chapter thirteen: Charnabog

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To say that the lost of Rumple and Robin was hard on Lily was an understatement. She took it very hard, never the less, she wanted to live her life. She was no longer just Rumple's assistant, she was her own person. 

It was six weeks later and Peter had helped her a lot. He was making her breakfast every single morning and kissed her awake. Her eyes fluttered as he kissed her good morning again. She smiled as she sat herself up straight, pulling the covers aside so he could join her.  

As they started breakfast, they called Baelfire goodbye as he called upstairs that he was leaving to go to his work. They smiled as Peter kissed her on the lips, taking the tray back to the kitchen as she started to get ready for the day. 

--------Once upon a time--------

''Lilith, wake up please.'' 

''Leave me alone David, I just want to curl up, and sleep.''  She turned her back on him, not even bothering to open her eyes. The day before, she had been fighting off a lot of the guards of the Evil queen. And to say the least, she did not come unharmed. 

Her arm was twisted in an odd position, her leg had been cut open and her left eye was swollen. She could only think of what would have happened if Peter was there, he would have killed every single person who even tried to come near her.

--------Once upon a time--------

''I got it.'' Lillian and Peter ushered everyone -Which included, Emma, Belle, Hook, Baelfire and Mary Margret- back, Lily had told him what this hat could do and now that Regina was letting something out, the two of them wanted to be ready just in case. Keeping their magic ready in their hands, in case they needed to use it. 

The faeries were unleashed,v Lillian smirked at their expression, they were shocked to learn that it was Regina who saved them, and not Emma or the other members of the charming family. Lily looked at the hat, seeing something black escape from it. Not thinking much of it, she shook her head and rested it against Peter's chest. 

--------Once upon a time--------

''You really think so?''

''Well there is something wrong with her, Snow, she doesn't want to get out of bed and all I hear her talk about is Peter Pan.'' David and Snow were talking outside of the sorceress' room. They were becoming concerned for the young girl.

Her mentor had been locked up a few weeks ago and she was badly injured. They were afraid of the girl developing an unhealthy relationship with her bed. Snow peeked inside of the room, seeing the girl curled up in her bed, holding a pillow close to her stomach.

''Whatever this is, she needs help.'' She looked at her fiance and sighed. ''She needs a parent.'' 

--------Once upon a time--------

Having put on her old Tiger Lily dress, Lillian and Peter arrived at Granny's for the party. He took her coat as Henry walked up to them, hugging Lillian hello before finding both of his mothers. Lily gave a small wave to her cousin who was chatting with Emma, he smiled back at her and gave Peter a soft nod before returning to his conversation. 

Peter and Lily were having a great time together, for the first time in six weeks, they felt somewhat normal. That was until the ground started to shake and the lights in Granny's went of. They heard a weird growling as they grabbed each others hand, walking outside to find out what was going on.

The growling was a black sort like giant bat. Lily instantly recognized it, as she hat put it in the hat in the first place. 

''What the bloody hell is that?''

''That -- is a problem.'' As everyone else took cover, Lillian held her arms up, summoning all of her magic out of her body onto the beast, being joined by Emma and Regina. As the beast disappeared, her head started to sway in different directions. Peter caught her on her lower back as she gave a slight nod, indicating that she was alright. 

''That was easy.''

''Don't get excited savior, that only stunned it. And when Lily wants something dead, normally it is.'' Peter held his hand on her lower back, allowing her to lean back a bit as she still couldn't understand how the creature wasn't dead. But more importantly, why it didn't go after herself.

''That creature is called a charnabog it goes after what had the most potential for darkness, I don't get why it didn't go straight for me.'' Lillian was pacing around the loft where Mary Margret and David were still sitting. 

As the phone rang, she looked up to the couple. Mary muttered something until Lily and David walked up to her. ''What is it?''

''Emma and Regina found a way to get rid of the charnabog.''

''Okay ... why aren't you smiling?''

''Because Cruella and Ursula are here.'' Their eyes widened as they ran outside, leaving Lillian alone in the loft, not understanding why it was such a horrible decision.

Lillian arrived back at the house, collapsing onto the couch as she quickly grabbed a bucket. She threw up, holding her stomach, her eyes widening in realization. Fear hit her withing the second, shaking her head furiously. 

''Are you alight love, is it magic again?''

''I'm afraid not Peter ... '' 

So ... why is Lily throwing up this time? I hope you'll figure it out and please let me know what you think about it. Also leave a vote, another comment and maybe another theory. I'll see you on Tuesday! 

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