Chapter thirteen: Hercules

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''It -- It has three heads. Its -- Its teeth can crush your bones with a single bite. And those eyes they burn right through your soul as it finishes you off.'' The girl shuddered just as Lillian walked in along side David and Mary Margret. ''Nothing can defeat this monster.''

''That's not true.I know exactly what this beast is and how we can defeat it.'' Lillian smirked at her own words, she knew this beast very well, and she also knew it's master very well -- Hades. 

--------Once upon a time--------

Lilith knew Hades fairly well, Rumple and Hades were some sort of business partners. Lilith always felt uncomfortable when Hades walked into their castle. He reminded her of her father, and she didn't like it one bit. 

Today was another day where Hades would come to Rumple's castle. Lilith was sitting near the two 'men' as she was spinning strings of hay into gold. She enjoyed spinning gold as it was calming her nerves every single time.

But she did manage to hear Hades tell her mentor a simple sentence.

''Well, I would love to buy the girl from you.'' 

--------Once upon a time--------

''You really think she'll know where he is?'' Emma turned towards Regina and Lillian a bit as they walked into the cafe, Lillian with a smirk on her face as Regina nodded.

''Of course. We need someone who sees everyone.'' She walked up to the bar, resting her arms on it. ''Hey, child-muncher. We're looking for someone.''

''Why should I help you, Regina? You burned me alive.'' The blind witch seemed bored with the four woman in front of her, sighting as she turned her head towards Regina and Lillian. 

''It was Hansel and Gretel.''

''At your behest, and with your fireball.''

''Fine. Fine. But you stole my apple. What do you think happens when you steal from a witch, witch?'' 

''Fair enough.So, who are you looking for?''

''His name's Hercules.'' Mary Margret said as she turned towards Emma, her expression blank.

''You know, from the myths.'' Emma noted, not aware that the witch may not even know what a myth was. The witch chuckled, making Lillian frown.  

''I know who Hercules is. He comes in here on his lunch break every day. And no matter how hard I try to fatten him up, his muscles are always bulging. It's a shame. He'd make a great Sunday roast.''

''Lunch break from where?'' 

''Herc? You don't recognize me, do you?'' Lillian walked behind Snow, she knew Hercules a bit from when they were in the enchanted forest, the two of them actually got along pretty well.

''Snow? Lilith?'' Lillian rushed up to him, hugging him as he rested his head on her shoulder. Snow followed, also hugging the boy before getting a good look at him, frowning as soon as she did, noticing he hadn't aged at all. 

''You're still so young. When -- How did?'' Snow was at a lost for words, she looked at Hercules until he smirked a bit, talking for her. 

''You mean, uh, how did I die? That's, uh That -- That's not important. What are you doing down here? I mean, how did you?'' He looked at Lillian first, even more surprised that she was in the underworld, she had told him that she was immortal after all. 

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