Chapter eleven: Sidney and Regina

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Lillian ran after Henry who was riding on his bike. They passed Emma who greeted them but they went by her like she wasn't even there. 

''The storm! Would my book still be here?'' Lillian and Henry both started to dig in the ground near the castle. 

''Why would you hide it here? Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough?'' Lillian shook her head and opened the small suitcase. 

''That is the first place she would look for it.'' Henry explained to his mother while Lily got the book out of the suitcase and flipped through the pages. 

''Then why not leave it with me or Lillian?'' Lily put the book back and started to throw the sand over it again. 

''Too predictable. And she doesn't come here any-'' 

 ''Henry! What are you doing here? You are supposed to be with Archie. Of course he is with you, Henry, car. Now.'' Lillian looked up to the mayor and dusted her pants before standing next to Emma.

''Isn't it your job to look after him?'' she shook her head and smirked. 

''These hours aren't my working hours Regina.'' Regina sighed and tilted her head, looking back at the blond woman. 

''You let him play here? Can you fix his scull if something in here falls on him? Take some responsibility and don't let him be here anymore.'' She glanced at Lillian and Emma again before walking away to her car, turning back one more time. 

''Don't let your feeling cloud your judgement. Both of you.'' She then stepped in the car and drove away. 

''She is beginning to work on my nerves even more.''

-----------------------------Once upon a time-------------------------------

The dark Lilith fell to the ground on the island that bloody shadow brought her to. 

''A girl? That is something new.'' She looked up to see a tall boy looking at her. She frowned and brought herself to her knees. He eyed her and rook a step towards her while he tilted his head at her. 

''Where the bloody hell am I, and why am I here?'' He offered his hand and pulled her onto her feet. 

''You're in a place called Neverland, why the shadow brought you here, I have no clue. Pan must have something up his sleeve.'' She tilted her head, she heard of the infamous Peter Pan before but she never had the change to actually meet him in person. The boy then grabbed her arm, it took her by surprise and she started to heat her arm up. He screamed in pain and looked at his burning hand. 

''Magic... I'll be sorry for this than.'' He hit her on her head, letting her fall to the ground, unconscious.

She woke up a few minutes later, a boy looking over her. 

''It's about time you woke up love.'' Lilith rose to her feet in a matter of seconds, sending a fireball at the boy looking at her. He simply moved his hand, making the fireball disappear. She looked with shock at the boy before she fell to the ground, gasping for air. She put her hands over her lungs, as soon as they started to glow she was able to breathe again. She looked up to the green eyes staring at her. 

''Why am I here!?'' She demanded. The boy smirked and brushed his hair with his own hand. He then walked up to her and lifted her face. 

''You have fire... I like fire. I once told you that you belonged here, that you belonged to me. And I'm going to make you remember.'' Lilith looked at him, tilted her head and frowned. 

The dark Lilith [OUAT Peter Pan X oc]Where stories live. Discover now