Chapter twelve: The underworld

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''Emma, are you okay?'' 

''Yeah, you passed out.'' Lillian in the meantime, looked around herself. She couldn't help but think back to her first time that she was there. A lot of people were going to be angry at her for being able to leave, she couldn't even imagine the faces of Cruella and James.

''Yeah. I'm fine.''

''Good. Because we're here.''

''I don't think we're in Maine anymore.'' Regina stated as she looked around herself, Lillian had to stop herself from chuckling, she knew that if Peter was there he'd come with a statement like: 'is it that obvious?'

''How is this possible? How does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?'' Emma looked towards Regina for answers, but Regina raised her shoulders at her. 

''Your questions are pointless. All that matters is, all these people in this Underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business.'' Just as Gold said those words, Lillian turned her head to see the car with the number plate 'de vil' on it.

''Cruella.'' Emma looked at the car is disbelief, softly turning her head towards Gold and Lillian, knowing that Lillian was to blame for Cruella's death. 

''That's right. And she's here because of Lilith. And I imagine there are many here because of all of us.'' Gold turned to his adoptive daughter, who showed no emotion at all for Cruella. After all, she deserved it after kidnapping Henry. 

''Let's not lollygag.'' Lillian added, looking over to Emma. ''Split up. We'll cover more ground.'' 

''Agreed. The sooner we get out of here, the better.'' Regina stated as she looked at a man, Robin following her closely, studying the man.

Lillian walked into her own house, following the sound of the noise. She frowned as she continued to walk towards her own bedroom which she shared with Peter. 

''Killian? Is that you?'' When the figure turned around, she quickly discovered that it wasn't Killian who was in her bedroom, but it was someone she really didn't want to see while she was there. 


''Tiger Lily.''


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''What -- why are you here?  What kind of unfinished business could you possibly have?'' Lillian took a step back, softly shaking her head at Malcolm. Maybe it was a bit more obvious why he was there, but Lillian just didn't want to admit it. 

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