger.'' He gave her a sad smile as she gave a soft nod.

''I know and I miss you already.'' Her eyes widened in realization. ''How much magic does this take you? You don't have a lot to spare.''

''You are worth it.'' She gave a smile before the door behind her opened, making the boy disappear into thin air as she closed her eyes, making her blush go away before turning around.

''Hey Rumple.''

Lillian had her head on Peter's lap as they sat on Baelfire's couch. Her blue eyes were closed as she was half-asleep and half-awake. Small, soft snores sometimes left her mouth as Peter's pale hand waved through her dark curls, holding a book in his other hand as he struggled with turning the page, not wanting to startle his girlfriend. He used his thumb to turn the page, hearing a soft chuckle from the kitchen. He leaned his body back to be able to see Baelfire, a soft glare going towards the older -looking- man.

Baelfire had walked towards them, the footsteps leading to Lillian opening one eye before closing it again, not paying much attention to her brother. He placed down three mugs, Peter giving him a grateful smile as he passed it to him. Peter put his bookmark in the book as he took the mug with his hand, quickly switching to his other hand as it was too hot to hold.

''Whoops sorry.'' Neal answered with a small laugh, earning a hard-core glare from the teenage looking boy.

''You did that on purpose.''

''Would never.'' Lillian gave a small moan as she opened her eyes, yawning as she sat herself up, Peter's arm going around her shoulders as she leaned her body against his. She had been up all night helping Rumple with a spell that took a lot of magic out of her. Baelfire passed her the mug, giving a small smile as she chuckled, taking the mug of caffeine into her hands as she took small sips, careful not to burn her tongue.

''How long did it take for it to work?''

''It didn't.'' She answered coldly, annoyed with herself that she couldn't make the spell work. ''We ended up with giving up on it,'' She took another sip before taking the mug away from her mouth, looking between the two boys. ''we're trying again tonight.''

''You'll get it right this time.'' Peter answered as he pulled her closer, quickly pecking her lips in a comforting matter, making the girl smile as she leaned against Peter again, spilling a bit of coffee onto the couch, making it disappear in an instance as she waved her golden hand over it. She yawned again as Peter chuckled.

''Maybe get some actual sleep?'' He chuckled at himself as he took the mug away from her. ''Instead of getting high on caffeine.''

She took the mug from him again, shaking her head as she gulped the coffee in an one go. ''I've been high on caffeine ever since the curse hit us, I've gotten good at it.'' Baelfire chuckled as he held up his mug.

''cheers to that.'' Lily gave a small yawn as she had placed down the empty mug on the coffee table, her eyes looking rather puffy as Peter pulled her back.

''Get some sleep,'' When she made no move to go to sleep, he tilted his head at her, ''please?'' She gave a soft nod as she lowers herself flat on the couch, her head resting on Peter's lap again, almost instantly falling asleep.

Peter smiled as he waved his hand through her hair again, Baelfire only now noticing the small glimmer of magic over it. He gave the boy a grateful smile as he turned the tv on, leaning back in his seat and glancing at his sister, smiling before he turned away from the couple again.

The dark Lilith [OUAT Peter Pan X oc]Where stories live. Discover now