To Put an End to a Triangle

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Hiya! I have a new one-shot for you all. It's a Taehyung ship one-shot that is inspired by something I honestly can't remember. I came up with this plot a while back and I just got around to writing it recently, so I can't really remember how I came up with it in the first place. Anyway, usually, I specify which ship the one-shot is centered around, but this one I am keeping it a secret. The reason for that is the story is focused on this idea that Taehyung is in a love triangle and has to figure out which of the guys he likes more. I want you to try to figure it out along with him and see if you guessed correctly who Tae ends up with. I will tell you that the two competitors are Jungkook and Jin, but don't start making assumptions on who he'll choose before reading the story. They both are very compelling boys with each of their own charms. That being said, let's get into the story!

"Okay, okay, I'm here! What's the emergency?!" Jimin exclaims loudly as he bursts into Taehyung's apartment. Namjoon trails behind him with a tired look on his face as he shuts the door and locks it. Taehyung is sitting on the couch in the living room and glances at his friend with a look of relief as he takes a seat beside him. "This!" Taehyung says, shoving his phone in front of Jimin's face. Jimin blinks a couple of times in surprise before slowly reading what is on the screen. "Ah..." Jimin says, nodding his head, "So, this is about Jungkook-ssi and Seokjin-ssi..."

"You called us here cause of boy problems?" Namjoon questions, taking a seat on an armchair next to the couch.

"For the record, I called Jimin," Taehyung states, "Not you."

"Well, you interrupted our date..." Namjoon says.

Taehyung sighs, "I'm sorry. I just didn't know who else to reach out to about this."

"It's fine, Tae," Jimin says, "I'm your best friend and Namjoon is your brother. If you're going through something, we're here to help."

"Thanks," Taehyung says, "It's just that I feel like I need to make a decision. They're both great guys and they're both waiting for me to choose one of them to date. I don't want them to feel like I'm stringing them along..."

"I know exactly how you feel," Jimin says, "And don't worry, I'll help you figure this all out. You helped me when I was trying to figure out my own love triangle. Now, I'll help you out an end to yours..."

"You're amazing, Jiminie," Taehyung says with a smile, "Where would I be without you?"

"That's what best friends are for," Jimin beams.

"Wait a minute....your own love triangle?" Namjoon questions with narrowed eyes, "How come I never knew about this?"

"You're too oblivious for your own good sometimes, hyungie," Taehyung says, "Don't worry though, Jiminie found it endearing. That's why he ultimately chose you."

"Thanks...I think..." Namjoon says, "Who was the other person?"

"Oh....just Yoongi hyung," Jimin says as if it's no big deal.

"Yoongi hyung!" Namjoon exclaims with wide eyes, "You had a thing with him!"

"It's all in the past," Jimin says, brushing it off, "It worked for the best anyway. Yoongi hyung is now happy with Hoseok hyung and I'm happily together with you."

"I still don't understand why I never knew..." Namjoon pouts.

"We'll talk about this later, Joonie," Jimin says before turning to grab his friend's hands and squeezing them, "Right now, TaeTae needs our help figuring out which guy is right for him."

"Do you really think that you can figure it out?" Taehyung asks before explaining in a soft tone, "I've been thinking about it for a while now and I just can't. I like both of them for different reasons. I don't think I can pick one over the other..."

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