Chapter eleven: The hooded figure

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''Come on. Keep up. We're gonna find that guy before Emma gets back. The only way she's gonna see that hooded figure is behind bars.'' David, Hook and Lily were walking through the town of Storybrooke, after hearing the news that the hooded figure destined to kill Emma had arrived, the three of them sprung into action. 

''Easy, mate. I thought the plan was to get some shut-eye, kiss Snow back in, recharge.''

''Yeah, well, plans change now that this guy's in town.'' He held up his fingers as he counted the words. ''He changed the queen into a snake. He's powerful, and he wants to kill my daughter.'' He dropped his hand again, Lillian speaking up.

''I'm not gonna let that happen. we're gonna find this guy.''

''Hang on, mate.'' Hook grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at Killian. ''You're usually the level-headed voice of reason.''

''I hate to agree. But I agree.'' Lillian spoke up as she turned to David, sifting her wait to one hip as she looked at him. 

''It's because of me.'' When Lillian and Hook frowned at him, he continued. ''The wish I made to give the Evil Queen what she deserves. It brought him here. It's on me. Now, I am not gonna wake Snow until I fix this. -- If you're not with me.''

''I'm with you, mate. I just hope you know what you're doing.''

''You and me both.'' Lillian spoke up as she followed the two adults again, trying to find the hooded figure, whoever he was. 

--------Once upon a wish realm--------

Henry walked into the cell of the dark Lilith, her standing up as quickly as she could, but sitting down again when she saw the other guards. ''What have I done now?''

''Nothing -- we need your help with something.'' Lilith frowned at him as he explained what had happened to princess Emma and the king and queen. ''Your mentor has escaped as well and you are the only one we know with magic.'' 

''Well ... what's in it for me?''

''How about your freedom?''

--------Once upon a wish realm--------

After David and Hook had given up, Lily and Baelfire decided to go by themselves. They were walking along the town line as they were scanning the woods around them. Belle had called them and told them that the hooded figure was Gideon himself, the half-brother of Bae. 

They were looking around when they heard a soft scoff. Both turning on their heals, they came face to face with the twenty-eight year old, Lillian holding up her arms. 

''I wouldn't try to take another step Gideon.'' 

''Ah, sweet sweet Lillian, my adoptive sister, aren't you? And Baelfire, nice to meet you brother.'' He smirked as the two of them glanced at each other, Lillian still holding up her arms and Baelfire holding up a sword. 

''What do you want from us? We're not Emma.'' 

''No, but you are someone who is standing in the way. That and the fact that our father is somehow able to love both of you, but somehow, I'm second rank. Or should I say third?'' Baelfire and Lillian frowned at him as he laughed. ''Oh come on, Baelfire. It is very obvious that Lillian is more important to him than you are. She's the first rank.'' 

''That isn't true. Rumple loved us both.'' 

''Yes Lily, but he loves you more.'' He motioned to her as he smirked. ''The Dark Lilith. The monster he created himself. Someone who was evil, just like himself. The perfect child.'' After chuckling again, he added the words, ''In his eyes at least.'' 

''Well, I have something to attend. But trust me.'' He pointed at them before lingering his eyes on Lillian. ''I'm not done with you yet.''

He disappeared and Bae and Lily looked at each other. ''Something to attend? What does he mean with that?''

''That Emma's back ... and he's going to kill her.'' The two of them looked at each other before rushing out of the woods, into the town center. 

Arriving at the town center, the others such as Belle, Robin, Regina, Rumple, Peter, David, Hook and Henry arrived as well, staring at Emma as she was battling Gideon, who put each of them into a spell, one similar to Peter when he wanted to kill Belle and Baelfire. It bound all of them onto their spot. 

When Emma got the upper hand, and pushed him onto the ground, a knife close to his throat until Rumple spoke up. 

''Please ... he is my son.'' Gideon scoffed as he looked at his father.

''I don't need your help!'' He than disappeared into thin air, making the spell lift as well, Peter and Lillian rushing to each other and holding each other. 

''Good work, Emma.''

''What happened here? Was that really Gold and Belle's baby?''

''We'll fill you in later.'' Henry commented as David nodded at her. 

''Hopefully, he won't be back for a while.''

''And if he does, he just threatened me, so if he does anything, I've got your back Emma.'' Emma smiled at Lillian and gave her a grateful nod as she hugged the rest of her family, Lillian turning to Rumple and Belle, biting on her lip.

Was Gideon right? Did Rumple actually care more about her than about Bae?

Sorry that I'm one day late, but I wanted to add that conversation between Lily, Bae and Gideon in there! I hope you enjoyed my input into this chapter, please if you enjoyed this, leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! See you next week!

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