Chapter nineteen: Glamour

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A/N, I was bored so I decided to make a full family tree, including names of Lilith's family. I hope I cleared up her family a bit now, considering how messed up it actually is. 


''Hey, that's cheating!'' Lillian called out as Neal tried to hit her feet. She jumped up as she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

''So is that!'' He called out as both him and Henry charged at her. She laughed as she hit Henry in his chest before moving her sword to Neal's legs. After all of these years she was still as skilled with a sword as with magic. 

Neal looked at the teenager, she looked a lot better in comparison to yesterday. After helping August, Rumple had made her sleep in his house instead of with the Charmings. She looked like she had a good night of rest. 

As Mr. Gold was watching his son, grandson and adoptive daughter, he noticed the mayor walking up next to him. 

''Seems like we both been pushed to the side lines. But then again, what is your son doing with mine?''

''Oh, that. That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement did you?'' Pointing at Baelfire who was currently beat by Lillian and Henry partnering up. ''That is Henry's father.''

''What?'' Regina turned to the three as she looked quite disgusted.

''Do I have to spell it out for you? Ms. Swan and my son--''

''You're Henry's grandfather!?''

''Guess that makes us family.'' Looking back at Henry he smirked. ''He's got my eyes don;t you think?'' Walking away as he turned to Lillian one more time. Noticing the shimmer on her face. The magic was written all over her if you knew her, it was quite obvious to him. The glamour was making her eyes even brighter to hide the bags under her eyes and her smile was just a little bit fuller. At that reminder, he made a mental note to corner her when she was looking better and demand answers about her time on Neverland. With his father. 

--------Once upon a time--------

As Lilith was sitting with Peter to prepare the arrival of Killian and his crew. Peter had sent them out to get a few supplies. And with supplies he meant alcohol. Felix and Darren ran towards the couple, panting as they came to a stop.

Lilith frowned at the two lost boys as Peter stood up, offering his hand to Lilith. Pulling her up to her feet, putting an arm around her waist.

''What has gotten into your pants?'' Lily chuckled at her own question as she looked at the lost boys in front of her.

''Pirates, on the beach side.''

''You mean Killian? We are expecting them.'' Wanting to follow them, the boys shook their heads at her.

''Not Killian, looting pirates.'' 

--------Once upon a time--------

"So," Lillian asked in an undertone, raising a hand to wave goodbye to Henry and Neal. She was careful to keep the painstakingly crafted smile on her lips as long as Neal was in sight. "How much are you going to yell at me?

David chuckled, smiling and copying her movements towards his grandson. Neal was, for the moment, virtually ignored. "Oh, don't be like that. I'll give you a heads up before we really get to it."

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