Chapter sixteen: A page

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''Henry, I thought you were gonna use your author powers to get us to defeat Hades.''

''I don't even remember writing this. I just woke up and had it done.'' Lillian looked over Emma's shoulder to see what was on the page, she smiled at Henry as she did so. 

''Okay.It's really well-written.'' Emma commented.

''Yes, and the illustrations are lovely.'''

''Maybe if you focus harder.'' Lily bit her lip when Emma said that, Lillian knew that Henry did not like to get critics on his writing skills. 

''Oh. So you're all authors now? Everyone's a writer. Everyone's got an idea. I'm doing my best.' Maybe if you just laid off for a little bit.''

''Henry, where are you going?'' Regina looked as he walked up the stairs, annoyed with both of his mothers. He did glance back at Lillian, just to let het know she was welcome to join him whenever she wanted, he wasn't angry with her. 


''Well, we officially have a teenager on our hands.''

''You already did. Two even.'' Robin and Killian both chuckled at Lily's joke, shaking their heads at her as she just grinned at them, proud of herself for making such a Peter comment.

''And a visitor in our Underworld apartment.'' Regina looked at the door as they all heard a knock, Emma rushing to the door to open it while Regina and Lillian got ready to attack whoever was on the other side.


''So someone finally did you in.''

''Sorry to disappoint, but I'm very much alive.''

''That's a shame.'' Zelena glared at Lillian, who slumped her shoulders in defeat.

''Then how did you get here?''  

''Through a portal. And I didn't come alone.'' Lillian and Regina glanced at each other, frowning at each other, how did someone open up a portal to the underworld? And how could they do it themselves? 

''Who else is here?''

''Our baby. And she's in danger.'' 

After hearing about a portal, Lillian got hopeful and started to search the entire town. If someone had the power to open a portal, than they may be strong enough to get rid of that gravestone. Her hands were resting in her pockets, a smile tugging on her lips.

''Lilith?'' Lily's eyes widened, that voice, it was so familiar, but she hadn't heard it since she was six. She was starting to turn around, and back around again, trying to figure out if she should look at whoever called her or not. Still not fully knowing if it was who she thought it was. Her eyes started to water as she turned herself around, looking at the man.

''Dad ... ?'' 

When he made a move towards her, she extended her arm at him, shaking her head. ''Stay where you are!'' 

''Why are you here?''

''I'm saving Killian, and now myself as well.'' She looked at her father, regret, hatred, sadness, all of those feelings hit her like a truck. A gold shimmer filled up around her, she needed to get out, soon, or her magic would explode out of her. ''Now leave.'' 

Lillian felt herself starting to shake, her breath was hitchhiking in her throat as water started to pour out of her eyes. Goosebumps worked their way on her arms and her spine.   

''Lilith? What's happening?'' 

''I don't want to kill you, AGAIN.''  She shook her head at herself, trying to shake the words out of her head. ''LEAVE!'' Her magic exploded out of her hands, sending her father into a rock. She was fully crying now, shaking her head. She let herself fall onto the ground as she looked at her father, he was still 'alive', just unconscious. She sat on the cold ground, just weeping. Her father got the best of her again, and now she just wanted Peter to be there, to hold her and tell her it was alright. 

David had been calming Lillian down ever since she walked into the door, crying her eyes out and unable to explain what had gotten her so upset. David held her for a few moment before Robin and Regina returned and Lillian had calmed down a bit, still sniffing but at least she was somewhat able to talk.

''She has your eyes.'' Regina looked over Robin's shoulder and looked at the baby girl in his arms, who was sleeping peacefully. 

''So, does she have a name yet?'' 

''No. Not yet. I can't. Hades can do things with names.'' 

''Like put them on tombstones to keep people from leaving here.'' Regina commented, resting her hand on Lillian's shoulder, she didn't know what got the girl so upset, but if someone got her to cry as much as she did -- Regina needed to be there for her, just like Lily had been there for her. 

''I don't even think it's wise to keep her in this apartment. I mean, what if Zelena changes her mind?''

''I hate to be the one to offer optimism, but it sounds like she was sincere.''

''She was, but that doesn't mean what she knows can't come back to bite us. Robin's taking her to the forest.''

''Honestly, it's the only place I've ever felt really at home.''

''It happened! It happened again! Take a look.'' Henry passed a drawing of Neal to David, and another one of Peter, Luca and Darren with the twins to Lillian, who smiled as soon as she looked at it.

''It's Neal. Why did you write this?'' 

''It's like before. I didn't, or I just don't remember. It just wrote itself. Like it does.''

"The infant son of Snow White and Prince Charming looked up at the tiny glass unicorns as they stirred by the wind.But on this night, he didn't hear the chime of the crystal. Instead, he heard the voices of his mother, Snow White, and his father, Prince Charming. They sang a lullaby until he fell asleep as soundly as if he were in their arms." Emma read to them, smiling at their parents as Lillian still looked at her own page. 

''He heard us. He heard us.''

''Thanks, Henry.''

''I don't know about anyone else, but I am really ready to get back home to my family my whole family.''

''Very much agreed.'' Lillian looked at the picture of Peter, who was placing a kiss on Luna's forehead. Showing it to Regina and David, who each hugged her. 

''No more waiting.We can save ourselves. We're going to take down Hades, and we're going to do it now.'' 

Sorry I'm late ... again. Hopefully you still enjoyed this, and finally, we saw Lillian fully break down. I loved to write about her father after such a long time again, I almost fully forgot about him. Please if you enjoyed the story, leave a vote, comment, follow and maybe even a theory, and I'll see you on Monday! 

-X Violet's-library 

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