Chapter seven

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Hunter had been sitting at Roni's cafe, being bored out of his mind now that Sophie was off with Logan, so he was just talking with Roni to cure his boredom, his eyes roaming to Henry and Jacinda as they practically ran through the door. 

''Hey, Roni.'' When she looked at Henry with a weird look, he frowned at her. ''You okay?''

''Yeah, it's just... overworked and underpaid. -- What can I get you?''

''Two beers, and make it the good stuff, because we are celebrating.''


''Uh, we got the electrical system running on the food truck.''

''Ah.'' Roni chuckled, now understanding why the pair was so happy as she opened the two beer bottles. ''Well, that is good news.''

''I just wish I knew when we were actually gonna make some money. Until I get a steady paycheck again,'' She sighed loudly as she turned to Hunter. ''I don't know when I'm gonna be able to get Lucy back.''

''Why don't you come work for me?'' Roni asked out of the blue, startling all three of the others. 


''Well, I mean, why not? I can use the help. You know, this place has picked up quite a bit since I turned your stepmom down. Finish that drink and grab an apron.''

''Thank you.'' As Henry and Jacinda walked away again, Hunter looked at Roni, his eyes changing when he saw her looking with a longing look. He pursed his lips together as he took a big risk. 

''Regina?'' Her head snapped to him, as if expecting someone else. That reaction alone was enough for him to know she was awake, how she was, he didn't know, but he was sure going to find out. ''You're awake?'' 

''So are you ... '' She looked at him, puzzled. Her eyes roaming over him as her eyes stopped on the green eyes he inhered from his father. ''Liam ... Lillian's child.'' She smiled as she chuckled. ''You've grown.'' 

He nodded as he looked at himself for a moment, frowning when he pointed at her. ''How are you awake?'' 

''I'll explain later, just keep it at that Ivy'' She sighed at herself as she corrected herself. ''Drizella-- woke me up.'' Hunter understood why she couldn't say more as Ivy walked in, he nodded at her as he jumped off his stool and began to work his way home. 

--------Once upon a time--------

Peter and Lillian had stayed in Neverland for a while after the portals were restored, the two of them had taken some of the lost boys with them again, including Darren, Luca, Ruffio and some others. And obviously their twins had gone with them. They wanted the two of them to explore their roots before they returned to the enchanted forest. 

Years later, in Neverland time, the four of them had left the island. The twins had grown up in the enchanted forest for eight years, now full grown teenagers. The lost boys who had left with the couple returned as well and soon, a relationship began to grow between Luca and Luna. Liam had been much more distance from others, staying with his mother mostly. 

So when they knew the curse was going to hit them, Lillian made sure he was safe from it. She had placed multiple spells over his memory, making sure that he was able to know who he was in whatever kind of world they'd end up in. She tried to work her magic on Luna, but for a reason, the spell never stayed on her brain for long, disappearing  within a week. 

After weeks of trying, they had decided to give up. If the curse would hit them, they just had to make sure Luna and Luca were both brought over and would somehow wake each other with a true loves kiss. 

So when the curse had hit them, Liam kept his memories while Luna's disappeared alongside her mother and father. 

--------Once upon a time--------

Sophie had been staring at the picture of herself and Logan all day, she couldn't begin to understand what was going on. She had never seen that picture before, but somehow the names Luna and Luca made sense to her, she didn't know why it did and she couldn't shake it. She took the picture of her grandfather and his family, turning it between her fingers, not noticing the silver shimmer around them. Her eyes landed on the ink on the back.

''Rumple, Belle, Baelfire, Lilith and Gideon.'' She only knew the name Lilith, the nickname her grandfather had given her mother years ago. She sighed as she tucked the pictures under her pillow again, closing her eyes and trying to put her mind somewhere else. 

In the meantime, Hunter was on the other side of town, talking to Roni, or Regina, or ... he didn't even know at this point. 

''Drizella woke me up -- with the point of me making sure that the curse won't break.'' 

''But, that doesn't make sense, you could only push them together ... right?'' 

''Well, that's the point -- if the curse breaks ... Henry will die.'' She sighed as she let her head fall into her hands. ''And next to that ... Rogers or ... Wish Hook found Eloise gardener. Victoria is going to jail and ... Lucy into the system.'' Hunter sighed as he let his head fall into his hands too. 

''This couldn't get much worse.'' 

So, Luna has some magic in here as well. I love to add the small details such as Silver magic (considering that Lillian's was Gold) and the pictures of Luna and Luca and the picture of Rumple's family. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. I'll see you next week! 

-X Violet's-library 

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