Chapter eleven: Hello Peter

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-----Once upon a well-----

''Are we missing something? What is it?'' As Felix turned back to Pan, he frowned at the young body he was hiding in. It made no sense, Peter Pan would never fail.

''The heart of the thing I love most.'' 

''Tiger Lily?'' As he turned towards the forest, ready to walk into it to find her, Peter stopped him. 

''Well, not really ... she is no longer loyal to me ... you on the other hand.''

''No, no, no, no,no!''

''Don't be afraid, be flattered.'' 

-----Once upon a Lillian-----

Walking through the forest, Lillian decided to give up for now, sensing that the curse was almost there, and prepare for battle. Walking towards the pawn shop, she opened it with the key around her neck. Walking inside, she was searching for another way to defeat her boyfriend. 

Pushing aside a few books, she knelled down next to the bookshelf. Frowning as she pulled out a book that she read a very long time ago. Whispering to herself, she looked at the cover. 'the curse of all curses.' 

Biting her lip, she stood up, frowning as the door opened. Revealing the Charming family. She smiled as Henry -still in Peter's body-  approached her. He grabbed her hand as he explained what they'd come up with. They were going to switch Henry and Peter's bodies and use the black fairy's wand. 

Getting Henry for the switching spell, along with protecting the shop from Peter, Lillian was wearing herself thin. Turning her head rapidly, she saw David, Hook, Neal and Tink all walk into the shop. With the wand. 

"She's back! The Blue Fairy, she gave us the wand." Emma glanced at Gold as the three filed in, Neal coming to Belle's side while Lillian stood and glanced at Rumple.

"Do we need anything else?" Rumple nodded and moved to a cabinet, opening it and rifling through the objects before he pulled out a black cuff.

"Only one more item." He passed Lillian and she felt herself weakening, after heaving the cuff on on Neverland, she didn't want to be near it. 

"You still have that thing?" she hissed as Mary Margaret stared at it, her voice wary while Lillian glared hatefully at it. Rumple simply smirked as he held it up and walked towards Henry.

"What is that?"

"This is one of the only useful things I managed to pilfer from Greg and Tamara before they left for Neverland." He moved in front of Henry, ignoring the distasteful glare Regina directed at it. "It renders anyone with magic utterly powerless."

"I haven't forgotten about all that, by the way." Regina glanced at Hook and raised a finger at him as she spoke, seemingly satisfied with his wary nod as he looked back at her.

"Let me see your wrist, Henry." Said boy offered up his wrist, tilting his head as Rumple placed the cuff above the wristband that already adorned the arm.  "I wanna make sure that when my dear old dad awakes, he's weakened." He pointed at the black cuff when Henry glanced from it to him, his face twisted in confusion. "This will block his powers." Henry nodded, his voice weary as he glanced to Rumple.

"What happens now?"

"I enact the spell, you fall into a deep sleep and, when you awake, you're back in your own body." Regina nodded and touched Henry's shoulder as she spoke to him, her voice grave. "And then you hang onto that scroll, and you come find us as fast as you can." Henry nodded as Rumple straightened and moved to Neal.

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